what was that moment that made you change?



  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    I was miserable, dead tired and dead on my feet all the time. I saw my Doc and he ran some labs and ordered a sleep study. He suspected sleep apnea, especially when the rest of the labs were Ok.

    My father-in-law has apnea and sleeps with a C-pap machine. I've seen it, it's ugly. My wife should not have to sleep with Darth Vader. I also didn't want to be tied down to sleeping with this thing on my head at the age of 41.

    So I asked the doc - "If I have apnea, will losing 50 pounds make it better?" He said "Probably". So,,, I skipped the sleep study and just did this instead. It mostly worked, I rest much better and feel much better. So glad I made the change.
  • cdickey
    cdickey Posts: 230
    Mine came last February when a coworker was telling me all about the trip that her kids would be going on in May to an amusement park with a school program they were doing. I realized that my oldest would be starting school in September and that he would be going on trips like that and I wouldn't be able to ride any of the rides because of my size. I also realized that I wouldn't be able to walk around an amusement park all day without being miserable. It was then and there that I told her that I WOULD NOT be that big come May 2010. I WILL go to the park with my boy and I WILL ride the rides with him. I have managed to lose 89 pounds so far and barring any major malfunctions we'll be going on a trip in May and we'll have tons of fun together.
  • There were several things that helped me to push myself to lose the weight, but the thing that sticks out the most is when my 11 year old daughter came home from school in tears because her school friend whom had come over to play the day before was on the bus making jokes about her "fat mom" It broke my heart to see her hurting like that. I had already been on my diet for about a month and had lost about 20 lbs. I actually was having a bad day that day and started eating junk while she was at school. I think that if she had not come home crying that day I may have gave up on my diet. I have lost 111lbs as of last Thursday. What is great is that just a few days ago we ran into that little girl and her mother at the grocery. My daughter was so proud to show me off. She said to me " Mom I don't think she will be making fat jokes about you anymore, because you are smaller than her mom".
  • catherine1979
    catherine1979 Posts: 704 Member
    I was diagnosed with a serious but reversible medical condition. And I know darn well that I have done this to myself. I want to live to be a really old lady, I don't want people to read my obituary and say "wow, that's so young to die."

    ETA: I saw the doctor and he mailed me a copy of the report. On the physical is said "abdomen: obese." That was so embarrassing to me, I knew I had to do something about it.
  • savvystephy
    savvystephy Posts: 4,151 Member
    There were several things that helped me to push myself to lose the weight, but the thing that sticks out the most is when my 11 year old daughter came home from school in tears because her school friend whom had come over to play the day before was on the bus making jokes about her "fat mom" It broke my heart to see her hurting like that. I had already been on my diet for about a month and had lost about 20 lbs. I actually was having a bad day that day and started eating junk while she was at school. I think that if she had not come home crying that day I may have gave up on my diet. I have lost 111lbs as of last Thursday. What is great is that just a few days ago we ran into that little girl and her mother at the grocery. My daughter was so proud to show me off. She said to me " Mom I don't think she will be making fat jokes about you anymore, because you are smaller than her mom".

    This is incredibly sweet about your daughter. Way to go on the 111 lbs! That is amazing!
  • NykkieC
    NykkieC Posts: 622 Member
    I've always been overweight since I was about 7 so I was always on some kind of diet. It was never healthy though and I would always gain whatever I had lost and then some.

    Even when I thought it was healthy I look back and think "What the heck was I thinking?!" - there was a summer where I decided to start running which is great, but I would only eat one meal a day and that was usually fast food. I am about 10 maybe 15 pounds heavier than I was then but I'm about a size smaller than I was then. I had kept a pair of jeans that were tight on me then and they are baggy now!

