

  • Hey, I am a shooter. Sporting clays is my game. My whole family are shooters. I support USA Shooting. Shooting is my Olympic sport LOL. You can add me.
  • A high protein diet, I mean about twice what your MFP calculator tells you to eat in protein, will help over the long haul. Eat or drink some highly digestable form or protein 20 minutes after your workout. I also take mineral suplements. (ZMA and Tangy Tangerine) I definately notice more soreness and more recovery time if…
  • I used to never drink water. I only drank coffee, tea and soda. Lostr of sugar in my tea and cream and sugar in my coffee. For the past year and a half I have drank only water except that I drink black coffee in the morning. Once I got used to it I love water. I love drinking it. I drink Aquafina mostly and drink it at…
  • A natural supplement that I use is ZMA, which is zinc, magneseum aspartate. Try it before you resort to drugs. You can get it at GNC. It will make you have crazy dreams for the forst two or three nights until your brain adjusts to the deeper mode of sleep that you get with it. Take it 20 min before bedtime and see if it…
  • That's a pretty east fix. Don't spend time drinking. Use the time you would have spent drinking to workout. It will also save you a lot of money.
  • I used to drink coffee with lots of cream and sugar, soda pop, and sweet tea all day every day. A year ago I gave up soda and sweet tea due to reflux issues partially attributable to excessive caffine intake. Now, I drink 1/3 to 1/2 of a 12 cup pot of regular coffee each morning. Then I drink one or two cups of decaf at…
  • Aisics nimbus-14 is my current favorite flavor. Best running shoe I have ever had I think.
  • Running is the best way to stay in shape. Throughout my life, each time I have stopped running, I have lost my fitness. I begin running and regain it. Just take it slow like everyone says. When you reach the oint where you can rest while jogging, you have it made. What I mean by this is that you can run at a faster pace…
  • I'm in the same boat. I thinkg it's becuase I'm just not a morning person. Never have been. If recovery time is an issue then maybe you can rotate your workout soemhow so you are working different body parts or muscle groups on Fri and Sat. That said, I did an interval run last night and this morning will be a recovery run…
  • I just started this recently. I have lost 10 pounds in about 2 1/2 weeks. I stepped on the scale to check Thursday morning and had lost a pound since last Sunday's weigh in. Sunday is my official weigh in day, so that will be the end of week 3. I will probably have lost another pound by then. The first week I lost 7…
  • That's it right there for me. When I started feeling like I need it is when I started calling myself a runner. Before that, I said I was a jogger.
  • As others have said, just take it easy and listen to your body and you should be fine. The purpose of my reply is to warn you that if you are wanting to run 2 times in one day, you are at risk of becoming a running addict. :-)
  • I was laughing too. I was trying to picture a person trying to work out while holding their breath and I couldn't stop laughing either. Too funny.
  • Congrats!! Running is addictive. You will hate it for a while and then one day you will come to love it.
  • Hi. Good luck on your journey. You are not alone. Never give up!
  • Ok, I'm done!! I did 34 before I left for work; another 33 before lunch; ate a grilled chicken salad and drank a full bottle of water, then did 33 more.
  • Mine is opposite. Winter running motivation is tuff for me. I am a native Florida boy and now live in Kansas where it gets frog butt cold in winter. Every winter I can't seem to make myself run. I have vowed that this winter will be different. We'll see.
  • Bandaids will work. Just shave the hair around them 1st so they come off with less pain.
  • I do just over 100 per day and I spread it throughout the day as well. Protein bar or shake in the morning, chicken salad or fish for lunch, protein shake after workout, some meat usually for dinner, but not always. If I have over 100, I just eat carbs for dinner, like rice and wheat bread.
  • Lean body mass is not equivalent to total weight. It is only a fraction that you figure out by subtracting body fat%. That being said I am lifting weights and tryng to at least keep if not gain muscle, while losing fat and overall weight at the same time. I eat about double what MFP tells me to eat each day in protein and…
  • Most people speak of what they do not know. None of your ideas would have prevented what happened. The guy had no record that would have stopped him from getting the guns. We already have background checks in place that are instant anyway. Secondly, a standard 9mm semi-automatic pistol is a "military-style" weapon. It's…
  • I have a lot of guns. My dad was a collector and so am I. We also all enjoy hunting and competitive shooting sports. None of our guns has ever hurt anyone.
  • Sounds like plantar faciitis. I have been dealing with it for about 9 months now and it is almost healed. I went to the doctor, wore a night boot for about a month and an arch suport insert. Taping when you run works well. There are vids on youtube of how tape for plantar faciitis. It works. I used this method.…