ashlbubba Member


  • I'm 25 weeks now and up 20 pounds- OUCH! However in the last few days I have lost my appetite so that is comforting after such huge Christmas cookie gains! :laugh: I feel like we're really getting close to being ready as the weeks seem to get shorter and shorter... My husband is definitely nesting, he's getting worried…
  • SW: 199.6 CW: 214.8 21w 2d: + 15.2 I've been going cookie crazy, hopefully I don't gain anything else for a few weeks LOL!
  • If you're seeing a dietitian can't she (he) recommend caloric goals?
  • If you think that there's a medical issue on why you can't do cardio see your Dr. Otherwise keep at it and you'll build up your stamina very quickly!
  • The first time I started it I was new to exercising and lost an inch off my waist in ten days.
  • I really don't have a desire to know yet... there is definitely not enough surprises in life! For practical purposes if I knew what I was having I'd be very tempted to go buy baby clothes.. when the baby comes I KNOW I'll be wanting to take my baby clothes shopping.. so why spend so much before the baby comes? Also, the…
  • Eat it and enjoy it. If you cut out something you want (really, really bad) you'll fall off the wagon and binge.
  • I like men that are proportionate.. Guys I'd consider lean and athletic are most appealing to me (to look at). Googling "Body Fat Percentage Men" I found guys in the 10-15% BF range were what I would consider the best looking. It's a major turn off if "performance enhancing" or "steroid" comes to mind when I see him. If a…
  • Nothing. But I might if they loaded things into my car.
  • 19+3 here... 10.6 lbs gained 199.6 SW 210.2 this morning A bit more than I'd like but my appetite seems to be calming down a bit after 3 weeks of unending hunger!!
  • I'm having a .. ..SURPRISE!!! We'll find out when the baby comes out! :heart:
  • Hugs! But you're making a baby! :heart:
  • I'm 18 weeks- starting weight 199.6. I lost just a pound or so initially but am now weighing in at 207.6. Eat healthy and don't deny yourself food when you feel hungry. As long as your doc/midwife is happy I wouldn't be concerned.
  • Today I had 2 strangers ask me when I was due! I think I just look really fat but apparently there are at least 2 people out there confident enough their conclusion to have the guts to ask! 17.5 weeks +9 lbs :ohwell:
  • I've got to hear the heartbeat twice now, once at 11.5 weeks and once at 15.5 weeks. I will be having my first (and probably only) u/s in a couple weeks. :)
  • Hey Ladies- My due date was recently adjusted from April 30th to May 1st (as if this babe is coming either of those days! Hah!) so I figured I'd join this group too- more support for me! I'm currently 16.5 weeks pregnant with our first and we're planning an out of hospital birth. I went from being able to run a mile to…
  • I'm feeling pretty good here.. 17 weeks now- hoping to start feeling some movement soon, the midwife said this kid is a wiggle worm and since then I've been paying more attention to my body to see if I feel anything unusual. Maybe I do? I've been getting very fatigued lately.. a few months ago I could run a mile, now…
  • You're only lying to yourself.. and your waistline won't keep your secret!
  • I know a woman whose baby was breech and they manually (while in the hospital) turned the baby several weeks before she was due ( because the baby was smaller and there was more room to work) - which she described as painful.. she ended up having a c-section but not because of the baby positioning. Another woman I know had…
  • I upped my calories to maintenance around week 7, now at 14 weeks I'm up 6 pounds! During my next appointment my midwife and I are going to have a serious discussion about weight.. 6 pounds is a bit more than I'm comfortable with. but I'm dreaming of the perfect 20 pound weight gain pregnancy.. After seeing the scale up to…
  • I'm tracking my weight and my calories. My starting weight was 198 (At 12 weeks I'm now 202, and comfortable with it). My goals are set at maintenance, 2,220, and I find myself saying "But I'm still hungry!" more than I should... however since getting pregnant I've been eating a lot of meals on the go and so I'm not…
  • I'm 11 weeks with my first and started buying boring stuff right away, I heard someone once say when you find out you're pregnant you should spend $20 a week on supplies so you don't have such a burden when the baby comes and you're not working.. Being my first I need everything, so it seemed like great advice. I plan on…
  • At just 11 weeks I'm having hip pain that is just insane, but my 1st trimester symptoms only lasted a couple weeks... and I'd much rather be awake with a settled belly complaining about my hip than the latter.. Oh, and I miss running.. stupid cramping.
  • The last time I went jogging I had a lot of cramping so I had to walk... since that day I have just been trying to keep my stomach in line and eyes open. I'm 8 weeks now and feeling more awake but spend SO much time in the bathroom- forget exercise! I'm eating at maintenance and so far have been able to maintain my weight.…
  • We're keeping the gender a surprise but the name will be Wesley "Wes" Thomas (or) Rosalie "Rosie" Elise ... I have a lot of haters on Rosalie.. guess I won't have to worry about anyone stealing it!
  • They won't see me until I'm 10-12 weeks.. I can't even schedule the appointment until I'm 8 weeks ... 5.5 weeks down.. 4.5 to go before I get to find out if my babe's healthy! :sad:
  • April 30th with my first! I'm so excited!!
  • I thought this was going to be about Paula Deen.
    in Hey y'all Comment by ashlbubba July 2013
  • I am an emotional eater.. I could eat hundreds of calories of junk and end up ONLY FEELING WORSE! ... Today I ate 440 calories worth of emotional calories and didn't feet any better.. when I got home from work I went on a 3 mile run (walk)... by time I got home I felt so much better! I have several workout DVD's .. one has…