Ahhh... Thanks! Well hopefully I'll be the kind of person who snaps out of it in a few days rather than a few weeks...
I started on the 1st and I'm feeling pretty rough at the moment... Does anyone else have NO energy at all? I keep nodding off in front of my screen at work! Maybe I'm just a bit rubbish at meal-planning :s
Hi, I'd like to know more...
*snort*... At least he didn't spend the entire time telling you that you have an "ickle nosey" (what?) and telling you about the various things he used to insert into his ex-girlfriend. But yeah, yours was bad too.
In for 40 min powerplate session and 20 min cardio machines (rower, crosstrainer and bike).
Bump :)
In for a powerwalk and catching up on the total body exercises from yesterday :)
Baked parsnips with honey drizzled over them... Mmmmmmm.
In! I hope I have heavy enough weights... :)
In! 30 minute powerplate class plus all of these...
I'm not ~technically~ meant to show my tattoos as I work in an office. But I'm sure as heck not gonna wear a massive bracelet every day to cover up my wrist tattoo or boots to cover up my ankle tattoo... Most people either don't notice mine (as the visible ones are pretty small) but everyone who's noticed so far has been…
Ann Summers retail assistant. Basically talked to people about intimate things and had "lightsaber" fights with certain items.
In! Gonna do resistance band work, kickboxing and squats. If I don't die...
In! Gonna have to do this after my power plate class... Eek!
Done! Arm exercises and 20 minutes of dancing... Might go for a walk later :)
I'm in!
In :)
I'm finding it difficult to explain to my boss why I'm laughing so much while "doing reports"... Oops...
Ooooh I'll have to look at both the videos then decide which one to do :D Excited already!
Hi guys! I've been stuck at the same weight for a while now, so this could be just the challenge I need... I really want to wear a bikini this summer, but right now it's a distant goal *shudder*.
I'm so very interested!
In :)
Damn, I saw this come up on my feed and thought there had been an update...
Due to this post, I've just ordered a pullup bar and some resistance bands. Thanks! (Now I've just got to manage to use the damn thing... I'll get there!)
I just drooled all over my desk at work. Marvellous.