BelindaDuvessa Member


  • I'm 28. I've dated 3 guys my entire life. 2 of those guys were teddy bears, and my husband has a berr gut (even tho he doesn't drink beer). I was with the other 2, because I liked their personality. Yes, I was in high school. I've never dated an actual "fit" guy, although my ex did go into the military at the end of our…
  • I second this. They have a channel on youtube that I am now subscribed to. Tons of free videos, plus a link back to their website for tips and suggestions on how to make the workout easier or harder. Great site. has some good videos. You can also find them on youtube. Heck, even searching for "workout" or…
  • I was that way until about 3 weeks ago. I'm sitting in the hospital bed, after having my 4th child....and drinking water like crazy. No flavorings, not filtered...just tap water (warmed from ice cold...I want it room temperature..not hot, not cold...) Anyways....I'm sitting here drinking this and realized that if I could…
  • For Youtube Videos, FitnessBlender and Sparkpeople both have some great videos. And both post full length videos that you can follow along to, not just exercise demonstrations. Fitnessblender also has a link to their page that gives you a run down of the exercises in the video, as well as hints on how to make it either…
  • My husband and I both used to play, alot. After Cata came out, we lost interest. He wants to get on and play again, but I'm not sure if I want to. I miss it, a little bit. But I'm not sure if I want to pay money for 2 expansion packs, as well as to get both our accounts back up and running.
  • A tomato slice with a tiny bit of sugar and cracked black pepper on top.
  • Leslie Sansone is good, especially if you like dance. Yes, it's walking, but she puts extra moves in it. Youtube is also a great resource. I just subscribed to "FitnessBlender" which posts full length workout videos.
  • Not really. I don't add rice until the last 2 hours or so of cooking. I've put brown rice in at the beginning before. It had the worst texture after 8 hours in the crock pot. I don't recommend it for that long.
  • Now I'm craving Q'doba's. And yeah, I blew it this weekend, but that's ok. I also worked out for the second time since having my 4th child 3 weeks ago. Nothing strenuous, but I haven't ever bounded up and gotten my motivation that quickly after having a child, ever.
  • Save the Hate --->And One
  • I wish my husband would lose weight with me....he doesn't need to lose alot, but he has no desire to count calories or anything. So, I don't see him getting any smaller. Maybe I can convince him to start exercising....we'll see. I've explained to him my goals and reasonings behind wanting to lose weight. I don't even…
  • I've had 2 completely unplanned pregnancies. Well, 1, really. My 18 month old we weren't really trying for, but we didn't prevent her either. After I had her, I had the Essure procedure done, and it failed. I didn't go in to get the follow-up x-ray done either, so that's my fault. I just had my 4th child and we are having…
  • My "off" days are usually spent doing chores, listening to the mp3 player, and dancing around like a loon. Not strenuous activity, but I am moving. And my actual rest day is when I try to catch up on reading or whatever.
  • The best advice I have is to log from midnight to midnight. As for eating before depends on how late I ate at work. I work night shifts and take 2 meals with me, as well as some snacks. If I eat the meal after 2 am and a snack close to getting off work, I generally don't feel the need to eat right before bed. I…
  • I hate logging bad days....hate it. Yesterday was also one of those days for me. I was 1000 over. In partial defense, it was because I work overnights, and ate while at work, but I had last night off so I was awake more during the day as well. Still doesn't make me feel any better, though.
  • I have over 24 hours of music on my mp3 player...and have no problems exercising to most of it. Some artists on the list are: Adele Aerosmith Alice in Chains All Time Low Anberlin And One Anders Manga Angels and Airwaves Avenged Sevenfold Bloodhound Gang Bruno Mars Celldweller Deadmau5 Fall Out Boy Five Finger Death Punch…
  • If you are into pinterest, there is a great one that I have pinned that is the quiet workout. It's one that you can do when everyone else is sleeping. That's the link to the original blog. Back on Pointe has alot of workout…
  • It depends on the schedule you get. For me, I work 12 hour shifts. 2 days on, 2 off, and every other weekend. If I do pill pass at work, then I log that as fitness. But my main exercising is done on my days off. I don't do any extra exercise on the nights I work because frankly, I have a hard enough time getting enough…
  • I weigh on the 1st and 15th of every month. Measurements are on the 1st as well.
  • Honestly, I lost for my entire First Trimester. So long as you're eating well and your Doctor isn't concerned, you should be fine. But if it worries you, talk to your Doctor. I can only tell you my own experience.
  • Strawberry. I like Chobani, and amazingly, the Great Value (Wal-Mart store brand) is pretty good as well.
  • I like alot of those. I also throw in some Pink, Lady Gaga, Dead Mau5, Trace Adkins, Toby Keith, VNV Nation, Anders Manga....needless to say, what I listen to is all over the board. About the only thing I don't have on my playlist is rap. I've never been big into it, and most of the newer stuff is crap, imo. If I can…
  • I have this one pinned on Pinterest. I even went so far as to copy and paste the shopping list as well as all of the recipes so I could reference them offline. One of these weeks soon (probably in about 2 weeks or so) I'm going to get all of the ingredients and prep these bags. I have a little stand alone freezer and I'm…
  • My Diary is open, if anyone wants to look. I log from midnight to midnight. It was too difficult (or maybe I was over complicating....) for me to log it as actual meals. But by logging anything I eat within a certain time frame, I am much more accountable to what I eat. I do the same thing with exercise. If it's after…
  • Not a problem for me, honestly. I log everything I eat from midnight to midnight, instead of trying to break it in to Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner. I try to exercise most days in some way, to offset the weird scheduling of food intake. Really, though, I look at my totals at the end of the week and base my success off of…
  • After working night shift for a couple of jobs now, I've gotten a rhythm down. Basically, I pack my own food (I work 12 hour shifts so that's a considerable amount. I also don't bring alot of unhealthy foods to work. When I pack my lunch, I make sure to make at least half of it vegetables. Snacks consist of fruit and a…
  • Workin'...
  • It's great for beginners. But for intermediate and expert exercisers, those in great shape, it's really nothing. But if you're just trying to use it to add a few more movements to your day, it should help a bit. It's just not really intense, so it doesn't push you all that much. If you have Wii Fit Plus, there's an option…
  • A source of energy - Our body uses the fat we eat, and fats we make from other nutrients in our bodies, to provide the energy for most of our life-functions Energy store - The extra calories that we consume, but do not need to use immediately, are stored for future use in special fat cells (adipose tissue) Essential fatty…
  • Unless I use a wet ingredient that has a calorie value (stocks, juices, etc) then I only log the actual food and not the liquid. So if I just used water in the pot, I don't generally log it at all. But, if you just ate the chicken and nothing else, then why would you log the other stuff? Especially just flavor enhancers…