endurowoman Member


  • I love the pregnant one, yes I have had that comment many times and all the others too! But, my bad was, a woman came to the library and I thought she was fat but I thought again and asked if she was pregnant. She was all offended and snapped back that she had had a baby 6 weeks ago. Then I realized it was a beer belly. I…
  • I think most of the comments made about the jerk are right on. But it would have been a triumph for you to have said something to cut him off at the knees and that's being nice, knees are expendable you know! Keep on doing what you are doing and remember he has to work on his soul, your just fighting a physical problem.
  • You can get great workout tapes at the library for free! Try different ones for a change of pace. Never feel bad if you can't keep up, remember your doing what you can and it will increase as you get more fit. Believe me, I even did Tahitian Hip Hop and it was scary, thank goodness I was alone! I feel for you, but at least…
  • Hate to tell you this but the fitter you get and the ride gets easier, you use less calories! But in the long run you are resetting your metabolism so it does pay off, just not the way you planned. :)
  • I have the same problem, part of it is menopause, but when I lose lots of weight I wear much smaller clothes, the size of the stomach is smaller but still in proportion just as paunchy, the shape never changes and I used to do triathlons and bike race. Still same shape belly. Also the rest of my body was so small, like…
  • More veggies!!!! You have to really pack them in. Have you tried green smoothies? Check out Victoria Butenko's books from the library, this will help a lot. Good luck, I'm really proud of your effort, also organic is important.
  • yeah you said it way better than me! in response to MzBug
  • There's nothing easy about menopause and it lasts so long.................Just hope your periods stop before your 58. The tubal does do weird stuff but in the end it is great! I had one at 26. I can tell you that most of your problem is peri-menopausal symptoms, isn't it fun. Just be vigilant and you will lose, but you…
  • I know just how you fell and what you went through. I swear I do well all day and then the evening comes and whamo over I go. I did really well for two months and now the last two weeks have been so hard. I hate this it is agonizing, especially when those one day binges become a string of binges. Just keep trying and know…
  • Welcome. This site is really fun and easy to use. I hope you do well, just don't give up.
  • Maybe you are not eating enough protein and or veggies. If the food you eat is really healthy you will get past these cravings eventually, but you have to clean it up. Hopefully you can start by letting the fries go..........or you can be an obsessive compulsive and exercise yourself to the point you can eat the darn…
  • I got my first cold in 15 years, two months ago and it lasted 4 hours!!!! Pretty cool huh? Exercise makes a huge difference in our lives......besides it's a refrigerator deterrent. :happy:
  • awesome dude!!! you give me hope, it does seem faster with mfp than anything I have ever done. take care and stay healthy.
  • Glad your here this has really helped me too. WW is too expensive but they have a good program. Remember what you said about healthy and make all your calories count! Good luck!!!
  • You look to young to be running a marathon, good luck. Remember walking counts!!!! Eat your carbs the night before. Enjoy the first 20 miles and then gut it out for the last 6, you'll be fine. Of course it depends on how many long runs you've done in preparation...............and the weather.
  • I know how you feel I gained 2 ounces in the last two days. But I still feel bad because I have not lost and I am being good. The other two comments are definitley on track. The more muscle the more weight, I used to do triathalons etc. for years and I was never tiny. The good part is your setting your body up to be fitter…
  • I don't know the answer, but logically calories burned are calories burned. Exercising in the morning does jump start your metabolism though and sets the tone for the day, it gets your blood circulating and gives you more energy. Exercising moderately in the evening helps sleep along and keeps you out of the refrigerator…
  • Even if a person can't run they can walk and run a few steps, then walk and run a few steps. Kind of like swimming Alcatraz. When you get tired you turn over and do the back float for a few then flip over and swim some more (at leats until you feel a shark nibbling at your toes, then your time gets really fast:happy: )…
  • I hear ya girl! Menopause sucks, and it makes it very hard to lose, but you can do it. Eat more protein (lean) cut down on carbs, exercise even easy stuff, every day, try to keep regular hours. But you really have to clean up the food. I know because I am going through this and went to a doctor and read a gazillion books.…
  • Trenton, Boy is that the truth! Many people refuse to even try anything new if they think they hate it. I haven't seen to many folks stick their noses up at pastries. How many times have you heard, "I can't eat donuts they make my skin crawl." or, " I ate an eclair once and it made me sick." It's always the vegetables or…
  • When your self esteem is up those bullies can't get anywhere and losing the weight sure makes a difference on that score! Besides were going to live better no matter how old we get than folks who don't try.
  • Me too! I have 35 lbs. to re-lose again. Stay strong we can do it!!!
  • :bigsmile: :bigsmile: I'm really proud of you too! Quitting smoking is a huge step, though the initial gain in weight can be a bit of a downer. In the long run though quitting is easier than the food, cause you never have to touch the things again, but the food..........you know. I quit in May of 1974 and have never gone…