Go away belly fat!!!

cait0902 Posts: 127 Member
Looking for suggestions on what to do, exercises or programs, in order to burn lots and lots and lots of fat! I'm 24, female, current weight is 165 and I'm looking to lose about 30-40 lbs, most of which is my tummy, love handles, and thighs. I have never really worked out before, in high school I could eat anything and everything and not gain a pound. But now I have two kids and my body just isn't the same. Right now, I'm just looking for something that I can do in the morning for about 30 minutes or so.

I've heard about P90X, but is that too intense for a beginner? I've also heard about Turbo Burn, and Turbo Fire is something I have been thinking about. Any suggestions on these, or something that might work better?

And ALWAYS looking for more motivation and support so feel free to add me!! (I just started this a couple days ago, so any help is appreciated) :happy:


  • kevin3344
    kevin3344 Posts: 702 Member
    Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred...lots of good results on MFP. 20 minutes per workout. $9 or so at Walmart/Target.
  • mangosabayon
    This probably won't be the answer you are looking for.....After kids I was overweight until my youngest was 4 (now 13). I spent the rest of those years sitting at 130-135. I was at the gym lifting weights 2 days/week, rotate running (3-8m miles) and cycling (10-30 miles) 3 days a week, swim 1 day a week and I still had a belly. Small, but still enough to make me want to wear loose fitted clothing. 2 years ago in June I had a tummy tuck, my stomach is flat, in fact flatter then when I was in HS. If I could tell every woman post children anything important it's to have this done. It's expensive, but you gave birth to two lovely children and you deserve to feel wonderful about yourself (not that you don't know). My only regret is not having it done sooner!!! If you decide to do it research your doctor, make sure he or she is a board certified plastic surgeon.
  • bray2160
    bray2160 Posts: 12
    Personally, I like P90X more than any other weight loss product because it's convenient. I can use it at my leisure and it's probably one of the only programs that I've actually seen work. I know people who are currently on the system and have lost tons of weight. Their bodies are more defined as well.

    For those of you who may be interested in getting in shape, you can get P90X for $65 at http://www.squidoo.com/where-can-i-buy-p90x also read the comments in the guestbook section to see that this place is legit.
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    Well you can't spot reduce.. so don't be surprised if it every where shrinks except where you want it to.

    Are you looking to workout at home or a gym? If it's at home, then P90X or Jillian's 30 Day Shred would prob. be good to start.

    If it's at a gym, then start working out with weights.. and the heavier the better!
  • determinedbutlazy
    determinedbutlazy Posts: 1,941 Member
    I would try the 30 Day Shred and some cardio every day (even walking) and after the 30 days and building some strength and cardiac fitness go for p90x?
    Running is also a great fat burner, I did C25K and it was brilliant for me.
  • angiesteele
    angiesteele Posts: 366 Member
    I highly reccomend 30 day shred by Jullian Michaels. Feel free to add me.
  • Denjo060
    Denjo060 Posts: 1,008
    You can also try Jillian Michaels no more trouble zones :smokin:
  • LeenaRuns
    LeenaRuns Posts: 1,309 Member
    I love P90X, but it's not a 30-minute workout--they range from 45 to 90 minutes. A great option is what everyone else is recommending: Jillian Michaels' 30 Day Shred. I do it three mornings a week and it's great.
  • empenTen
    empenTen Posts: 29

    Have a look at www.bodyrock.tv they have just started a new 'May 30 day challenge' which includes a beginners intro too. It is 12 minutes a day. I find watching the woman in the videos 6 pack to be enough of a motivator!! Its a fantastic website with loads of workouts that you can do at home. They list some equipment that they recommend you use but show you how to do it without too, the only thing you need is an interval timer but I have an app on my iphone that does the job perfectly well. Before you start to dig in to the videos I would recommend watching the May challenge video as it gives it some context, after that you can dive straight in. The May challenge includes a yoga element too which gives it a new twist.

    I started it yesterday, I am in the UK so I get the videos a day late but 30 days is 30 days. There is a group for it on here too if you search 'body rock' plus there is a very active facebook page.

    Feel free to add me anyone that joins the challenge (or otherwise!) :-)
  • staceyseeger
    staceyseeger Posts: 783 Member
    Cardio, Cardio, Cardio...Can't spot reduce, but it will help with the overall weight loss. After 2 years into this Lifestyle change, I am finally starting to see some abs. :drinker: :drinker:

    Hang in there! Friend me if you need a dose of motivation, with a side of "Insanity" :laugh: :laugh:
  • ATLMel
    ATLMel Posts: 392 Member
    Don't do only cardio....

    Do some HIIT. I throw in longer runs on occasion because I like them and because I want to get a PR in a 10K this summer.

    Lifting is where you will really start to see your body change and create an even bigger calorie deficit (aside from the kitchen of course).

