Time issues?



  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    I know people say "If you don't have the time, make the time", but between working full time on the night shift and being enrolled in school full time, my extra time is almost always spent sleeping or catching up on things I'm behind on. I wish I had 1-2 hours a day to go to the gym, even if only 2-3 times a week, but it's nearly impossible. Anybody relate, or am I just making excuses?
    I work 40-50 hours a week (on 3rd shift, no less,) I'm a full time college student, and I'm raising a family. I still find time to exercise, at least 3 days a week. I'd say your making excuses.
  • daniel7121
    daniel7121 Posts: 166 Member
    Thanks for your responses, everybody! I really appreciate the honesty and empathy, on both sides of the issue. I guess there are a lot of little things that seem to contribute to my lack of time. Things like a 60 minute round trip highway commute to campus to take a 50 minute class, working 12 hour shifts 7p to 7a, commuting and attending class after my 12 hour shift, then coming to sleep for 5 hours, then back to work.

    Here's a big thing: I have a lot of free time on my days off, but 1) I usually sleep in until 9 or 10p, and 2) I still live at home with my parents and brother and can't really afford to move out at the moment.. So when I could be working out, it's either 10F outside, or everybody is asleep >_< GRR!! haha I'm going to try taking some 30 minute walks after work on the days I don't have class and really try and control my diet. The easiest thing to eat on the night shift is normally something you can put in the microwave and nuke for 3 minutes to steamy, chewy perfection. But it's not the healthiest...
  • BelindaDuvessa
    BelindaDuvessa Posts: 1,014 Member
    If you are into pinterest, there is a great one that I have pinned that is the quiet workout. It's one that you can do when everyone else is sleeping.


    That's the link to the original blog. Back on Pointe has alot of workout ideas. Definitely worth checking out. The actual workout isn't that long, maybe 20-30 minutes.

    As for your food, I know it can be difficult when you are living with other people, but you need to make it a point to take good quality food to eat. Take the time on your days off to make a couple of easy meals and freeze them to take when you're working. Buy fruits to snack on through your day. If you can, buy a mini fridge to stick in your room with just your own snacks in it. This could lead to some tempting late night eating, though, but it's a thought.
  • sugarxmexsweet
    I can totally relate with you as I have no time at all to go to the gym but I make sure I walk a lot so I'm at least keeping active