    I got married in September of 07 and gained about 30 pounds after that. I decided to join here in January of last year but I was really in denial of how big I had gotten. My moment that made me change was I was having a "fat day" and called up my father and asked him to be honest and asked him if I had gained a lot of weight. He told me "I don't want to tell you this and I don't want to hurt your feelings, but yes". I know that it was very hard for him to tell me that and I knew that for him to say that to me meant that my weight had gotten out of control. That was sometime in March.

    I haven't lost a ton of weight since then but I lose weight really slowly. I feel 200% better now and am more confident about myself than I have been maybe ever in my life!
  • mhotch
    mhotch Posts: 901 Member
    I had two triggers a year apart. The first was one day I put on my "fat" jeans, {the ones that you put on to scrub floors or to weed outside. So when you bend over you don't feel the need to throw up!} , and the jeans were no longer loose on me. Which meant I was entering into a larger size. I asked my husband to give me a personal trainer as a Christmas present. It was the best money I have ever spent on myself. Everything I thought I knew about exercise was wrong. I continued the workout that the trainer set up for me.

    About a year later I was suppose to go on a business trip with my husband to Puerto Rico. The thought of putting on a bathing suit in front of people was making me sick to my stomach. After a few sessions of self pity, I kicked myself and thought, THIS IS SOMETHING I HAVE CONTROL OVER!!!! So I got on the internet and found a weight watchers meeting.

    I have exercised w/o dieting and dieted w/o exercise, neither worked. Together the weight fell off. I lost 40 Lbs in about 7 months.
    Healthy eating and exercise *slaps head* WHO KNEW!!

    PS, the funny part is the trip to Puerto Rico was canceled and never rescheduled!!
  • ebkins7
    ebkins7 Posts: 427 Member
    I guess I have a lot of moments. I have never been "skinny" or so I thought, even when I weight 140 (I'm 5'5''). Even at that weight I was in an unhealthy relationship where I was told that I was always fat. I really gained weight after my child was born. Now that I'm in a healthy relationship with someone who actually loves me for me and not what I look like. That didn't really help either, becuase I know he's gonna love me no matter what. We have been trying to have a baby for well over a year now with no luck. I long to hold a baby in my arms again. It is an absolute miracle, the creation of life. But what really set it off is my clothes started feeling snug and uncomfortable, whenever I would look in the mirror I never saw me... all I saw was fat... and a lot of it. I finally told myself that this was the last straw! I couldn't continue to live my life haphazardly! I needed to take control. So... here I am and so far am seeing success... slowly (which is good) but surely I'll get there!
  • Well this is a sad but true story..

    What made me decide to change my life was the day i took my son to the amusment park. He wanted so bad to go on the roller coaster they had and i wanted so bad to be the first to take him on one. So as we got to the park he was so excited "look mom look" he was jumping up and down real anxious to get on that ride. so we made our way over to the coaster stood in the line for about 40 min, and by the time we got up to get on the ride my feet were killing me i was so ready to sit down. so i was looking forward to sitting in that ride, We got in he buckled up i steped in to sit beside him ready for some thrils, But (here it goes) I could not fit in the ride!!! i couldnt even sit down in it.. So Not only was i uterly and steemingly emabarased with everyone looking at me and wispering to thier friends about it but i had to wait until the next ride so my son could go on with his dad, Needless to say i was so very ashamed, and upset that my sons first roller coaster was not with me. I walked away with my head held between my legs "so to speak" As i listened to on lookers tell the tale of the fat lady who could not get on the ride. HOW MUCH SHAME I FELT>>:sad:
  • iplayoutside19
    iplayoutside19 Posts: 2,304 Member
    I've re-written this post like 4 times. With 4 different epiphanies.

    For my adult life I've been the jolly fat guy, I used to make fun of the guy that I am now.

    The biggest epiphany is when I joked to myself that I was going to get on a scale to see just how bad off I was...when it said 336, Buzz-Kill! 336 is over a third of the way to 400. 336 that's, that's frickin huge. 336, how the hell do I even get through the physical actiVities I do, do. 336! I can't joke about that anymore. Something has to be done.

