Weak ankles and bad knees...

I've just gotten back into exercising, and so far I'm doing well. But my right ankle gets really tired, really fast and I can't figure out why. It's okay for the most part if I'm upright, but doing squats, lunges, jumping, it starts to feel hot and tired. I have to modify or stop and pick it up, shake it, circle it, whatever to make it feel better, but it only lasts a few minutes. My left ankle seems fine. Also, the guy on the video keeps telling me to have "soft knees" but I have NO idea what that means. So I need some help there. Would an ace bandage help my ankle and/or knees?


  • leviclampitt
    I've just gotten back into exercising, and so far I'm doing well. But my right ankle gets really tired, really fast and I can't figure out why. It's okay for the most part if I'm upright, but doing squats, lunges, jumping, it starts to feel hot and tired. I have to modify or stop and pick it up, shake it, circle it, whatever to make it feel better, but it only lasts a few minutes. My left ankle seems fine. Also, the guy on the video keeps telling me to have "soft knees" but I have NO idea what that means. So I need some help there. Would an ace bandage help my ankle and/or knees?

    Getting to the root of the problem would help your ankles and knees (which for most people is their hips).

    So... how is your hip mobility? Do you find that they are tight or can you do an invisible hula hoop pretty easy? And how about your glutes? Do they ever get sore from a workout? Can you squeeze your tookus and instantly feel them tighten up?
  • GingerPeachLass
    GingerPeachLass Posts: 20 Member
    Are you flat footed?
  • xsmilexforxmex
    xsmilexforxmex Posts: 1,216 Member

    Getting to the root of the problem would help your ankles and knees.


    Also, using a brace or wrap will not help strengthen it... I would recommend looking into strengthening excercises and make sure you're warmed up properly. Could just be due to not being used to the moves or could be weak.
    Soft knees means not locking your knees straight, keep a very slight bend in your leg.
  • MrsA1313
    MrsA1313 Posts: 10 Member
    Well, now that you mention the hip thing...I can hula hoop pretty well, but I've noticed that my right hip clicks. It used to do this when I did gymnastics oh so many years ago, but it's never been painful. Also, my right hip doesn't seem to flex the same way my left one does. If I'm standing straight up and take my right leg out to the side, it won't go all the way like my left. It's always been that way, and I guess I didn't think it would affect my ankle. It doesn't hurt so I didn't think about it I guess.

    Maybe a trip to the doc to see whats up is in order. Thanks!

    P.S. - My glutes are good. A little on the large side since I had an office job, but I'm working to fix that.
  • leviclampitt
    Maybe a trip to the doc to see whats up is in order. Thanks!

    I'd advise a personal trainer, physical therapist, or just anyone knowledgeable in anatomy and physiology to watch you move. Within seconds, it is likely they can pinpoint what is wrong and then supply you with a fix. Doctors are awesome and all but they are often too "general" to help get to the root of it (rather they will supply you with "bandaids"). I stress getting to the root of it because if you continue to push through (either with painkillers or bandages), it will get worse (to the point where you cannot continue).

    Anyways, the glutes control your feet. If you had a ankle injury in the past or you sit a lot at work, this may cause them to shut off. Inactive glutes = weak ankles. Weak ankles = overused knees.