cehall422 Member


  • Yep yep, sign me up! This is where I need the most help
  • Starting weight: 235 If I am to lose a pound a week for the year I hope to be at most 183 by the end. I'm hoping to lose more, my ultimate goal range is 150-140. Here's to us!
  • I want in! CW: 226 GW:206 Damn, it's crazy to look at that goal weight. Also I just want some thoughts on a problem I'm having. I'm currently plateauing hard. I'm wondering if anyone else has this problem, you lose a few pounds then all of a sudden you can't anymore. I have lost 23 pounds so far, so I'd understand if this…
  • Yep I'm having this problem. I think last night might have been the change I needed. I came home extremely tired and hungry. I went into the kitchen and wanted to make some pretty awful choices, but remembered I just dropped a lot of money on groceries. So at least I made a good food choice in eating a strawberry and some…
  • Hi! I'm Carrie and I have always had a weight problem. I've tried losing weight before but I've never really got that into it so I would always gain it back. However since May of this year I have been taking this seriously and have lost a good amount of weight. While recently (this week) I have been slacking, and the scale…
  • Starting weight is 237. Right now my goal for the first quarter is 20 pounds. I cant wait to get to know everyone over the year! Let's do this!
  • Well, this past week has been pretty stressful for me. But I've managed to stay at 235. On a brighter note, I just finished week four of Couch 2 5K and I can tell that I am really improving. So I'm happy with that. It's great to notice the non-scale victories if the weight loss has been slow or non-existent, keep them in…
  • This was a great idea. I'm not usually a person who goes to the gym, but I've been making it a point this past week! I actually really enjoyed it this time around
  • I'm down another 2 pounds, bringing me to 235! My start weight was 240.
  • Awesome job!! :happy: You're so close to your goal, keep going!
  • I didn't really have a chance report my weigh in last week but it was 240 lbs. This week 237lbs!
  • I'm not vegetarian, but the more and more I learn about eating healthy, I realize that eating less meat would be much better for me. So who better to learn and get some recipes from than you? I'll be your partner!
  • Hi everyone! Thursday and Friday I went on a mini vacation. First day I went to the beach and did some swimming for about an hour. Then I did lots of walking on the boardwalk and at the outlets. Sadly I have gotten some bad sun burn on my lap so moving around has become a little painful. Next week will be better!
  • Hi my name is Carrie and I'm about to start my senior year! My goal this summer is to lose twenty pounds, I was on track but life happens. Anyway I just hit the 10 pound mark today so hopefully, with help from all of you, we can lose the last 10! After those first 20 pounds I still have a long way to go, but small goals…
  • Wonderful idea! Count me in
  • Hey! I know exactly how you feel! I've been taking my weight loss super seriously since mid May and today I just got to my ten pound mark. I know there were a few weeks when I got lazy and that is why I would gain or stay the same. But slow and steady wins the race. And while you might not be dropping the pounds right away…
  • These are all great picks! For me it's a toss up between Jurassic Park, Indiana Jones, and They Royal Tenenbaums. But let's be real, there are too many to choose from! I love Jurassic Park and Indiana Jones because they are fun movies that can honestly be watched anytime. I mean who doesn't like to watch people interact…
  • @Talulah58 Wow that is an awesome way to look at losing such a large about of weight. Sometimes I get so frustrated with how much I have to lose, but breaking it down is great.
  • I love Jurassic Park, both the movie and the book, and there is a line in them "Life finds a way." For a while I have wanted it, but I figured that when I get to my goal weight then I can get it. And when I get to my goal I think that quote would apply to the journey I just took.