TheKittyCato Member


  • bump... i am going to try this, should be good for kids....:smile:
  • I do enjoy the beta phase a lot more, once you complete the 1st week it feels great. It is more challenging on some days, core cardio and my personal favorite speed 2.0 :sad: , but you get a break (somewhat) in between on upper focus dynamic core. I still do the lower focus on some days because this phase does focus on…
  • Thank you for the advice and encouragement. The HRM I have is only a watch type no chest strap ( I was looking for an inexpensive option). I did see recommendations for the FT4, I was just hoping to avoid that investment. How are you using the FT4, is it worth the money? Oh and BTW, I did BEta cycle RIP T and speed 2,0 HRM…
  • Thanks, I plan to take it back. I am trying not to get obsessive about this weight loss thing, but I am not see the results that I want. I am wondering if it is worth buying a calorie counter, or do I just need to up the activity. Is T25 enough to lose 1 pound a week? My diet is fairly clean, however, I am not doing the…
  • I have 2 boys 3 and 6. I am with brining the SEXY back. I have been on MFP for a while now, logging and tracking food and excercise. I have just recenlty become active in the community and I would love to meet positive individuals to help with motivation and weight loss strategies. Feel free to friend me! Sexy is on its…
  • Running has been one of the main forms of excercise I have done for the majority of my life. I love it( when I am in shape). I have recently decided to make fitness a priority and I would love to build myself back up to the place that I can run a 5k, 9 min mile pace, and still feel as though I have more to give. When I am…
  • Count me in.
  • I am in. I did not get up this morning as planned -- my family and I caught some kind of stomach virus this weeked (yucK!) :blushing: and I am still a little exausted, I will be doing the cardio and the strenth training tonight after work. After reading all that you ladies have done today. I am hyped and it is Monday(not…
  • Hello fellow challengers- HOMEWORK 3/20/2013 CW 145.4 GW No real goal weight in mind, just want to look better in my jeans :wink: HEIGHT 5'2" Starting measurements WAIST 33 HIPS 40 CHEST 35 ARMS L 11 R 11 THIGHS L 25 R 25.25 I am somewhat new to MFP I have been a member on and off for a few months just tracking food and…
  • Hello all- I have been using MFP as a tool to track my eating and activity, and I have not really gotten too involved in the social aspect of the website. However, I find that I will lose a few pounds and then stop and go right back to the old habits. So I thought I will switch it up and try the social side see if this…
  • I interested in participating in the challenge.
  • *two cents -- oops should have proof read- Now who is insecrure??? LOL @ myself!
  • I really enjoY MFP as a weight lose tool. However, I have recently started reading the post out there in the community. What I will say I did notice that some people seemed angry with you instead of truly concerned for your health and trying to help (with the 10lbs in a week thing). I think that you should keep in mind…