

So, I done my fit test on Wednesday 8th Jan and started the work outs on Friday 10th Jan. Been getting on OK with it, just taking rests when I need to, I'd say I'm managing about 75% of what the people in the DVD are doing.

Anyone at a similar stage and finding the same?

I've been an avid member of Slimming World for a while and have had success but still need to quite a bit of weight an inches so from reading reviews most people suggest not weighing yourself every week. I'm planning on taking measurements again and weighing myself the same days i do my fitness test. Hopefully the change in inches will keep me going. Need to get it out my head of weighing myself every other day!!

Does anyone have any tips for Insanity that's already done the program or further down the line than I am?


Martine x


  • PinkCoconut
    PinkCoconut Posts: 655 Member
    Congrats on doing Insanity! It was the most challenging workout of my life but also the workout I'm most proud of completing!

    I totally agree to step AWAY from the scale while doing Insanity and take photos instead! When I finished up the program I had taken before and after photos. The scale said I GAINED 10 lbs but if you look at the photos it looks as if I LOST 20!

    Also, just do what you can with the workouts and DON'T GIVE UP no matter how hard it gets ('cause it's gonna get harder)!

    Feel free to friend me! :)
  • mawright1231
    I'm on day 10 of Insanity and it's definitely the most intense workout I've ever done, but it is one that you defintely get out of what you put in. If you want the calorie burn, you gotta work. I think I might have found my soul mate workout! lol

    You can add me if you want and we can keep in touch!