will i ever get results using 30 day shred?

so i am starting the 30 day shred and its been day 6. I kno a lot of people will say its too early to notice anything, but when do you start to notice a change? I make myself exercise not really feeling like it and i dont feel like its my 100%. though the exercises do make me sweat and i have lots of breaks, i dont think ill get results from it.


  • superhippiechik
    superhippiechik Posts: 1,044 Member
    I did it and lost 8 pounds. In my Boobs. Can I sue her for a boob job?
    Also,I can not stand the sound of her voice now. Makes me want to kick a reindeer. That and Mariah Carey songs. Ew.
  • laurenz2501
    laurenz2501 Posts: 839 Member
    I did it and lost 8 pounds. In my Boobs. Can I sue her for a boob job?
    Also,I can not stand the sound of her voice now. Makes me want to kick a reindeer. That and Mariah Carey songs. Ew.

    :laugh: :drinker:
  • brisingr86
    brisingr86 Posts: 1,789 Member
    Try not to take as many breaks if you can (you may find it easier as you keep going). If your only measure is the scale, you may not see much in the way of a change, but take measurements. That's where people see the most change if you read the forums on the topic. I haven't done 30DS, but I've done Ripped in 30 (in fits and starts). I definitely see results and feel myself getting stronger as I continue through the program. Good luck!
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    What type of results are you looking for more specifically?
  • my stomach
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    it's a start. it's a decent enough beginner dvd, and when level 1 gets too easy, you can go up a level.

    try not to take too many breaks, but when you do, pause the dvd. take as long as you need, and then keep going. when you can do the work out without taking a break a few times, then you can move up a level.

    btw, 30 day shred is just a marketing name. it's not intended to be done ever day, and isn't supposed to be something you do for 30 days straight. try doing it three days a week. say, m-w-f. and on tu-th-sat, you do another form of cardio such as going for a walk or a run or the elliptical.. sunday you rest.

    but to get the best results for your stomach, you have to cut back on the calories. don't cut back too much, especially if you're upping your work outs. it'll take some time to see real results, but they're on their way, i promise.
  • thank you very much
  • ashlbubba
    ashlbubba Posts: 224 Member
    The first time I started it I was new to exercising and lost an inch off my waist in ten days.
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    it's a start. it's a decent enough beginner dvd, and when level 1 gets too easy, you can go up a level.

    try not to take too many breaks, but when you do, pause the dvd. take as long as you need, and then keep going. when you can do the work out without taking a break a few times, then you can move up a level.

    btw, 30 day shred is just a marketing name. it's not intended to be done ever day, and isn't supposed to be something you do for 30 days straight. try doing it three days a week. say, m-w-f. and on tu-th-sat, you do another form of cardio such as going for a walk or a run or the elliptical.. sunday you rest.

    but to get the best results for your stomach, you have to cut back on the calories. don't cut back too much, especially if you're upping your work outs. it'll take some time to see real results, but they're on their way, i promise.

    This :)
  • jonzo21
    jonzo21 Posts: 446 Member
    I'm currently on day 12. I got impatient on day 7 and tried to weigh myself and take measurements but ended up disappointed. I did it again at day 10 and found I had lost an inch in my thighs, and a little off my hips. I'm also taking pictures every 10 days to do a side by side comparison because its hard to notice any real changes when you see yourself everyday. One thing I do notice is my stamina has improved significantly, and my upper body strength. That in itself is a victory, because it allows me to push through harder workouts where I definitely will see results.

    Also, the first time I did 30DS I didn't really notice anything between my pictures until I was done with level 2 on day 20. So hang in there, don't get discouraged by the scale, and take pictures (even if only for your own eyes to see the progress!)
  • thank you hunny. I will stick to it :)
  • AlongCame_Molly
    AlongCame_Molly Posts: 2,835 Member
    I had significant stamina results, but not much of a change physically.
  • rjdunn87
    rjdunn87 Posts: 385 Member
    I just finished it yesterday - didn't see much in the way of weight loss, but I did lose about 9 inches total over my body.
  • FitMomOK
    FitMomOK Posts: 66 Member
    I liked it, but when I did it once a day for a month last summer I lost 1 lb. I could see a bit of difference in my arms and waist, but not as much as I was hoping. My advice: 20 minutes is just not long enough, sorry Jillian. I'd say do 40-60 minutes AND really, really closely watch your diet.
    I don't want to be discouraging, but that was what I found. Now I am working out longer with free weights and using many of her moves, but doing 40 minutes, as well as 60-90 minutes of cardio and logging everything and seeing much more difference.
  • colortheworld
    colortheworld Posts: 374 Member
    Stick with it. I'm on day 26, and while I've only lost a pound, I took pictures before I started and half way through, and can definitely see a change in my stomach and thighs. Plus I'm a lot stronger in my arms now. I've kind of half-assed some of the workouts on days I was feeling sore, and I still see a difference. I don't love exercising, but the 20 minute workouts I can do without hating them, because they are over so fast.
  • I just started 30DS again. I am on level 1 day 3, but I have completed it before. I completed it in about 2 months since I wasn't doing it everyday. I did 10 days for each level. I lost about 9 lbs over those 2 months and saw definite results in the mirror. It's a good program. You will see results. You just have to be patient :)