-55 lbs (plus a trip to Arrakis)
Lost 8" off my waist (50" to 42"). Needing a whole new wardrobe already!
emaren, sick burn.
Everyone's body reacts differently to the stimulus. Personally I like to vary my frequency, volume, and load. My only rule is that I always give a muscle group at least one day off and at most six days off. Also I always take an off day after heavy squats or deadlifts, since they tax the central nervous system so much.…
Does your gym have a pool? Don't do any exercises that cause you physical pain.
If anyone knows where I can find those glasses Matt Damon is wearing, let me know.
If you are gaining weight, you're eating too many calories compared to what you're expending. You will never lose weight, or stop gaining, by eating more calories and doing nothing else. You should skip the jogging and instead start a strength training regimen. Squats, deadlifts, and presses. Eating filling, nutritious,…
Thanks for the feedback guys. I ordered a bunch more that are rectangular but acetate (thicker) frames. The fact is I've had really thin wire frames for years and I want a change.
For those of you willing to go to any lengths to help me decide including clicking on links and imagining my handsome face with sweet new eyewear, I am also considering these other options from the same designer that I wasn't able to get for the home try-on:…
amnsetie, where can I get those glasses that Matt Damon is wearing? I'm sure once I put them on I'll look exactly like him :)
Don't knock. Toilet paper/egg.
Pretty psyched. I am going to punish some turkey and mashed potatoes. Believe that.
A question: how many people need to have sane macro breakdowns before MFP adjusts the default?
Just go to my home -> goals -> change goals -> custom goals. Then you can customize everything the way you want it.
You look great, and should be proud.
It sounds to me like you're doing well, and should just stress less and keep at it. If you keep at a plateau, maybe up your eating for a while, then go back down.
I study politics for a living, and I don't vote.
OP should read some Ayn Rand.
Obviously there is no biochemical reason why you shouldn't want to eat carbs at night, but I think the reason why this conventional wisdom survives is that it is probably good advice based on how many people eat. If you have a tendency to snack unnecessarily in the evening on chips, etc, while you are relaxing in the…
Interesting, can someone with a chemistry background explain why the stains would get worse under bleach?
This is a sophism. Unless you are especially autistic, you should be able to pick up on signals which indicate when it is likely or unlikely. The most likely time for it to happen will be the time when you suspect it is most likely. That is not to say that it will definitely happen then; low probability events do happen.…
I think this is an unnecessary complication. He need not come across as "desperate" (although note that the OP actually is desperate, as stated) if he follows common sense tips: don't ask the same woman multiple times, don't ask multiple women in front of each other. If the third woman says yes, don't breathe a sigh of…
I am seeing a lot of advice here which is bad, so I feel compelled to respond. Don't just sit around waiting for it to happen or waiting for the right moment. That is terrible advice. And all this stuff about, don't worry you'll find it, etc, is all crap. Someone actually said "love will find you." Yeah, like a job will…
Whoa. Congrats!
Great link, thanks for sharing. I'll note that the difference in REE is pretty small all things considered, but definitely a significant result. I wonder if a larger study would reveal a useful pattern in the leptin data. That would make sense from what I understand about leptin. Overweight people have high leptin and low…
Scurvy, beriberi, etc are not carbohydrate deficient diseases, but rather vitamin deficiencies. It is pretty trivial to get these nutrients without consuming carbohydrates. I'm not trying to convince anyone to go on a low-carb diet. I couldn't possibly care less if you do or not. I'm just saying, while there may be 101…