

  • Are you eating 1200 and losing weight? If I were you I would up your kcals to around 1500 and then monitor it for a couple of weeks. If you continue to lose then great, if not then drop it to 1400 and see what happens. I eat to my TDEE (ish) and find it much easier to stick to and am losing weight. MFP said I should eat…
  • I have successfully lost good amounts of weight on low cal (just under 100lbs) and low carb (56lbs). The low cal was so restrictive I put a good chunk back on - hence the low carb which came a few years later. I believe that either can be very successful but it all depends on what you are able to commit to long term. I…
  • Hey, good to find some UK people. Please add me x
  • Thank you all so much for your input. I do feel like I am doing the right thing so will carry on for another few weeks and see if the scales or measurements change. I took some photos last week too so I will use those to compare with later. You have all managed to make me feel a bit better about it. I have some body fat…
  • Thanks for the reply. I am constantly sore! So......surely at some point the scales will start to go down - even if I am consistently carry an extra 3/4lbs of water to deal with the DOMS. I am just trying to understand what my body is doing so I can understand if I am doing the right things
  • I have tried to eat clean for the last few months - with limited success. So here I am again. Please add me as I could certainly use some motivation. I have about 40lbs to lose so I am embarking on a long journey!
  • One trick I always do when I am plateauing.....I tend to eat the same type of things for breakfast, lunch and dinner when I am watching my calories as I feel safe that way. When I hit a plateau, for 1 week, I just completely change the foods I eat. I mean literally do not eat 1 thing the same as the previous week. Still…
  • There was an experiment that proved that if you blitzed your meal and added a glass of water to make a thick soup it keeps you fuller for longer. In the experiment one group ate a serving of chicken,rice and veg with a glass of water and were hungry again (and ultrasound scans proved their stomachs were empty) after 2…
  • Mine is always over too, when I started I used to worry about it but figured that as long as I pay attention to cals, carbs and fat then it would all work out ok - and it has done so far. I think its unrealistic to consider cutting out things or making swaps to foods that it is going to be difficult to stick to. Ultimately…
  • I put waashing up liquid on them and in the bowl really quickly to stop me licking it!
  • Brilliant! I am going to go and wedge my body into my dream jeans now to remind myself why I started. I have been really struggling today
  • I have 5. Got a new one last weekend. The words 'Be the change' written in pure white on the top of my back. I am loving the white tattoo thing and am planning more once I see how this one has turned out after it heals. I am quite pale so need to wait to see how much it shoes on my skin
  • sophiebee - 20
  • Very happily single for almost 2 years
  • Its important to me that the man takes care of themselves and makes a bit of an effort. Not to any unreasonable standards - just has a shave, does his hair, trims the necessary and doesnt just let himself go. This is reflected in his weight I think too. If I am making an effort to be healthy and care about my own…
  • Funny how so many people had found the site but had been waiting before they started. I am exactly the same, found the site, literally, months ago but have only now started to do anything about it. Started the May challenge, really enjoying it. Body sculpt with Sean is my favourite so far
  • I couldnt use my door frame either and had no alternative so I skipped it and did another round of the previous 3 instead
  • Ugh, just done day 3 and am feeling it. My stomach muscles have been aching all day so I know they are gonna be feeling it even more in the morning. Am feeling motivated too. Are you guys logging your bodyrock sessions as exercise on your trackers? I dont know what to put it down as, any ideas?
  • I have just finished body flow for day 2. Am a bit nervous about the workout tomorrow though!
  • I set mine on percentages. Overall I want to lose 60% of my starting weight - that is quite daunting but I broke it down into 5% chunks so have small goals to help me get going. 5% alongide the stone and half stone goals definitely helps me
  • CW 181 GW 171 (UGW - 147) I am upping the exercise stakes this month and taking part in the www.mybodyrock.tv 30 day May challenge as well as committing to interval training on the bike 3 times a week.
  • Hiya, Have a look at www.bodyrock.tv they have just started a new 'May 30 day challenge' which includes a beginners intro too. It is 12 minutes a day. I find watching the woman in the videos 6 pack to be enough of a motivator!! Its a fantastic website with loads of workouts that you can do at home. They list some equipment…
  • I love bodyrock!! I have started the May challenge today so done the fitness test and the body flow flexibility test. So will carry on and do it every day for May and see what happens! Annoying that we dont see the vids until a day late though
  • I am on it! SW - 200 CW - 183 GW - 175 UTG - 147 02/05/12 - 183
  • I am 5ft 5, goal weight is around 147lbs. I am 31 (today). As an adult I have never weighed less than 10 stone so dont have any illusions about trying to get below the double figure. Just gonna see how I feel when I get below 11 stone and take it from there. Got a couple of stone to go yet though!!