Lovelybirdxx Member


  • Thank You guys so much. It makes me feel a little bit better on what im doing then. I am looking to shred fat and then tone, i dont want to be bulky but i definitely want some definition. Also im not doing shakeology. I think that is not only to much money but i know i can eat healthy and work out and do the same exact…
  • Independence, Active, Smile (also has to have good teeth with that smile), outgoing, wants to go somewhere in life and has goals, has a good side as well as a freaky side. He must always keep me longing for more!
  • I hear you on considering it a clean food but it is a hell of a lot better than ground beef or something else i could be eating. So far ground turkey is a good protein, a lot lower in calories than any other meat other than white fish, and i like it so much better than chicken.
  • I buy EAS 100% Whey Protein and I really like it. It isnt to much money and the nutrition facts fit what I wanted. It could be different for anyone else but so far I am very happy with it.
  • I have never done this before. Pretty excited to try it out Weekly Goal:6000 Mon: 450 (elliptical and treadmill) 300 (dancing) Tues: calories burned (how they were burned) Wed: calories burned (how they were burned) Thur: calories burned (how they were burned) Fri: calories burned (how they were burned) Sat: calories…
  • I have one. I love it. It helps me keep track of how my day is going calorie wise and what not. I wish it had a HRM but i will just have to get that as well.
  • I dont have children but i have been around enough and watched enough. If the parent does not know the others and just leaves is not responsible. You dont know anything about the person your dropping your child off with. Hypothetically talking... what happens if a kid goes missing? Then what do you have to say for…
  • One thing i will have to remember to do is enter my weight. This helped out a lot. Thank You! I never know which one to follow especially when i do circuit training. I always wonder how many calories are actually burnt,
  • That is a great piece of information. I bought the fitbit ultra the other day. im waiting for it to arrive. im pretty excited to get it. Ive been looking at it for some time. I have also been getting a lot of information on the HRM and i think both will come in handy. that will most definitely be my next investment. I like…
  • Thank you. I also am interested in the HRM. I think i may have to purchase one of those as well. I ordered my fitbit the other day to see how it does. we will see how it goes.
  • I take it nobody has any inputs on the fitbit?
  • I have been seeing a lot about them but have never tried it. Let me know How that works!
  • I said that was my opinion not to eat. I also said that if you eat before you will burn those calories before you start burning calories that you are actually trying to lose. I work with several trainers and what they say makes sense. Then again i did mention it is more opinionated rather than fact.
  • I use to do spin classes and wake up that early for them. I learned the hard way not to eat before any sort of working out. I keep hearing people say you need to eat before you go work out but it never makes sense to me. I wont be burning calories from fat that i have, id only be burning calories from the food that i ate.…
  • Is there a specific reason why you have to eat there? If you dont have to dont. There food is fried and processed. It is not healthy and more than likely anybody that eats bad food will hate themselves after. Even there salads are bad for you. Its just not a healthy place. If you work there then maybe someone can bring you…
  • Wow that is absolutely great! You Look amazing. Good job!
  • Hello Juliana. I have been a part of this website for sometime now but have never looked around it at all and its quite new to me as well. I am only down about 5 pounds out of the 30 i would like to lose. I will definitely join the ride with you. Im trying to really watch my health and maintain a decent weight and fight…