    Again, reference: http://www.hindawi.com/journals/jobes/2011/482564/
  • cait0902
    cait0902 Posts: 127 Member
    Thanks guys!! You all are awesome! I was looking for something to do at home, in the mornings before the kids wake up, so I'm going to the store today to pick up the Jillian Michaels 30DS. I plan on doing that in the morning and then walking/jogging around the park in the afternoon while the kids are playing. Thanks again!!!
  • qtiekiki
    qtiekiki Posts: 1,490 Member
    This probably won't be the answer you are looking for.....After kids I was overweight until my youngest was 4 (now 13). I spent the rest of those years sitting at 130-135. I was at the gym lifting weights 2 days/week, rotate running (3-8m miles) and cycling (10-30 miles) 3 days a week, swim 1 day a week and I still had a belly. Small, but still enough to make me want to wear loose fitted clothing. 2 years ago in June I had a tummy tuck, my stomach is flat, in fact flatter then when I was in HS. If I could tell every woman post children anything important it's to have this done. It's expensive, but you gave birth to two lovely children and you deserve to feel wonderful about yourself (not that you don't know). My only regret is not having it done sooner!!! If you decide to do it research your doctor, make sure he or she is a board certified plastic surgeon.

    Really? I mean you recommend a tummy tuck, no matter what? I have 2 kids, and my stomach is flat-ish. I think it's important to recognize that our body did change due to pregnancy. I am not against tummy tuck, but I just don't think it should be the first or only option. You should work out and eat well, and if you are not happy with your body after that, then go and get your tummy tuck.
  • ATLMel
    ATLMel Posts: 392 Member
    This probably won't be the answer you are looking for.....After kids I was overweight until my youngest was 4 (now 13). I spent the rest of those years sitting at 130-135. I was at the gym lifting weights 2 days/week, rotate running (3-8m miles) and cycling (10-30 miles) 3 days a week, swim 1 day a week and I still had a belly. Small, but still enough to make me want to wear loose fitted clothing. 2 years ago in June I had a tummy tuck, my stomach is flat, in fact flatter then when I was in HS. If I could tell every woman post children anything important it's to have this done. It's expensive, but you gave birth to two lovely children and you deserve to feel wonderful about yourself (not that you don't know). My only regret is not having it done sooner!!! If you decide to do it research your doctor, make sure he or she is a board certified plastic surgeon.

    Really? I mean you recommend a tummy tuck, no matter what? I have 2 kids, and my stomach is flat-ish. I think it's important to recognize that our body did change due to pregnancy. I am not against tummy tuck, but I just don't think it should be the first or only option. You should work out and eat well, and if you are not happy with your body after that, then go and get your tummy tuck.

    Having never been pregnant I didn't feel right about saying that advocating a tummy tuck as the overall solution is ridiculous. I'm glad to hear someone else say it. I think when it comes to fitness (and the vanity aspect of working out) surgery should never be the first choice.
  • mangosabayon
    I guess you missed the part about how I was working out almost daily for 7 years before I got a tummy tuck?
  • mangosabayon
    I feel like I have to defend myself here since a few people are taking what I said out of context. When you are pregnant the muscles in your abdomen actually tear. Some women have smaller children and the muscles are able to repair, for women who have larger children the muscles don't heal. It's not about vanity, I'm not fat, I've never been fat, but no matter what I did the tummy would not go away. The doctor explained to me I could do all of the abdominal exercises I want and I would never build the muscle needed to have a flatter stomach. Just because someone want to feel good in a nice outfit doesn't make them vein. Maybe you all shouldn't be so quick to judge. I'm pro what makes a woman feel good.
  • AZackery
    AZackery Posts: 2,035 Member
    You can try Chris Freytag Exercise TV 10 Pound Slimdown. 5 20 minute workouts: Total Body, Upper Body, Lower Body, Core and Yoga. I don't care for yoga, but the workout is on the dvd. You can preview the workouts on Collagevideo.com and buy the workout dvd on Amazon.com for $15.99. Sign up for the free 30 day prime trial to get the dvd minus shipping and handling. If you don't have prime, you have to pay $2.98 for shipping and handling, unless you buy $25.00 worth of items.


    Chris is one of my personal trainers. She has a lot of good workouts. Collagevideo.com only carries some of them.
  • qtiekiki
    qtiekiki Posts: 1,490 Member
    I feel like I have to defend myself here since a few people are taking what I said out of context. When you are pregnant the muscles in your abdomen actually tear. Some women have smaller children and the muscles are able to repair, for women who have larger children the muscles don't heal. It's not about vanity, I'm not fat, I've never been fat, but no matter what I did the tummy would not go away. The doctor explained to me I could do all of the abdominal exercises I want and I would never build the muscle needed to have a flatter stomach. Just because someone want to feel good in a nice outfit doesn't make them vein. Maybe you all shouldn't be so quick to judge. I'm pro what makes a woman feel good.

    No, I wasn't judging you. I was just responding to the fact that you said "If I could tell every woman post children anything important it's to have this done.". I do understand that not every women will be able to get a flat stomach no matter how hard they exercise, and they can choose to do whatever make them happy. But to say that to EVERY woman? Not every woman have to have it done. That's all I was saying. I am sorry if you feel like I was attacking you. I wasn't.
  • InfinitePoss
    InfinitePoss Posts: 60 Member
    Just my two cents, but whatever you choose I would suggest a combination of resistance training and cardio.

    While cardio can burn lots of fat I have received my best results when I add in resistance training because not only does building muscle speed fat loss but it also does help to shape and tone at the same time.

    I have been doing Power 90, the precursor to p90x, for six weeks and even though I have only lost 16 pounds the shape of my body has changed dramatically. My gut, as us guys call it;:-), seems to be shrinking weekly and I am starting to lose the love handles too. On top of that I can even start to see definition in my legs, something that has never happend before.

    Power 90 is nowhere near as glitzy as p90x, and it can get a bit tedious, but the program does not require much in terms of equipment or time.