GingerPeachLass Member


  • Good for you! If more parents did that, we probably would not have an epidemic of obese children. My 7 year old works out with me, even bought her some 2lb hand weights she can use. I do a few milder sets with her then after about 30 or 40 minutes she is finished and I then go into my hardcore workout, whether it is…
  • I get B12 injections every 2 weeks, but I have a severe malabsorbtion problem due to intestinal issues. It does give me much needed energy that I would not get otherwise. There is a such thing as too much B12 though and it can be harmful, so I would consult a doctor first.
  • I wish we could "LIKE" some of these post!
  • I have a Fitbit that I use 24/7, however, I also use a Polar FT4 HRM for heavy work outs so I can get a more accurate reading of calories burned. I like it!
  • Jockeys are typically around 4 ft 10 in to 5 ft 6 in. Have you ever thought that this may not be a good profession for you? Maybe work with horses as a trainer? With you height, you weight would be to low and you would look very ill. You might even FEEL very ill!
  • I am insulin resistant and can not eat a lot of carbs per day, I use diabetic exchanges most of the time. Also, check the Atkins website, they have a food list on phase 1 that gives all vegetables that are low in carbs. Phase 2 and 3 slowly add carbs back into the diet until you find the amount your body can handle without…
  • If you need to supplement in order to raise your protein intake, Isopure is a good product. "Nature's Best Isopure Zero Carb with 50 grams of Protein from 100% Whey Protein Isolate.Perfect Zero Carb Isopure contains 50 grams of 100% Whey Protein Isolate." 2 scoops is 1 serving, 210 calories per serving. As for weight loss…
  • Phentermine is an appetite suppressant to help reduce weight in obese patients when used short-term and combined with exercise, diet, and behavioral modification. It is typically prescribed for individuals who are at increased medical risk due to their weight, it is a LAST resort. There is a reason it is prescribed for…
  • Are you flat footed?
  • I just downloaded this app, looks interesting! Will start it today.
  • I do agree. 1200 calories is more than enough for me when I am making wise food choices. In fact, I am more satisfied on a 1200 calorie intake when eating fruits, vegetables, and lean meats.
  • Ah yes, the famous Minnesota starvation study. What I pulled from a scientific study is the following: Like most of us on a diet, their metabolisms did slow down. In fact, after they'd been on this diet for a while -- we're talking months, not days here -- their body fat percentage got to a point below what is considered…
  • the pool is an excellent idea! I just started walking. I started on my first day just walking to the end of my driveway, then to the end of my street for a few days, then I built up to a block. I am not working on my first couch to 5K. It was slow going, didn't take many steps for the first few weeks, but eventually I…
  • Replace fat with muscle. Weight lifting has minimized my loose skin significantly. You look young, I am 46, so your skin has more elasticity and should not be very bad at hanging around. Find you a good program for weight lifting (toning) and add it as part of your routine. Genetics and the amount of weight you have to…
  • by creating so much of a deficit that you threw your metabolism into starvation mode, thus hanging onto weight and not losing. That's how.
  • I am taking Phentermine as well. I take one in the morning and I stick to a 1200 cal plan. I started off walking and have signed up for couch to 5K (my first 5K will be June 21) and I also lift weights. I MAKE time every day because this is what I will be doing for the rest of my life. So much so that I invested in a home…
  • bamadwl, That is an awesome loss, great job! Seeing that motivates me, hope I can stay motivated now. I am active and here every day, feel free to add me if you want.
  • I am here, new though. I haven't had much time to pop in as of late but will try to do so more in the future. nice to "meet" you both!