_rosegray Member


  • with kale, i usually fry an onion in olive oil on a low heat for about 5mins, then add chopped kale and stir it until it's done - if it's tasting fishy, it might be because you're overcooking it. really fresh stuff tastes so much better too i find :) aside - cook the kale as above, add some toasted chopped almonds and some…
  • I'm 20 too! I'll add you :)
  • i'm struggling with this too! i've bought some plain "soy protein isolate" and have been mixing it into everything - porridge, soup, etc etc.
  • i used to do that (with soy yoghurt, but still), it was lovely!
  • i try and make sure that every meal has beans/pulses/etc in it (as i don't eat dairy), then have tofu and eggs when i can. i'm on a student budget so it's mostly beany things but the more attention you pay to protein the easier it is to get more in - that's what i've found, anyway. i've felt like cleaning up my diet has…
  • add me if you want :)
  • you have to keep your net calories up.. basically you need a certain amount to meet your basal metabolic rate, just to keep your body functioning normally. the MFP targets are already set a lot lower than your total daily energy expenditure so if you hit the targets you're still going to lose weight (hopefully!). if you go…
  • squaaaaaats! also at the gym there's a machine which i think is called arc something.. you sort of step and your legs go in an arc shape? anyway, the one at my gym you can change how deep the steps are, and if you do big steps it works your bum muscles really well :)
  • from my experience, there are two ways of doing it.. 1: cut it out completely. after a while, you notice how much better you feel (less bloated, more energy etc) and stop craving them. it's weird, dark chocolate and fruit seems SO much sweeter when you stop having proper "sweets" 2: work it into your diet, allow yourself…
  • me too :) i only gained back about 10lbs but i feel my fitness level has dropped a lot, and i know i've lost muscle. a combination of being "too busy" for exercise, christmas and a bad break up caused a bit of trouble for me. can't wait to start over and make new progress.
  • me toooo! i used to use mfp a lot in spring/summer but during my uni summer break i fell off the wagon a little. maintained my weight loss until last month,.. went through a break up which set me off track a little! i'm good for motivating as i end up using mfp when i'm meant to be doing work (read: a lot) so i'll motivate…
  • i hate it plain, but i add some cinnamon and stevia and then i can't get enough of it :) and try a few different toppings - honey, peanut butter, maple syrup etc.
  • hi! i'm 20 and in my second year of uni too.. I used this website loads last spring/summer and it worked really well for me; unfortunately due to having no firm routine last summer i stopped following it but i'm looking to lose some more weight and build some muscle again, so back we go! i've lost somewhere around 37lbs…
  • the other week i spontaneously booked flights to thailand for 3 weeks in the summer. revision isn't good for me...
  • feel free to add me if you need motivation :) i'm on study leave so tend to procrastinate by coming on here, i'm happy to help where i can :)
  • i'm no expert but i'd guess that it's probably due to dehydration..?
  • yes, 100%.. i used to notice big differences, and i feel really bloated too, it's horrible. i've just started a new pill though and i'm not getting them at all at the moment which i'm definitely not complaining about! i think the most important thing is to look at general weight loss trends rather than week-to-week because…
  • hi, feel free to add me! i'm from the UK too and started running a few weeks ago, i cant promise i know much about it but im active on here so i can help motivate etc :) ive lost 32lbs so far, most of that was before joining MFP but i love it so far! Rose x
  • from my experience running's worked for me.. i'm never motivated enough to continue with the youtube ones! if you find one you like its great though. i quite like the ones here: http://www.youtube.com/user/blogilates?ob=0, they're pretty hard but keep you motivated and there are loads there :)
  • i have! i tried it for lent and after a brief chocolate break i'm back on it now :) i really love it, mainly because i can really feel a difference in my body. to be honest, a main thing is that i've struggled with binging and things before so cutting out the foods which used to trigger a binge (most were non-vegan) has…
  • for me, it's seeing how far i've come.. i had that quite a bit recently and had a MAJOR hiatus in my weight loss, but remembering why i started and seeing that i'm over halfway really pushes me to keep going :) you could try something new workout-wise, maybe? buy a new recipe book and try some new healthy meals? i started…
  • i'm 19, feel free to add me :)
  • i'm a vegan :) i'm very new to it, though i've been vegetarian for over 12 years so that's all sorted :) feel free to add me!
  • i'm 19, i've lost 30 and would like to lose another 25 :)
  • hi! i've lost 30lbs so far and am hoping to lose about another 25 or so, and need all the motivation i can get :) we can help each other out :) feel free to add me!
  • hi! i'm 19, pretty new to MFP but not new to weight loss so feel free to add me :)