Feeling at a loss (gain is a better word)

I know that I should not just go on here to vent, but I really feel like I have been trying this week and I had a gain. I worked out 5 days this week and ate fairly well most of the time staying in my calories almost every day. when I gained a pound back it makes me feel defeated. I also feel that I don't deserve to have the pumpkin pie my work has today, or the Pizza party I am attending tonight for dinner. I am a fairly fit girl, I just completed a triathlon! I am not lazy and I do eat right, why is it that at 5'7 I am having such a hard time getting under 170 and staying there..... Any support or encouragement is much appreciated.


  • pizzy
    pizzy Posts: 47
    mabye shock your system and try a new workout, when you do the same workout over and over your body remembers it and eventually you will reach that plataue, you have to change your workout, if you keep the same one all you will do is maintain your weight so try a different workout for a couple of weeks and see how that works, also if your not doing strength exercises you should include that in your workout also
  • Cawen
    Cawen Posts: 8
    Maybe you could try taking your measurements, and tracking your progress that way rather than watching the scale. If you're training for a triathlon, you're certainly gaining a lot of muscle. I used to cycle a lot in my late 20s and my thighs and butt got HUGE (well, not huge, but a lot bigger), even though I was at a low (18 percent) body fat and a lot smaller than I am now, even though I weighed about the same. (Instead of going on 70 mile bike rides two or three times a week, my exercise is walking to and from work -- only 5 miles roundtrip, plus I am 20 years older and presumably have less natural muscle mass anyway).

    Hope this helps!
  • driscollmc
    i was in a similar position when i first started, then after about 2 weeks of sticking with it i lost 4 lbs! you really just have to keep at it and don't let the numbers on the scale define you. sometimes you don't lose pounds but you lose inches. also be sure you're drinking TONS of water, because you could have a lot of salt in your diet and then just retain a bunch of water. but don't give up!!! it won't happen overnight, but thats actually a good thing because when you reach your goal it makes it that much more worth it :)
  • mimere
    mimere Posts: 19
    I agree with the above! As we've all heard time and time again, muscle weighs more than fat. I'd definitely make sure to track your measurements- which might make you feel better. Also mixing up your exercise routine, and making sure to weigh yourself at the same time of day helps. Oh! And try making sure you don't eat too late at night! Some say 7PM is the magic number... but I think it really just depends on when you go to bed. Plateaus happen, but you're definitely an inspiration to me for being so athletic! Congrats on the Triathalon!!!
  • endurowoman
    endurowoman Posts: 23 Member
    I know how you feel I gained 2 ounces in the last two days. But I still feel bad because I have not lost and I am being good. The other two comments are definitley on track. The more muscle the more weight, I used to do triathalons etc. for years and I was never tiny. The good part is your setting your body up to be fitter your whole life. Even though I haven't raced in twenty years I still have a pulse of 50. keep doing what your doing it will come off eventually and try to eat unprocessed as much as possible. And remember a bigger butt is the best place to draft behind in a race. :happy:
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    If you've been working out every day for the past 5 days, give yourself a rest day, drink lots of water and stay within your cals. Try weighing yourself in a few days and see if your body was maybe just retaining. It's always possible. Most importantly - keep your chin up, Aly! You're going to do great this month!
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    i feel your pain!!! you must just be at a plateau like me!! it sucks...i will tell you the advice that i have gotten from others. 1.make sure you are getting at LEAST your calories for the day, so your body doesn't think its "starving". 2. up your water intake to try and flush your system. and 3. keep track of your measurements, cuz although the scale may not be changing your inches might be!!! so hopefully this advice will help :) you seem plenty motivated so just keep the patience :)
  • lostalykat
    lostalykat Posts: 683 Member
    Thanks everyone!!! I have a healthy salad for lunch today so I am determined to be good on calories!
  • erinup
    erinup Posts: 53 Member
    I know how you feel. I am on week 3 and have lost 2.5 lbs. Well, actually I lost it twice. I lost 2.5 lbs the first week, gained them back the second week (?!?) and lost them the 3rd week. My diet has been fairly consistent. I think my body is just being stubborn! I know it is working, my clothes feel just a bit looser. I will keep plugging away at it and eventually my body will cave and show the loss on the scale. That is all we can do - it will work!