    So, January through March of last year I started cutting things out and back, and started walking. I couldn't run because my knees hurt from the pounding. I quit drinking a 44 oz of Mt Dew every morning. I cut my FF intake in half. I lost about 20 lbs. Then in April I kind of fell off the wagon. But because it was spring and summer I was pretty active so I maintained the loss through August. In August we went to RMNP for vacation. Long's Peak lives there. (the Mt in my ticker) Reading some of the trail guides I discovered that climbing Long's Peak requires a 17 hour hike. I didn't think I could handle something like that in my condition at that time. So we came home. Still no wagon for me. But then my Wife's Aunt told her about this site. My wife started using this site, and used this site for a week and a half before a swtich just flipped in my brain. I found my Radio Flyer and installed a Pratt & Whitney TurboFan Engine.....I'm gone. Not looking back.

    It feels so good to have addresses this area of my life. It's become an obession. What's the next challenge? How can we eat better? Is a 1/2 Marathon out of the question this year? I'm climbing Long's Peak...I just don't know when.
  • 34at35
    34at35 Posts: 318
    Here's what it took for me to get motivated to make the lifestyle change I needed.

    I was at my annual med check in November 2008 at my doctor's office. At the time I was on 3 blood pressure meds, 1 cholesterol/trigycerides med, and 1 blood sugar med and weighed 294 lbs. He had just increased the blood sugar med.

    I was showing him pictures of my new baby granddaughter (Our first! ) when he interrupts me and says, "Do you want to be around to play with her 10 years?" I stammered back "Of, course!" He then says, "Well you had better start doing something about your weight then. You are on the slippery slope to Type II diabetes."

    Man! talk about getting punched in the face! That's all it took. Just the thought of being dead in10 years if I didn't change!
  • SherryRetMarine
    SherryRetMarine Posts: 2 Member
    I retired from the Marine Corps and immediately gained 30 pounds. Now, 2 years later, I have added 10 more. I began to Zumba, got motivated, and am heading down. My 20 year old son is battling his weight, as well. I want to be his motivation, not his example. My daughter is 4 and I do not want her to think being overweight is the norm. It is not healthy.
  • jacksonlady01
    jacksonlady01 Posts: 11 Member
    My moment was when we were having family pictures taken and I changed clothes three times looking for something that wouldn't make me "look fat" and then when I got the pictures printed, I was totally mortified that I was the biggest person in them! I wanted to die!
  • kiffypooh
    kiffypooh Posts: 1,045 Member
    There were several things that helped me to push myself to lose the weight, but the thing that sticks out the most is when my 11 year old daughter came home from school in tears because her school friend whom had come over to play the day before was on the bus making jokes about her "fat mom" It broke my heart to see her hurting like that. I had already been on my diet for about a month and had lost about 20 lbs. I actually was having a bad day that day and started eating junk while she was at school. I think that if she had not come home crying that day I may have gave up on my diet. I have lost 111lbs as of last Thursday. What is great is that just a few days ago we ran into that little girl and her mother at the grocery. My daughter was so proud to show me off. She said to me " Mom I don't think she will be making fat jokes about you anymore, because you are smaller than her mom".

