

  • Make them fix it for free! If you paid $170 thay should be upscale enough to know they should do that for you. Ask nicely, then if they say no - get nasty. I have had a bad color job - it looked like the sun was setting on my head - yellow, orange, red, and black - yuck!, and once the dye washed out the next day. Both…
  • THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!!! I was in a seriously pissy mood before I read this. You made me laugh so hard and I don't want to maim my husband anymore.:drinker: Cheers to you!
  • I used to be obsessive about the scale - 4 or 5 times per day. During that time there was a day that I gained 7 lbs. between morning and night! The next morning I was 1 lb. less than the morning before. So, yes, you can fluctuate a ridiculous amount in the day. Best to weigh once in the morning if you must weigh everyday.
  • You've lost 27 lbs! Only 4 to go. Don't beat yourself up too badly. And who knows, maybe you will see your new self and will look even better than you think. Good luck and have fun with the job. :smile:
  • Hi Tam - I have been having migraines for 14 years, and when I don't take care of myself I can have 2 a week. I also usually start with the feeling of tightness around the base of my head. I have found a lot of things that work. Exercise does usually help, but be careful not to push to hard. Generally walking or slow…
  • Cardio! Cardio! Cardio! Other than bone structure, which you can't do anything about, cardio is the best way to get rid of the fat we women collect around our hips and thighs. Weights and pilates type workouts will tighten the muscle underneath, but contrary to popular belief, does not target fat in certain areas. So,…
  • It is really hard to drink to much water. Usually you will be fine unless you drink 1 or 2 gallons in 1 sitting. I usually end up drinking 120 - 140 oz of water in a day and I've never had a problem with it. But like Bunny said, if you are worried about it drink a sports drink to balance your electrolytes - and make sure…
  • LOTS OF FRUIT! Seriously. I try to eat a piece of fruit, or cup of berries/slices every hour or two. On days that I forget about eating fruit over half my calories come from sweets - so I know about that addiction problem. I have tried many solutions and the one that works best is eating plenty of fruit. When I do sweets…
    in sweets Comment by alyfin September 2008
  • The neck and shoulder pain sounds like it might be a pinched nerve. Does it feel almost like a burning sensation along a wire? If it is a pinched nerve, stretching helps (it will also help tense muscles), and make sure you keep your shoulders loose and relaxed while you are running, not hunched around your ears. If the…
  • If you are only drinking 6 cups of water a day you were probably dehydrated. Use a calculator to figure out how much water you need just for an average day, and increase that amount if you are going to be working out in the heat and sun. If you are sensitive to sun/heat it helps to have the extra water in you before your…
  • If you are willing to spend a medium amount of money Shisiedo has a line of skin lightening products called White Lucent. I have not used their lightening line, but have been very happy with their other products. They are a japanese company, so know their stuff when it comes to lightening.
    in fair skin Comment by alyfin August 2008
  • For some people it is definitely dehydration. You could also be sensitive to heat or sun. I cannot do cardio in direct sunlight unless it is under 72 deg F. Get to know your bodies limits, and work within them.
  • 1 serving of rice is usually 1/4 cup uncooked or 3/4 cup cooked. The amount of calories varies per type of rice. The amount of calories also depends if you add oil or butter or anything else.
  • If you eat mostly fruit and salad you are probably okay in the fiber department. One question to ask is how much do you eat? If you are eating a small amount of food it would make sense that it doesn't pass through quickly. It could also simply be your body. Some people go 2 or 3 times a day, others 2 or 3 times a week. If…
  • When I lose motivation I do the things that motivate me in the first place. I usually love running so I will go running with my sister who also loves it, or pick up a new copy of runners world. Figure out some positive things that motivate you and use them when you really need to. Good luck!
  • Great optimism! Your topic made me smile.:laugh: See you on the beach next year!
  • That's why I always measure out the chips before I start eating. If I don't I will eat half the bag. Then I gain weight from my "healthy" snack. Which is ridiculous, and I should have eaten 4 rice crispy treats, or half a cheesecake if I was going to overeat!:laugh:
  • This sounds gross, but don't knock it until you try it. My family uses it as dip for nacho doritos. I've tried it with lower calorie chips and it still tastes pretty good. Just be careful not to eat too many chips with it.
  • I know exactly what you are talking about. We moved, started new jobs, visited with family, etc. I put on 4 lbs in 5 weeks, mainly from eating junk food every meal. 4 lbs doesn't sound like much, but each lb takes about 10 days to get rid of - so I am looking at 5 weeks of work to get back to where I was. Discouraging. But…
    in DANG IT! Comment by alyfin August 2008
  • I love it because it strengthens my neck and helps me not get migraines. I don't know about burning calories. I think there is one that is specifically for that, though.
  • I tried slimfast, and found that I could stay with it if I had 1 serving of triscuits, or a high fiber food with it. But, if you try to stick with it, don't take a daily multi-vitamin, because you will be taking way too much of each fat soluble vitamin.
  • I rarely eat peanut butter because it is the number one food they try to give anorexics to fatten them up. Good enough reason for me to stay away from it!
    in Peanut butter Comment by alyfin May 2008
  • Find Tuna and crackers that say low sodium and that should help allow you to continue eating something you enjoy.
  • Another thing about eating before bed... A study found - decide how much you want to believe it - that people who go to bed full are less likely to have sex than those who merely feel satisfied. (no pun intended :)
  • I need a workout that makes your lungs burn BEFORE muscle fatigue. It seems like every exercise I do my muscles are burning and almost give out, but my heart rate is relatively low, and I am still able to control my breathing within 15 seconds. I know it means my heart and lungs are in shape, but I don't get an optimal…
  • I think it depends on when you go to sleep. My mom gains weight it she eats after 5, but she goes to bed around 8. I go to sleep between midnight and 2 am and I am generally okay eating until 10ish. It also helps if you don't fill those calories with junk.
  • My labs do the panting thing every time - and they should be in shape and used to it after 2 years. From what I've heard the panting is normal, just watch for saliva. I was told that it is a bad sign when their tongue is very dry. Have fun getting in shape with your dog. I love running with mine.
  • Hi All - If anyone wants to try drinking coffee black - go for a flavored coffee. My favorite brand is Diedrich coffee. It is smooth and sweet and I barely miss all the cream and sugar I used to put in my coffee.
    in coffee Comment by alyfin May 2008
  • Chocolate. Any type of bread. Cheese. Sunflower seeds. Starbucks Ice Cream. Anything sweet. Donuts - especially the cream filled chocolate covered ones. Italian Food. Mexican Food. and on and on and on.... I'm picky so the foods I like - I love.:grumble:
    in Weaknesses Comment by alyfin May 2008
  • If you don't want to switch your workout try increasing your intensity on the elliptical, or short bursts of speed. You can also add a little more weight if you don't mind more muscle bulk, or more reps for strength without bulk. Good luck w/ that plateau.