

  • Hey all. I'm 5'0" and ~135 lbs. (Although I think I gained a couple of pounds back because of hurricane Irene!) My goal right now is 130; it all depends on how I look and feel at that point. I'm very buxom and build muscle easily. I may be short, but I'm not little! I think 125 might be the lowest I'd go. I'll just have to…
  • Adam Levine from Maroon 5! There's just something about that man! :bigsmile:
  • I didn't go down, but hey, I'm still under 135, so I'll take it! I just need to sweat my tush off the rest of this week! It's going to be super hard though. Neice's b-day party this past Sunday, large family picnic this coming Sat, big Labor Day picnic the weekend after that. Then I get one weekend off, then we go to the…
  • I'm a day late! Oooops! But I dropped more! I'm excited! Starting Weight= 136.2 Week 1= 134.4 Week 2= Week 3= Week 4= End Of Month Weight= Total Weight Lost=
  • BUMP - So other people will see this! :bigsmile:
  • I created a new exercise within MFP and then use the calories that my New Balance HRM gives me. I do find that the Active 2 HRM underestimates my calories burnt vs my HRM (but part of that could be that I'm still burning calories while the next exercise is loading, and it doesn't take that into consideration). I agree that…
  • Since the thought of a treadmill is appealing to you, look on CraigsList and see if there's one in your area that someone's trying to get rid of. That way you have a go-to piece of fitness equipment for the days you don't want to use the videos.
  • I've bought myself some new clothes (more out of necessity). I have a Pandora bracelet and got a charm for getting halfway there and will get another one when I've reached my final goal. I also plan to take a new professional family portrait so I can have a really nice picture and be proud of how I look in it. And all…
  • I'm into my second week of the 9 week program - medium difficulty. I love this thing. According to my HRM, I burn even more than when I do Jillian Michael's Ripped in 30! But that's probably because EA Active 2 adds more cardio to the mix. And my HRM has been averaging ~60 calories more burnt than what the game registers.…
  • I finally broke my plateau!!!! Yippee!!! Bye Bye 138! Now I've gotta keep my momentum going! Good luck everyone! Starting Weight= 136.2 Week 1= Week 2= Week 3= Week 4= End Of Month Weight= Total Weight Lost=
  • Starting Weight= 140 Week 1= 138 Week 2= 138.4 Week 3= 138.4 Week 4= 138 End Of Month Weight= 138 I'm officially stopping my "once a week cheat meal" for at least 2 weeks and then see what happens. I don't want one really high calorie day to spoil any progress I've made that week. I was able to get away with it before, but…
  • Hey all! I've still been Ripping, just not posting as often! I did W2D4 on the 30th and I'm on to W2D5 tonight when I get home. I laugh and shake my head whenever she goes after Shelly's butt! What is her obsession with that woman's tush??!! :laugh: I'm still getting a decent burn, but does anyone else find that it stinks…
  • Thanks everyone for the support and words of wisdom. It's great to know that other people are right there with you and that you're not in this alone! I think I'm going to contunue with the Ripped in 30 and Zumba DVDs for now. And I agree it's important to focus on other goals, too like getting to bed earlier (which may…
  • Happy Wednesday everyone! Starting Weight= 140 Week 1= 138 Week 2= 138.4 Week 3= 138.4 Week 4= End Of Month Weight= Weight thy name is Plateau...
  • I did W2D2 yesterday evening. Whew! I forgot how doing cardio in plank can be hard on the wrists. Even using my push up bars didn't help. I guess my wrists will just have to get strengthened up with the rest of me! BTW, I love the strength exercise with the one leg up behind in the air. Such a crazy move, but it's…
  • Did W2D1! I liked it even better than W1. What was up with the "spooky" warm up music, though? :laugh: And I don't know if it's because I have such short arms but I can't raise myself off the ground while in a sitting position-at least not with my arms placed the way she does it. I had to use my pushup bars. I did find a…
  • Hey all! I had a fun weekend. Went to the Science Center on Saturday and then the Amusement Park on Sunday. Didn't do the workout Sat because I thought that was the day we were going to the amusement park. Then we ended up going on Sunday instead. And then Monday night I cleaned and washed everything because nothing got…
  • Starting Weight= 140 Week 1= 138 Week 2= 138.4 :ohwell: Week 3= Week 4= End Of Month Weight= Considering what I ate on Sunday when we went to the Amusement park - I'll take it. :blushing:
  • Did W1D6 today! I admit I still can't do the "give it to God" move the way it should be. But that just reminds me that my stomach muscles have a way to go & I thankfully have 3 more workouts on this DVD to get them stronger! And I have to ask, does anyone else smile when she says to "go on and get some!" I don't know why…
  • Hey all! I'm still alive. I just took some time off because of a nasty tummy bug I got. :frown: I have every intention of starting right back up tonight, though! :smooched:
  • Happy Wednesday!! Starting Weight= 140 Week 1= 138 YAY! I lost the extra pound I had gained, plus one! (Too bad part of that was from a tummy bug...) :tongue: Week 2= Week 3= Week 4= End Of Month Weight= Keep it up everyone! :flowerforyou:
  • I knew it would be ok for a 5ft woman to weigh ~130 lbs! :laugh: I just have to keep working out my muscles and cardio burn to drop the fat! Thanks for the link. :flowerforyou:
  • Steph: you know that I was so at that place for a couple weeks myself. Sometimes we just need to blow off some steam then jump back in. Find the spark that made you start this journey to begin with. And remember we're here for you!!
  • Hey all! I did do W1D3 on Tues. I just didn't post here. And I firmly intend to do D4 when I get home tonight! You all can yell at me if I don't! :laugh: I agree with what a lot of you have posted. The "give it up to God" move I find sooo difficult! I have to lift my legs higher and put my head down every once in a while.…
  • @latoyabooker I joined a Jillian Michaels Ripped In 30 July Challenge. Although it'll take me into August since I do it every other day. I got nice results from her 30 Day Shred before. I also do some Zumba DVDs & walk. I sometimes throw in some other dance DVDs like Billy Blanks Jr and I just rented a Bollywood workout…
  • Hey all! I'm up a pound from before. :grumble: But I've started Jillian Michael's Ripped in 30. Hoping to see the same results as Shred! :happy: Here's to a new month! :flowerforyou: Starting Weight= 140 Week 1= Week 2= Week 3= Week 4= End Of Month Weight=
  • Did W1D2! Happy that I'm sticking to my every other day routine. Man have I been feeling it in my tushy already! Love it when I feel those butt muscles! I do have to say though, I hope she doesn't say "I've got 400 pound people who can do this-so can you" in the other 3 routines. It bothered me in Shred and here she goes…
  • Hey all! I did W1D1 today after work! (I even threw in some Zumba after just for punishment.) :laugh: I love how she says at the end that it's not about being perfect, it's about effort. I feel it wasn't massively intense, but since I haven't lifted any weights for 2 months, it was great; a nice way to ease me back in and…
  • Yay Bif!! :flowerforyou: Excited you're gonna do this too!! This will keep me accountable and motivated! Don't let me slack off now... :laugh:
  • Hi all! Starting-W3= 141.5 Got to 139 and stayed there. I will take any loss though! I'm happy. :laugh: I have to move more. There's no way around it. :tongue: :happy: So what's the plan for next month? Are you starting a new thread?