A New Me

Hi! I just signed up late last night after surfing Pinterest for inspiration or something to motivate me. Anyhow, I'm a 36 yr old woman, 2 kids, a husband, dog and salamander. I am a TA in a preschool and starting this October I will also be starting some college courses. This is the first year both my kids will be in school full time and I thought this is it or I'm never going to do it. I work 3/4 time so I have 3 afternoons to myself or roughly 2-3 hours on those days to get this butt moving! No excuses anymore.

Since my daughter turned 3 I have steadily gained weight and feel miserable about how I look and I hate how fat and out of shape I feel. I am looking at this as NOT a diet but a lifestyle change because I know I'll be right back where I started if I only make changes until I reach my GW. I plan to set short term goals along the way.

1st Goal: religiously maintain MFP food log
2nd Goal: drink water! Current go days without drinking an actual glass of water, not good.
3rd Goal: start an interval running program so I can run a 5km without stopping
4th Goal: maintain a daily fitness plan no matter what my excuse

I know I can do it I just have to start right? I plan to take all my measurements and print out my goals to pin up above my scale.

Wish me luck and good luck to you others out there working towards a healthier you!


  • mawright1231
    You've got all you need to be successful!! Goals and a plan! You can do it!!! You can add me as a friend if you want. We can support each other.
  • ShareT2
    ShareT2 Posts: 3
    Welcome, you are off to a great start. Remember bumps in your road are bound to happen. Never get discouraged. We all go through it.
  • RunAmock
    RunAmock Posts: 95 Member
    Great goals. Exactly how I started about three years ago. You can do this. I'm down about forty pounds and feel better than I have my entire life. Look into the Couch to 5K program. It works. I couldn't run a minute when I started. Ran four miles last night in the same time my daughter ran three. She's only 22. Good luck. Add me if you want. I'm always ready to encourage and appreciate the same.
  • dreja82
    dreja82 Posts: 43
    You can do it. You have the drive and will get tons of motivational support and tips on here!. Add me if you want I am also doing a running program!