All the help I can get

I have been a member of another weight loss site for almost a year. I found this one because of my new smartphone. I decided to join this one also because lately I have been slacking off a lot. I figure that if I have 2 sites that i can keep track of myself with I can hold myself more responsbile. so far so good.

At my biggest I was 250. I am only 5'5 so I looked big and I hated it. The moment that my life turned around was when I decided to quit smoking. I have been smoke free for over 1 year. Now I weigh about 195, I gained back about 10 lbs. I don't like it. I am getting back on track but some times it is harder than before. I just hope that this time I can really do it. :happy:


  • shirl2825
    Wow! Congrats on the not smoking for a year! That is great. I just joined this site today. It looks like it is going to have great tools to use. Hoping to see great results for all of us. :happy:
  • endurowoman
    endurowoman Posts: 23 Member
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: I'm really proud of you too! Quitting smoking is a huge step, though the initial gain in weight can be a bit of a downer. In the long run though quitting is easier than the food, cause you never have to touch the things again, but the know. I quit in May of 1974 and have never gone back, but the food thing never stops. Just trying and never giving up is better than most.