

  • I weigh about the same and am short - 5'4", but male so I probably have more muscle mass. I think the answer depends on what you eat, a calorie is not a calorie. If your diet is full of processed foods, your body will store the excess. If you diet is full of whole foods you will be surprised how your body will process it.…
  • Burning 420 cals a day for 6 days a week isn't over training. Most of the time is cal in minus cals out..if you have gained 10 lbs, I would suggest going back to what you did when you lost 26 lbs...if that doesn't work go visit your doc.
  • Just because he is a Pastor doesn't mean he can't get caught up in this...what he needs is help. I promise you, as a man that he loves you but is addicted to this stuff, just like drug addiction. As a Christian and a leader of a church, this addiction is tearing him to pieces - physically with you and spiritually with his…
  • I survived neuroblastoma as a child, they removed my right kidney. Now I have Renal Cell carcinoma in my left kidney at age 48. Two completely different cancers. Its in my lungs, I have a spot on my brain and liver but they are not sure if they are just imperfections or cancer. So in the middle of the battle. Trying to…
  • I prefer the gu's, here is a list of considerations - I would go to the race website and understand what nutrition they offer (Both drink and gu's, then go out and buy and test them and make sure your stomach can handle them. Know where they are giving out the gu's and carry a couple with you. Don't be afraid to grab more…
  • Go to the race website and understand where the aid stations are...if they are every mile or mile and half just make sure you stop at each walk thru them and get a good drink - but do not over drink. Just realize in the heat you need to adjust your pace...have a great run.
  • JMHO, until kids hit puberty, weight training is kinda silly. However, body movements are in; push ups, pull ups, air squats, running, jumping, jump rope, Jumping jacks, box jumps, etc, etc. In fact, my strength training consists of 3 key areas ( I am 48)...this is my routine 3 times per week 25-30 pull ups 100-130 push…
  • Two things to do. #1, still log your food so that you can spot trends and keep yourself in check. #2, Keep the same pace with your exercise - don't slack here. You should be able to eat an extra 250-350 calories a day and maintain, so its the best of both worlds.
  • 1200 calories is too suggestion is to up your exercise and follow the net calories on this site. So get to where you are burning an extra 400-600 calories a day during exercise. The goal would be to get to one hour a day, six days a week. So if you doing about 30-40 minutes, add 5 more minutes each week to you get…
  • Everyone has got to "own" it. So while the govt is lobbied by producers of food, we each individually eat it.
  • Make sure you exercising every day for at least 30 minutes...this will naturally allow you to eat more...keep in mind this is NET calories. Also, with 12 pounds to go, I think 1 pound a week is a better strategy.
  • I don't know what to
  • HR is personal, like your shoe size. For example, my resting HR is low, around 55-60, but when I run, am still aerobic up to about 164, I can average 190s for a 20 min average if I am running a 5K with a max of about 206-207. It doesn't mean I am more or less fit, its just my ranges. The key is once you know your HR zones…
  • Wow, incredible, uplifting, encouraging, an example...slow and steady wins the race. Thanks for sharing your story. mike