

  • If you went to their website, it's probably the full thing. I would hope so, cause that's what I use! LOL!
  • Find a local mommy's group. Try Meetup. It's easier when you have new friends who are going through the same as you. You could also check Meetup for a weightloss support group. If you had the money, maybe you could join a group focused weight loss center, like you-know-what. It helps to be around positive people going…
  • You need to find the motivation within yourself. Find a goal you want. Mine is to be a healthy and actve mom! I want to be in a swimsuit with my kids at the pool, not hiding fully clothed under an umbrella. When you find something YOU want to work for, it's easier to accomplish. Set mini goals, without a time frame. When…
  • I was 25 when I had my first. We got pregnant about 2 months after we were married! :) She was 1 month old on our 1st anniversary. I love her to death, and I wouldn't want to change a thing about when we had her! Everyone has different opinions, and you need to do what YOU want to do. Kids cost a lot, and that's the main…
  • Or are you referring to your goals? Because my goals that MFP gives me are: 630cals burned per week. Which is just really low! I don't know where it gets that number... lol.
  • Yes, it's all "in general" or "overall". If you burn more calories than you consume, overall, you will lose weight.
  • I've heard if you avoid fatty foods, you won't have bad side effects. The loose stools side effect is when your body passes the fat quickly without absorbing it, so if you don't eat the fat, you won't have the side effects. It basically "scares" you from eating fat, because you'll be scared to have the loose stools, so if…
  • Just take it slow! Don't try to do an hour the first day! There are so many adjustments on the machine, you can really set it up just for you. Just try for 20 mins today. Don't go overboard, and if you tire out, just slow down on your speed. I find it easier to do a middle-ground resistance, rather than a low resistance…
  • Sorry to hear that, but don't let it get you down! The pounds will soon come down again (we all have ups and downs!) Don't let this get to you too much!
  • It's okay to go over occasionally... Just do well tomorrow.
  • I ate tooo many Zesties french fries... hee hee.
  • Welcome, and good luck! I'm new to this site as well, and I am loving it so far! The food diary is so helpful, and it's great you can look up any food on the calorie counter. Good luck!
  • I love my elliptical. I just started my weight loss program this week, so I haven't seen results yet, but like the others have said, increase the level of resistance. You need to work up a sweat, and get your heart rate up, not just walk at a slow pace.