DJRichCT Member


  • Well, at least I know there's hope! Thanks for the reply. It's only been a few months since I lost all the weight (it took me about a year to lose 130 pounds). I just have to be patient. Thanks again!
  • If anyone has had any success in reducing their excess skin in their belly after losing weight, please let me know how!
  • It's not easy, that's for sure. Like you, I sit all day at my job. What I do now is walk during lunch and try to use the treadmill 5 days a week. I cut out all the candy and ice cream and eat a lot of fruits, vegetables, nuts and lean protein like turkey. What is your diet like? By the way, what part of CT are you from? I…
  • I'm from Connecticut, Torrington area. What part of CT you from? I lost over 130 pounds, so if you need help with it, let me know! Good luck with it!
  • If I can do it, anyone can! I've lost over 130 pounds (81 from MyFitnessPal) in a little over a year. It's hard work, but I think the important thing to remember is that there is no easy way to weight loss. You need to eat sensibly and exercise. For myself, I cut out all sweets like candy, etc. and increased my time on the…
  • Do you think I can achieve results as good if I use weight machines? Strive, the weight equipment at my local gym, has three different settings to work out different areas of the muscle. Would I get the same benefit as lifting the free weights?
  • Welcome aboard! I lost over 125 pounds so far! I started my weight loss before I began using MyFitnessPal. Just keep exercising and eating right with the help of MyFitnessPal! You will see results if you do!
  • Thanks for all the advice. Yes, my Y did train me for the free weights. I'm trying to get the proper form. I guess it will take a while to get used to. I'm so used to doing the cardio that I feel like I'm cheating myself if I don't do an hour on the treadmill. But maybe I should do less on the treadmill and concentrate…
  • One more question... since I'm more interested in toning and some definition, not wanting to turn into Arnold Schwartzenegger or anything! Should I increase my protein? I'm having an average of about 60-70 grams. Do you think I need a protein shake or protein powder to help with the workouts? I am eating healthy, but maybe…
  • Thanks to everyone who have responded. I will continuing the strength training. I do it two times a week, 3 sets of 12 reps. Is this sufficient? Do you think I would see better results with free weights or with the traditional strength machines? Do I need more sets or is 3 sets enough?
  • So if I still have flabby areas on my inner thighs and belly, when I get down to my perfect weight (another 15 pounds or so), does this mean that the fat will be gone? I'm so close to the ideal, I just don't understand the flab in those areas.
  • Yup, I totally can relate! I don't think it's my calorie intake that;s the problem... I'm still losing weight. But it just seems like certain areas will not tone with the weight machines I've been using. I don't get it. I did use a trainer at the local Y to make sure I was doing the machine properly. Everyone is saying I'm…
  • I've lost 93 pounds since last year... approximately 8 months it took me to lose the weight. I know how difficult it can be. MyFitnessPal really works... by keeping track of not only calories, but of protein, carbs, etc., it really helps you see where you can improve your diet. Don't get discouraged, if you keep eating…