Semi-new, virtually friendless. First time posting!

Hi, I am pretty new to this site. Took some time to learn my way around, but now I would love to have some friends for support! I'm 23, a recent college grad living in New England. I've been trying to seriously improve my health for a few years now, and I'm down about 25 pounds from my peak. Still have about thirty or forty pounds to lose. Anyone wanna come along for the ride? :)



  • HikingChic
    HikingChic Posts: 8 Member
    I'm pretty new myself and keep tweaking it. Trying to find what fits and works. Sure, let's ride :happy:
  • Lovelybirdxx
    Lovelybirdxx Posts: 22 Member
    Hello Juliana.

    I have been a part of this website for sometime now but have never looked around it at all and its quite new to me as well. I am only down about 5 pounds out of the 30 i would like to lose. I will definitely join the ride with you. Im trying to really watch my health and maintain a decent weight and fight everything that has ran in my family. You can do it as long as you put your mind to it.

  • Thanks guys, I've added you both!