Hi I need some female buddies!

Hi! I'm looking to lose 15-20 pounds by mid summer and I need a little motivation. I don't have money for a gym membership so I'm depending mainly on my diet. So if anyone is looking to do the same or can just keep me on track that would be awesome!


  • meangel2009

    I have been eating 1200 cals or less and working out in my room for at least 30 minutes a day and I have lost m4 pounds in 5 days so far!
  • ShandaNP
    ShandaNP Posts: 5 Member
    Check out www.BodyRock.tv I started a month ago along with using MFP and have lost 5 lbs already!! Its an amazing FREE site. For 12 minutes a day... its SO worth it!!!
  • danetta34
    danetta34 Posts: 2 Member
    Let's get started! We can motivate each other. :smile:
  • blowsfire
    blowsfire Posts: 76 Member
    hi i'm luci-have you ever heard of bodyrocktv? well it use to be just body weight exercisez but the old host divorced her cameraman husband. you can now find her on zuzana light channel on you tube or zuzana light on facebook. she does all exercises with little or no equipment needed. she is very loveable too. we have a group on fb called warriorz cuz we all support each other on doing her workouts and diets and such. good luck buddy!
  • blowsfire
    blowsfire Posts: 76 Member
    cool. add me!
  • blowsfire
    blowsfire Posts: 76 Member
    Check out www.BodyRock.tv I started a month ago along with using MFP and have lost 5 lbs already!! Its an amazing FREE site. For 12 minutes a day... its SO worth it!!!
  • _rosegray
    _rosegray Posts: 26 Member
    hi! i've lost 30lbs so far and am hoping to lose about another 25 or so, and need all the motivation i can get :) we can help each other out :) feel free to add me!
  • shellybean73
    shellybean73 Posts: 88 Member
    you can add me!
  • LadyKatieBug
    LadyKatieBug Posts: 178 Member
    Hi You are welcome to add me. I am eating around 1200 calories and am down to 198 pounds. working on the finish line of my goal weight 135 pounds
  • MrsPong
    MrsPong Posts: 580 Member
    You can add me! I can always need a little push and someone to keep me in line! :) I eat about 1400 calories a day, I go to the gym every day and starting bootcamp classes April 30th. Even tho I'm not a workout at home person, you can depend on me! You can get a good workout at home...They have p90x on youtube, I do the abs portion and it kicks your butt!!!
  • chandysiegman
    Keep journaling every bite you take!! The weight will go away!!! The only exercise I do is walk my dogs for 30 mins a day!!! And am now only 6 pounds till gal weight! You CAN DO IT!!! Good Luck!!
  • rlwinton
    rlwinton Posts: 101
    I work out at home - my goal right now is around 10 lb weight loss; still wanting to keep some curves! Add if you want!
  • RoseMarieBaker90
    RoseMarieBaker90 Posts: 12 Member
    I worked out at home with the treadmill and power plank abdominal trainer until I joined the gym this week and hired two personal trainers. This week I have lost more than 3 pounds and I am more motivated now than ever! Before gaining all my baby weight, I was a size 3 and 112 pounds. My goal is not to become that small again, but close to it. I also entered this 3 month transformation challenge at the gym I go to. I enjoy competition and pushing myself to the limit now that I am motivated. I eat less than 1200 calories a day which includes breakfast, lunch, dinner, and two protein shakes. I have given myself 6 months to become the person I want to be. Stay motivated and shoot for your goals!!

    "Pain is temporary. Quitting lasts forever." -Lance Armstrong
  • meangel2009
    i eat about 900-1200 cals a day. I am 202 trying to get down to 160!
  • April0010
    April0010 Posts: 178 Member
    You can add me if you like, looking to drop about 10 lbs.
  • Seonaid74
    Seonaid74 Posts: 12 Member
    Good morning, we are in the same boat!! I have about 30 lbs to get to my goal. I love how supportive everyone is on here!! Feel free to add me as well. I log in everyday and it keeps me on track!!
  • Marvalm3
    Marvalm3 Posts: 31 Member
    Add me, I need some friends to keep me motivated!

    I have about 8 lbs to lose, but I am not focused on the scale as much as I am my body. I would love to wear a size 4 before the end of the summer!
    I have been a size 8/10 for many years and I am just now starting to fit into size 6. I was absolutely thrilled when I bought a pair of size 6 jeans and a size small shirt to go with it!

    My biggest problem? Not sure if I can afford a whole new wardrobe...especially since I'm planning on going down more than one size...
    Am I the only person with this problem? ;)