    You are an amazing mother and a true inspiration. It's so nice to know that there are moms out there who put there kids happiness first. Thank you for sharing your story!
  • kiffypooh
    kiffypooh Posts: 1,045 Member
    I had been doing Weight Watchers for a few months (again) and was really doing well, but wasn't really motivated. I knew I wanted to be healthy for my daughter and to be a good example for her and to see all the great things she will do in her life. One night I was watching a TV show about some woman who was diagnosed with cancer and she had a daughter who was my daughters age. I was thinking to myself, "oh, if that ever happened to me I would fight with everything I had to live, people wouldn't know the strength I was hiding inside. There is no way I would give up the opportunity to watch my daughter grow up and there was no way I would leave her without a mommy." Then I started to realize that eating what I ate, how much I ate and how often i ate wasn't much better. I was cutting my life short by my eating habits and my frame of mind around eating. The next day I went to my Weight Watcher weigh in and one of the other members was talking about how she was pregnant with her daughter (now 6 or 7 years old) and how the dr asked her, "so, you don't plan to see your daughter graduate collage?" She was like, "what???? I haven't even had this kid yet?" and it became a realty for her. At that moment I've changed my ways and haven't looked back. I occasionally eat like poop, but it's a much healthier version of it. Even my "splurge" day is a healthy choice.
  • I had been doing Weight Watchers for a few months (again) and was really doing well, but wasn't really motivated. I knew I wanted to be healthy for my daughter and to be a good example for her and to see all the great things she will do in her life. One night I was watching a TV show about some woman who was diagnosed with cancer and she had a daughter who was my daughters age. I was thinking to myself, "oh, if that ever happened to me I would fight with everything I had to live, people wouldn't know the strength I was hiding inside. There is no way I would give up the opportunity to watch my daughter grow up and there was no way I would leave her without a mommy." Then I started to realize that eating what I ate, how much I ate and how often i ate wasn't much better. I was cutting my life short by my eating habits and my frame of mind around eating. The next day I went to my Weight Watcher weigh in and one of the other members was talking about how she was pregnant with her daughter (now 6 or 7 years old) and how the dr asked her, "so, you don't plan to see your daughter graduate collage?" She was like, "what???? I haven't even had this kid yet?" and it became a realty for her. At that moment I've changed my ways and haven't looked back. I occasionally eat like poop, but it's a much healthier version of it. Even my "splurge" day is a healthy choice.

    You too are an amazing mother! I had always looked at my weight as my problem. I never realized that it was also effecting my family. I have always tried to put my kids first. I thought as long as I was taking good care of them I was being the best mother I could be. But by me not taking care of myself I was in a way being irresponsible. I have 4 amazing children. I want to be around as long as I can possibly be for them. So I couldn't agree with you more on the importance of taking care of ourselves to be here to love and care for them. My weight was not only emotionaly hard for me, it was physically hard for me. I was very ill. I was tired all the time, simple tasks took everything I had to complete. I couldn't play with my kids the way that they wanted, had high blood pressure, acid reflex, migraines, and just felt blaaah all the time. After losing the weight I am full of energy. I honestly feel like I have been cured of a serious illness. Blood pressure is back to normal, and all those other things are a thing of the past. I have my life back, and most importantly my kids have they're mom back.
  • My moment came in March of 2009. My employer offered a Health Risk Assessment and mine came back OBESE with high cholesterol and high chance of developing cancer. My Dr put me on cholesterol meds which I took for 2 weeks and decided I can do this on my own. I was miserable. Huge. Achy. Itchy. Sneezy. Sad. I knew I could be better than that. I had been a normal size and active up until about 4 years before. So I decided that proper diet and exercise would become a MUST and not a SHOULD. It worked.
  • zeala
    zeala Posts: 119 Member
    I'm really enjoying reading this. It's fascinating to see the different types of triggers.
  • I was just diagnosed with diabetes. Enough is enough. With all of the other major health issues I have, I realized I was on a downward spiral to death. I had to do some serious thinking, and I realized: I have so much more to do in this life! I knew I had to change.
  • There are so many reasons why I made this choice...

    1.) I want to be healthy, strong, and the best that I can be.

    2.) I quit smoking (woo hoo!). But I gained back weight I had already lost. If I can quit smoking, I can do this!

    3.) I've been heavy since 12, so in other words, I was fat all my teens. I just turned 20 and I REFUSE to be fat into my 20's

    4.) My boyfriend. Someone I love finds me BEAUTIFUL...that encourages me that I don't have to lose weight to be attractive to him...but I want to :)
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