Struggling Mom

Help!! I'm sort of new...started trying to do this a few months ago and fell off the wagon...Since then I've gained weight and am now sitting at the heaviest I've ever been NOT pregnant. I am struggling! Looking for friends and ideas to keep my mind off how hungry I am....


  • CoachKaren
    CoachKaren Posts: 90
    Welcome back! You can do this. Its a journey. It wont be easy. But with a little support and your determination, you can do ANYTHING.
  • tramaine81
    tramaine81 Posts: 113 Member
    Hey! Don't worry, I know plenty of moms who are losing weight; however, it takes a while because your body has a lot of hormones still roaming around;)
    1. Are you breastfeeding?
    If so..You will be very hungry. So you must eat. Your body will hold onto weight if it suspects you are trying to diet.
    2. Hunger is caused by excessive refined carb and sugar intake. Cut back on sugars and refined carbs and you will not feel as hungry.
    3. Do mild exercise, such as walking, pilates, or yoga. It will relax you, help you shed weight, and it won't increase your appetite.
  • I'm a mother too so I can understand how we get so busy and things gets in the way. I am not sure what your schedule is, if you are a stay at home mom or a full time working mom like me. What I do is schedule every day when I am working out. then I plan ahead for my meals. For me its simple b/c i get up at 5am to start working out then i start getting ready for work at 6 am, get my daughter ready at 7 am, out the door at 7:30 am, get her to summer camp, then to work at 8am. Used to... I'd get up at 6 am & not work out, or I'd go to the gym and that was an inconvenience sometimes. With my fitness programs on DVD then I just push play and I am in my own house, in whatever I wanna wear, no shoes, just socks or sometimes no socks. Sometimes no bra... I tell you, it's the life! I :heart: it and would not trade it for what i was doing before w/ commuting to the gym and paying for the day care there which Alexis didnt like anyway. Now she's at home and sometimes if i do a bonus workout in the evening she does it with me. I hope that helped and feel free to add me as a friend if you need some extra motivation or support.
  • The first week is the hardest. You can do this, just drink lots of water with crystal light when you feel hungry. remember this is not a diet, it is a life style change. make small changes at first and just keep rolling with it. If you need friends please feel free to friend me. I still have 85 pounds to go but I will make my goal.
  • Welcome back and good luck!!!
  • You need to find the motivation within yourself. Find a goal you want.

    Mine is to be a healthy and actve mom! I want to be in a swimsuit with my kids at the pool, not hiding fully clothed under an umbrella.

    When you find something YOU want to work for, it's easier to accomplish. Set mini goals, without a time frame. When you say "I want to lose 5lbs by Aug 1st" That'll break you, because you will either get there too soon, and not try hard, or not get to that goal and feel discouraged. Set a goal for just 5 lbs, and no deadline. You can do it!
  • stephyy4632
    stephyy4632 Posts: 947 Member
    also a mom and new to this I started in May :)

    feel free to add me
  • Shannon1023
    Shannon1023 Posts: 30 Member
    Welcome back! As a mom of 3 myself, I know how hard it is to stay on track and not let life get in the way!

    Set some goals for yourself and tell others so they can help keep you on track and motivate you! Take a picture of yourself and hang it on your mirror or fridge... find some healthy snacks to munch on during those hungry times and drink lots of water to fill yourself up!

    You can do this!!
  • amyinTX
    amyinTX Posts: 4 Member
    You can do this! I am new to this site but definitely not new to the struggles of losing weight. I too am at the heaviest I have ever been (non pregnancy weight) and am struggling also. You can definitely add me as I know how hard this is being a mom.

    Good luck!

  • Thank you all so much!!! You have no idea...or maybe you do, the strength you can get from a stranger! I'm so excited now, and I'm ready!!! Thank you!!!!
  • neela31
    neela31 Posts: 180 Member
    I was in the same exact boat you are in a couple years ago. I lost some of the pregnancy weigt right away. Then over time I ended up just as heavy as I was (maybe a little heavier) the day I gave birth. I'm about 5 pounds away from my pre-pregnancy weight and been able to maintain it for a year. You can do it! The difference for me was being able to schedule exercise in 5 days a week.
  • wrgawife
    wrgawife Posts: 61 Member
    As a mom of 2 boys I was in your same boat I just started to get serious about my weigt release literally this week monday I was just walking every now and then but Now i have to work out even if i just walk around the block. Don't know how old your children are but get them involed my youngest who is 5 was in the living room with me doing exericse with the Wii my fitness coah he was doing the yoga and my oldest which 9 says may are we going walking today. Get your children involve they will love it and motivate you and remind you about your exercise. I also drink water and my children make sure that they drink at lease 1 to 2 glasses before getting kool-aid or any kid of drink .

    Also i have my ipod nike + the goes with the ipod to help me keep track of what i have walked. I Bid you blessings on your health life endeavors. Hey WE CAN DO IT!!!
  • After being on here a week....I think this is the best thing I could have done. Losing weight is not a bad thing!! And with all the support from you guys on this website, it is awesome!!! And encouraging to see you guys exercise (which I haven't started yet) and doing so well..I'm gonna get there!!

    (Last night my almost 4 year old looked at me and said "You're pretty Mommy, I wuv you"....God is good!!)