

  • Yeah. I know what you mean! :smile: Its never to late to give it another try though!
  • Did much better last night. I got busy reading to my daughter and had a nice hot cup of tea. I ate a nice big bowl of homemade chicken soup for dinner which helped me feel satisfied for a small amount of calories. I tried the idea of looking forward to eating the stuff tomorrow instead of pigging out last night, and it…
  • Creiche- Really good points. Thank you for passing on what worked for you. Mental games help me with other stuff too. I will try it with this.....
  • My problem is I'm not hungry--I'm emotional eating and I find that a little harder to get control of. Its so weird. I feel like I am missing out on something if I don't have a snack/dessert after dinner, and then I feel sad. I could be completely stuffed and I will still feel like I am missing something. The other day I…
  • Thanks for sharing. I love it when I hear stories of how people got through setbacks like yours. It helps to encourage me to keep going when I'm struggling.
  • Eating a little bit of healthy fat, like the fat in walnuts really helps to stop a craving. :) That's cool.
  • So what are you guys going to do to replace your bad habits? I think that's the key to not feeling like you are punishing yourself and doing without. Hang in there and stick with it. We can kick these bad habits together!
  • This is really cool, and I totally think this stuff makes sense. Not only will you get thinner when you deal with the deeper issues, but you will be happier and more fulfilled. I have heard Jillian Michaels talk about that on her radio show, about dealing with the hard stuff and being courageous and facing it head on,…
  • When someone offers me fattening/unhealthy food now, I look at it like them saying "Hey, wanna gain a few pounds and feel like crap for the next few days?" or "How would you like to go back to feeling those love handles again?" instead of them just asking me to eat some pizza or donuts or ice cream. It's a lot more than…
  • Wow. Thanks DHalaby73 for all the awesome recipes! They are making my mouth water already. Love the idea of a fruit salad as well as a veggie one. Those are both filling and tasty and way less calories too! I am glad I'm planning ahead on this. I've learned the hard way from mindlessly helping myself to food at potlucks…
  • This is awesome that you posted this for all of us that wonder if it's really working. It inspires us to keep on keeping on and not give up! Thanks for taking the time to share your success and encourage others! Amazing results in just 18 days!!
  • It's amazing how you notice these things more when you are changing your life too, isn't it? I want to be healthy like that when I'm a senior citizen too. :smile:
  • That is awesome! So cool that you still feel like you can eat, just healthy stuff! And I'm sure you feel lots more energetic and healthier too!
  • I agree. It helps so much to keep the goal in mind. I also really try to remember what it feels like to feel full and overloaded with fat/sugar, and how gross I feel afterwards. That helps me to say no! Day by day, step by step I am determined to make this happen!
  • Thanks for the tips guys. I think I will go with what I was originally thinking, and alternate it with her other dvds like Edorice suggested. Either way, I will burn calories and see results I'm sure! Love what Jillian has to offer, and love seeing the results!!
  • Interesting about the lighter weights not being too much...I will wait and see what everyone has to say. I really would like to do the 30 Day Shred daily, but don't want to overdue it and over work my muscles.
  • How is everyone doing after almost a week with your goals for one month from now? I am keeping up with my daily meal planning. I slipped a couple days last week because I was sick, but I still tried my best to keep track of things. I did weights twice this week instead of three times like I wanted to, again, because I was…
  • You guys inspire me. I love the idea of all of us reaching our specific goals while supporting each other. It is such an amazing support! I want to add one more thing--I want to pre-plan my meals everyday in the morning, BEFORE I eat, so I don't set myself up for failure. This helps SO much!! I will check back soon to see…
  • Wow. You inspire me! Good for you for sticking to your goals!
    in Food nsv Comment by kookla33 April 2011
  • Loved hearing all of your thoughts. It will be very interesting to see what happens next week. Even though Courtney went home- she's inspired so many people! I hope she wins the at home prize, or that Arthur does. It's so cool to see their faces take shape as they look more and more like themselves, after the weight loss.…
  • Eating when you're stressed is a bad habit that you will have to fight to replace. Soothing yourself with food leads to more stress. Replace those habits with something else that's positive, not eating!
  • Welcome! So glad you joined! You can do this and we are here for you. Keep your goals in front of you all the time and take it one day at a time. Each day will bring you closer to your goals and make you a happier, fitter person. Stick with it and and you will be so glad you started on here!!
  • I think the ideas the others listed on here are really good! Tea is a great one for de-stressing. Green tea both calms and energizes, and Dr. Oz says that chamomile and passionflower tea helps relax your brain. I have noticed a difference with that myself. Also- yoga (not the power yoga, the relaxing kind) is huge for…
  • I didn't really see many of the earlier episodes, so I don't have much to compare it to. I have it on series recording on my DVR because it gives me the boost I need to keep going. I only have about ten pounds left to lose, but seeing that they can burn off all the weight they do totally motivates and inspires me! It…
  • I look forward to every Tuesday to watch this show. I really hope Courtney sticks in till the end or very close to it. I really want to see her succeed!
  • Wow! Thanks so much to all of you who replied. I will come back and re-read these responses when I feel tempted to pig out and stuff myself. I am looking forward to the day when I don't feel the impulse to do that anymore. Getting closer...
  • Even though you have not gotten the results you want, look how far you've come. You still lost weight and got into a healthier lifestyle. Give yourself some credit! If you are watching your calories and keeping them in the daily allotment for you, and you're still not losing weight, you might get your thyroid checked. Low…
  • Thanks for all the feeback everyone. It seems to be a good idea to get a personal trainer if you need help staying consistent and motivated, which I do. It's not in my budget now, but I am going to look at it in the near future. Any of you that have great workouts, especially involving weights/curcuits/intervals and stuff…
  • Thats really cool that your wife is supporting you. You will see that the benefits you gain will get you hooked on living a better lifestyle though, and you'll end really believing in it for yourself! Good luck and don't give up!
  • ElaineKatko-That is a really good idea to have a calendar and mark it off! I have done that before but forgot about that. I think it's the marking off part that's the funnest, isn't it? Gives you such a sense of accomplishment!