Anyone with 100lbs or more to lose?



  • Sugoiharris
    Sugoiharris Posts: 59 Member
    I started with 140 pounds to loose, I'm half way through so I only have 70 more but feel free to add me, I've been there!
  • liciaboo
    liciaboo Posts: 1
    Hey my name is alicia and i weigh 366
    when i started i weighed 375 im trying to get to 185.
    Its going to be hard but i gotta keep going!!!!
  • samipd12
    samipd12 Posts: 12 Member
    I have like 152 lbs to lose, want to lose as much of that as possible by the time of my Wedding Day!!! (12/12/12) So basically by 11/15 I want to have enough weight lost that I will look Hot on my Wedding Day... So I have alot to do in the next 7mo. would love for moral support thru this long trek of a mission!!! Anyone looking for support & willing to give support, Go ahead & send me a friend invite. Looking for local people too... would like local people to maybe go to the gym with and work out as the more you have to work out together, the more of a chance for being able to succeed!!! And succeeding is my mission & goal!!!
  • Jhawkrn
    Jhawkrn Posts: 4 Member
    I definitely am in the same boat. I have about 100lbs to loose. I started March 2 and have lost 13 lbs so far. I am totally loving this app, but I need some more friends to keep me motivated. I would absolutely love to find a work out partner in the Wichita, KS area that I can go with.

    I am working out with my husband, but he is dropping weight like crazy and I am going slow and steady. So, having a girlfriend that is close to me with the same weight loss goals would be AWESOME!

    Good luck everyone with shedding your poundage! Feel free to add me!

  • Looking for the same! Pick me!
  • I also have over 100 lbs to lose. I've been heavy most of my life, but never this heavy. Many years ago after I had my daughter, I was about 40 lbs less than I am right now and I lost over 100 lbs. I kept it off for 8 years until I started to suffer from depression. The combination of the depression and the meds they gave me caused me to start to gain weight and then I just let myself go and here I am with high blood pressure, joint problems and much less enjoyment in my life than I would have if I were fit. I'm a candidate for bariatric surgery and just got accepted to the program here, but I'm not sure I want to do something that drastic. I'm not even sure I would survive it, right now. Last night I had a major scare with a sudden spike in blood pressure. I had to be taken to the hospital emergency department. I was disoriented and thought I was having a stroke. I just started on this site a week ago. I would love some friends to take the journey to health and fitness with me!
  • sugarandspice27
    sugarandspice27 Posts: 521 Member
    I do! You can add me and anyone else can too.
  • Poorgirls_Diet
    Poorgirls_Diet Posts: 528 Member
    I added you all
  • ClarkeEJ
    ClarkeEJ Posts: 155 Member
    I have 100+ pounds to lose and since the beginning of January I have lost 28lb. Would love some new friends to share my journey with xxx
  • Poorgirls_Diet
    Poorgirls_Diet Posts: 528 Member
    congrats hun, lots of people on here so I am sure you will be able to find someone
  • KrystalCoralea83
    KrystalCoralea83 Posts: 19 Member
    I am trying to lose 165lbs and could also use the freinds with the same long journey! please add me if you are in this category!! but all the support helps so even if you are not add me as well!!
  • cehall422
    cehall422 Posts: 32 Member
    @Talulah58 Wow that is an awesome way to look at losing such a large about of weight. Sometimes I get so frustrated with how much I have to lose, but breaking it down is great.
  • tryleigh
    tryleigh Posts: 7 Member
    I am brand new to this, and very scared, not sure if I can do it, but with three kids, starting divorce, loosing everything I have ever known, I need to change something for the better :) I could definitely use some friends and supports in this journey...add me if you want to keep on track together! My goal is to lose 100 pounds
  • JoshS2012
    JoshS2012 Posts: 25 Member
    I have about 175 to lose. Anyone may add me as a friend. Just really getting started on the weight loss
  • alostkookie
    alostkookie Posts: 8 Member
    you can add me...i just set a goal of 100 pounds in one year...i started jan 2nd..ive lost 14 since i started MFP total of 27. its hard but worth the work when i buy smaller jeans
  • Poorgirls_Diet
    Poorgirls_Diet Posts: 528 Member
    we can do this guys, since posting that first message I have lost 22lbs and still going strong!
  • katjo10
    katjo10 Posts: 82 Member
    Hi, I just started MFP 3 weeks ago and have over 100 to loose. Please add me. I would like to share this journey with others in my same situation.
  • halaw
    halaw Posts: 5 Member
    Add me i too have more than 100lbs to lose and this is a way of life for me even when I get to my goal I'll still be hear cheering you to the finish!!!
    Heather (Halaw)
  • mrsvampette
    mrsvampette Posts: 99 Member
    I have to lose 100 more pounds and anyone can feel free to add me! We can do this y'all!!!!
  • mochomito
    mochomito Posts: 81 Member
    have to lose at least 125lbs myself.