

  • THank you....this website is great!
  • :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Oh yes it does....I will keep to this life change...this is easier than what I feared it to be. I'm hoping by July 13th I will be at my goal weight of 158:wink:
  • I love that wrap too:love: If you remember I would appreciate if you could send me the info to my mailbox =0) I had one for dinner....and even though it taste so good...I couldn't stop thinking about the amount that it could possibly be:cry:
  • THat sounds so logical and I thank you for refreshing my mind on who is in control:happy: I wan this....I really do! And I know I can do it....I am in a house with several people teasing and laughing at me while I am doing this. I'm told that I am starving myself and its not going to work or I won't last. :huh: BUt as they…
  • NOpe:frown: You have to make friends and ask to see their menus......
  • Interesting! Because I really want to be 155....soooooooo maybe I can go up to 1500 calories a day instead of the 1200???:bigsmile:
  • Congrats on the baby=0) Boy or girl?:flowerforyou: I had gained 68 pounds with my son back in 2003. I really watched what I ate to lose my weight and started on the tredmil when I could....I lost 48 pounds within 2 1/2 months. I know it sounds crazy....but I cut out my rice, bread, pasta and white sugars and ate very…
  • hahahah....thanks=0) I was looking all over the saved me a headache=0):flowerforyou:
  • long and how intense are you working out? Why aren't you eating your work out calories??? YOur body needs that hun! If you don't your body will think it is survival/starvation mode and you WONT lose anything. I'm new week in and I have lost 2lb. I work out 60-90 min a day and I eat more that 1/2 of…
  • THank you very much=0) :smile: I can do all things through HIM! I will keep that in mind when it gets hard. I have a question though.....does it really matter what I eat as long as I stay within my limits of calories I am suppose to consume?