YOU are NOT too BIG to run a 5k!

I wanted to share this with any one who ever thought running a 5k was out of reach last year I was 289 pounds when all the skinny girls at work decided they wanted to run a 5k. I said sure at least it was a "walk" to. That day started me on a path. I was always athletic in school and years later packed on the pounds. I missed the competition I never knew that I did. That day I finished with a time of 47 minutes. I walked most of if and thought about how over weight I was. But that friendship and support I received from total strangers kept me moving. :heart:

I decided to try another one and not tell anyone. I improved on my time and enjoyed it yet again. In 2010 my new years resolution was not to lose weight or to go on a diet it was to run 12 - 5k;s in 2010. I have done one each month in the hopes of improving my time and losing some weight.

I began on MFP on 8-1 at 262 pounds. Today I weigh 247 pounds - I'm down a few and still running when I can.

If i can start running little bits at 289 pounds anyone can. I'm in your corner - I promise you won't regret just do it!!

Today marked over a little over a year anniversary of my first 5k. I ran a 5k this morning in my personal best time ever of 38:11. I have been shooting for under 40 for the last 3 - today I finally did it!:drinker:

I have 4 more races to meet my resolution goal of 2010. My fitness and weight goals come second to finishing what I started but they are all leading me to a much higher goal of a better and healthier life.

JOIN me run a 5k. try it - you can do this at any size I promise -


  • Ravyn1982
    Ravyn1982 Posts: 225 Member
    I love that idea!! I'm gonna have to see about getting into any of the 5k's they have around here. Its almost winter time though for me so I'll have to wait until next year to do it. They don't do anything like that around here between Sept and April. I'm gonna have to get info on them for next year now. you've inspired me to do it!:)
  • endurowoman
    endurowoman Posts: 23 Member
    Even if a person can't run they can walk and run a few steps, then walk and run a few steps. Kind of like swimming Alcatraz. When you get tired you turn over and do the back float for a few then flip over and swim some more (at leats until you feel a shark nibbling at your toes, then your time gets really fast:happy: ) Congrats on your running!!!
  • anu_6986
    anu_6986 Posts: 702 Member
    You are doing such a great job! WTG! :drinker:
  • eyoreblu
    this totally gives me inspiration! There is no way that I feel that I can run a 5k but I just read up on the program couch to 5k and it makes it so I feel I can take little steps first! I have just started on MFP and have not started any activities and I feel this is something I can do.

    Thanks for the inspiration!!!