

  • I feel like this is a very good question and one not easily answered. I feel successful at making new goals! No kidding! I wanted to lose 10 lbs...then 20..and so on. Before I knew it, I'd lost 60. Then I wanted defined abs, defined arms, etc. I now have people at work talking to ME about their workout. People are asking…
  • When you have thrown out the size 16s, 14s, 12s, 10s, and are almost ready to throw out the 8s. When you can buy "small" instead of large or XL. When your goals change from "losing weight" to "gaining muscle". When you can't miss your workout b/c you are addicted to the feeling you get when it's over. When your body…
  • I hope that so many people see this posting. When you were at your heaviest, did you even consider that you could look like you do now? I bet you hoped...you dreamed...and then thought "no way". I know I did. And then one day, you get off the couch and you put the fork down and you become someone new. The aches and pains…
  • My moment came in March of 2009. My employer offered a Health Risk Assessment and mine came back OBESE with high cholesterol and high chance of developing cancer. My Dr put me on cholesterol meds which I took for 2 weeks and decided I can do this on my own. I was miserable. Huge. Achy. Itchy. Sneezy. Sad. I knew I could be…
  • You are truly an inspiration to everyone on here. Congrats Congrats CONGRATS!!!! I looked at your pics too. All that work really paid off and you're smile is so bright now. :happy:
  • That's incredible! I love when I see someone trying to lose the same amount as me succeeding. It tells me that although it takes alot of work, it's something that CAN BE DONE! Great job!!!
  • This post is uplifting. I felt the same way this morning. I feel things tightening up. My clothes are loose. I even tried on bathing suits this morning so that I could pick one for a pool party tomorrow. I'm considering opting for a bikini rather than one of the sport suits b/c I don't feel so awful in it. :wink: Congrats…
  • I plan the entire day out in the food planner. I also plan out my exercise for the day so I know about how many calories I'll need. With my job, it's easy to schedule food. Bfast @ 8, small snack @10 (usually veggie/fruit), lunch @ noon, snack @ 3 (again, healthy choices), dinner @ 6. I know my ticker doesn't show it (b/c…
  • What???? I'm nearly speechless. I think I've found my new inspiration. You should be so proud of yourself. :smile:
  • Haha! That's awesome! Great job.
  • I drive an '06 Mustang GT and I really dig it. :glasses:
  • That's the really cool thing about going DOWN in size! You probably have clothes you can wear in the back of your closet as opposed to when we go UP and have to shop. Great job!!
    in Yay! Comment by PonyGirl34 May 2009
  • I travel some for my job and I'm the same way! "Hello, can I use your restroom?" And then we can get to business. lol At work, I am THE farthest distance from the restroom a person could get in this building. I have read some about water intoxication. I pretty much stick to normal recommendations, but you are so…
  • I just ordered this program and I cannot wait! I've done a ton of research and it seems to be the one for me. I can't wait for it to get here though. I plan to do the DVDs at home and then use the parts I can at the gym. My goal is to get in shape and learn how to maximize my workout. Using weights and equipment has always…
  • After reading your second post, my thoughts are different - especially if you see others online. Do you think you could explain to him how you feel? Calmly without accusing? Maybe come up with an agreement where he MAKES SURE to call or email every X amount of days, but where he knows if something happens and he can't,…
  • Hey there....I read your profile...go check it out. Re-read it. What's your inspiration? Your loving husband. Remember that when you feel this way. Okay? Your loving husband. You put that there for a reason. Believe in it. Our minds are our own enemies sometimes. It's amazing what we can come up with when left alone long…
  • Welcome! I can totally understand what you mean about the picture. I look in the mirror sometimes and I'm okay with what I see, but that same image in a picture is totally different. My boyfriend and I took our kids to the zoo a couple of weekends ago. We posed for a pic of just the two of us. I secretly erased it on the…
    in Hey! Comment by PonyGirl34 May 2009
  • It's wierd how reading some posts makes me almost want to cry happy tears. I don't even know you, yet we are all connected here. When someone is as successful as you have been, we all feel successful, motivated, invigorated, Elated! I can't wait to tell you all that I've done it. Congrats on what you have accomplished.…
  • I just signed up myself! In just a couple of days, I have become addicted. I wasn't even going to use the food/exercise chart until I read just how important they are. I was keeping this info on paper. Use the journals though. I can't believe how they pull the nutritional info on what you're eating and tell you where you…
  • Go buy one in every color! You look very fit and healthy. Awesome job!!! Off to the gym I go....cause I want a bikini too. :wink:
  • WOW! I think I have just figured out what my problem has been in months and years past while trying to lose weight! I can't believe it was never clear until this moment. I just filled out my food thing (I'm new) and realized that I need to NET 1200 cals, not take in 1200 cals and burn half. My body has been starving. No…
  • Hey! I'm here for health reasons too! I mean...I guess we're all really losing weight to be healthier, but my Dr told me I had high cholesterol to go with the weight! UGH. So here I am, like you. May you be blessed with motivation and energy to keep you going!
    in Hi Comment by PonyGirl34 May 2009