Scared of the Elliptical

carlafreeman Posts: 91
edited September 19 in Fitness and Exercise
Okay...I know that this sounds way stupid...but.....I AM TERRIFIED OF THE ELLIPTICAL!!! :embarassed:

There I said it. Of course I feel no better....but I admitted it. Isn't that the first step...Wait that's AA. :bigsmile:

Any advice out there for someone who is just starting this new "Lifestyle Change"???


  • havingitall
    havingitall Posts: 3,728 Member
    I used to be. I thought it would throw me off or something. I tried it out at the beginning of April for the first time and I love it.

    Do not be afraid. It is one of the best calorie burning machines out there!
  • Is it really?? Did you tire out quickly the first time you used it???
  • Poison5119
    Poison5119 Posts: 1,460 Member
    Take it slow at first until you get used to it. If you go both guns blazing you will wear out quickly, because it is a very efficient machine, but as you get fitter, it will come more naturally and the more you can ramp, the better the results. Have fun.
  • Just take it slow! Don't try to do an hour the first day! There are so many adjustments on the machine, you can really set it up just for you. Just try for 20 mins today. Don't go overboard, and if you tire out, just slow down on your speed.

    I find it easier to do a middle-ground resistance, rather than a low resistance where you're just running super fast.

    Good luck!
  • TamTastic
    TamTastic Posts: 19,224 Member
    Nothing to be scared of. I used to be intimidated as well, thinking I wasn't coordinated enough or something.

    I just took it slow. Started with 20 min, level 3 (random/interval setting) and every time a level started to feel easier (meaning you didn't have to work quite as hard to move it), I would bump it up a level and add 5 minutes.

    I now do over an hour a level 19! It's a great workout! Also, I alternate moving it forwards and backwards. Like, I will do 15 min forwards and then 15 min backwards, etc. To work different muscles.

    I did it almost exclusively throughout my 135 lbs weight-loss. It is easy on the body (joints, etc)

    And I think it has helped me with balance. Even at 6 months pregnant, I continue with it 3-4 days a week and have not felt too "lop-sided" yet, even with my growing bump. I think the coordination it takes on the ellipticalo has helped.

  • amymeenieminymo
    amymeenieminymo Posts: 2,394 Member
    Okay...I know that this sounds way stupid...but.....I AM TERRIFIED OF THE ELLIPTICAL!!! :embarassed:

    There I said it. Of course I feel no better....but I admitted it. Isn't that the first step...Wait that's AA. :bigsmile:

    Any advice out there for someone who is just starting this new "Lifestyle Change"???

    Keep in mind though, not every machine is for everyone. Give it a try, and like others maybe as you get stronger you'll do better and better. However, I HATE the eliptical! I can run on the treadmill a fairly decent amount, ride miles and miles on my bike, play tennis all day long....but the eliptical kills me. And I don't mean after a 20 minute workout....I'm talking two minutes into it I feel like I'm going to die.

    I hope this didn't discourage you, but in case you don't like it, just wanted to let you know you aren't alone.
  • Did I post this question???? :tongue:

    Seriously, I started working out on April 1st, and for the first week or so I avoided all of the equipment, except the treadmill. Then I incorporated the nautilus and bikes, all the while watching folks glide along effortlessly on the ellipticals. On week 3 I felt brave and hopped on one. I made it 2 minutes on level 1 before I thought I would I have a heart-a-stroke! For the next few weeks I stayed far away from it....I HATED that darned machine! LOL! On May 18th I let the competitive side of me win, and made the decision that I was going to get on that machine and like it.

    And I do. I will admit that it is a love/hate relationship, but I can now do 30 minutes at a time. I sweat myself silly, but I feel amazing after I'm done. Give it a try, but don't get discouraged on your first run. It will get better!
  • angiepc
    angiepc Posts: 6
    Baby steps is the first thing you need to keep in your mind! You don't sound silly at all. You sound like all the rest of us when we started.

    I'm a heart patient (ten months out from my heart attack) also suffer from osteoporosis and only 54 years old. I share this to give you evidence of where I've come in 2 years time. The elliptical is part of an exercise plan my body builder son set up for me. When I started, 2 minutes on the elliptical was PLENTY. It's two years later, I've increased the bone density in my hips 11%, my cardiologist is thrilled with me that I spend 30 minutes every other day on the elliptical. My point is, I started with 2 minutes!

    Hope this finds you on the elliptical!
  • Thanks everyone for all the advice and the support!! :smooched:
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