Ripped In 30 - July Challenge



  • miatavixxen
    miatavixxen Posts: 373
    Oh i totally want to try this one - sounds like it's worth it? Maybe that will be my "August" challenge.
  • I'm in, if I can still join! I will be doing it tonight so would it be better to post that before or after?
    I'm so stoked for this challenge, because i have been doing the video already but now I can talk to you all about it!
    I have looked ahead at the level 3 and 4, and I am nervous, lol but we will all be doing it together!
  • nh2576
    nh2576 Posts: 69 Member
    Hi, everyone! I haven't given up, but my kids DESTROYED the area i workout in...they have toys ALL OVER :explode: with ages 4, 5 and 9 they would love for me to continually pick up after them. Well, I'm not doing it anymore. :devil: Tonight I made them start sorting toys...we are getting rid of lots. I probably won't get to work out until tomorrow night at the earliest. I'm bummed, but this is a necessary evil. I had to put my foot down! :ohwell:

    On a bright note, my husband and I have continued to walk most nights. We did 3 miles tonight. :love:

    sorry about all the smiley's i'm in a weird mood tonight...
  • persian_star
    persian_star Posts: 197 Member
    Hello to those who've just joined us - welcome :smile: We're a very relaxed group, just sharing experiences and encouragement, so the more the merrier!

    I measured myself before I ripped this morning (W2D6 done) and have lost another half an inch round my waist, but that's it (so I'm not going to post all my stats again). I've found it so hard to get to grips with the abs workout in W2, I feel like I haven't really worked them that much (I actually paused it today once I finally got it co-ordinated so I could actually get a decent number of reps done, still feel all akimbo tho and not sure my abs got that much out of it). I also feel like I'm managing W2 ok after 6 days, which I didn't with W1, maybe the types of exercise are just easier for where I already had muscles (legs mostly - jump rope and the side lunges with leg raise I have to work hard to feel like I'm really pushing myself). Quite tempted to go back and do a couple of days of W1 again to see if I can manage it now.

    Thanks for the tip about using the weights to prop ourselves up for the table, last two days I've actually managed to do that one properly! And I may not have lost much size, but I can almost(ish) get through the plank cardio just dropping to my knees in between each set of reps, so my strength and endurance is definitely improving :happy: Same with the spiderman pushups, first set all the way through, second set only need one rest now *l* I feel like such a wuss!

    nh2576 - I have no kids to destroy my workout area, just a hubby! Every day when I get up to work out I have to pick up his gaming controllers and wires (not having much space means it has to be as clear as possible for me to have the room to do it all) - he comes to bed after me so it's not like I can ask him then and there, and his response if I ask him to clear it off the floor is that he just needs to put it back when I'm done anyway *sigh* Anyway.

    I'm wondering if there's any way I can work my arm muscles during the day to try and make them stronger without having to spend any extra time on it - any suggestions? I walk to and from work, but I sit at a desk all day and I get tennis elbow if I don't rest my arms on the desk while typing so I normally try and keep them static. Maybe once an hour I should pop to the ladies and do 5 push ups *l*
  • preciousnd98
    preciousnd98 Posts: 17 Member

    I'm wondering if there's any way I can work my arm muscles during the day to try and make them stronger without having to spend any extra time on it - any suggestions? I walk to and from work, but I sit at a desk all day and I get tennis elbow if I don't rest my arms on the desk while typing so I normally try and keep them static. Maybe once an hour I should pop to the ladies and do 5 push ups *l*

    Could you carry hand weights or water bottles or something while you walk to and from work? The push-ups would probably work too - I just try and avoid those when possible :)

    I ended doing W2 one last time yesterday - so 7 days in a row!! I was supposed to go to a bar method class but got stuck at the house waiting for the Comcast guy, so it seemed only logical to do the Jillian video while I was trapped in the house. I am NOT doing Jillian today!! Rest day finally!!

    Nervous about tomorrow and starting week 3...
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    Hello! I'm kind of still here, putting off D7W1... I've been doing other things... :smile:
  • meadows654
    meadows654 Posts: 164
    Did W1D6 today! I admit I still can't do the "give it to God" move the way it should be. But that just reminds me that my stomach muscles have a way to go & I thankfully have 3 more workouts on this DVD to get them stronger!

    And I have to ask, does anyone else smile when she says to "go on and get some!" I don't know why that tickles me!

    Have a good night everyone!
  • nh2576
    nh2576 Posts: 69 Member
    I laugh every time she wigs out about "hammer time" during the running man, rofl! Maybe someone can explain this - what does she mean when she says "...and don't phone it in." ??

    Another "pass" day for stupid toy disaster in my workout area. Tomorrow will be a sad, sad day for my children - a happy happy one for me!!! I work full time and the kids have had baseball and 4H all week, we've had very limited time to work on the toys, but tomorrow? Tomorrow, they are mine!!! I am going to drill sargent them until they have sorted EVERY last one, boxed up over half of them and haul them away. (when they get sad about some dumb toy that they haven't seen or played with in a year, I remind isn't the Wii, it isn't a baseball, it's not a 4 wheeler and you can't use it in the pool - you WON'T use it anymore!! When I remind them of the things they do really care about right now, they seem to be able to let go and move on fairly easily. I am letting them keep Nerf guns, balls, their train track and lincoln logs. Everything else must go!! Oh, and they can keep their farming equipment. We are a crop farming family so the toy farming equipment will always be able to stay.

    THEN, I'm going to do W2D1 - FINALLY! In the meantime, DH and I did 3 miles again tonight...lame, but better than nothing. I'm so glad he's getting active!
  • preciousnd98
    preciousnd98 Posts: 17 Member
    Did W3D1 today. I must say I like it much better than week 2. The moves are very challenging, but I don't mind them as much. There are a lot of exercises in week 2 that I just don't enjoy doing.

    I noticed in the first circuit, she forgets to do the second set of squat rows (the third exercise in the first strength circuit)… I paused the dvd and did a few myself - I had to switch my hands so the opposite one was facing forward to even it out :)

    I also noticed that Shelley (?? the blonde) always seems to be working harder (higher legs, lower squats) than her "advanced" model. I don't know why but this totally bugs me! lol It happened in W1 too...

    With 2 rest days, I am 14 days done - I can't believe I will be 1/2 way there once I complete it tomorrow!
  • Jessicapages
    Jessicapages Posts: 427
    OOPS I have not been posting on this thread.i am on D3W1 and LOVING IT!!!!! The only thing I don't like is the side lunges with the arm raise:mad: OMG thoes things KILL my knees.I am really happy with it so far!
  • sarah120906
    sarah120906 Posts: 69 Member
    Hi all...I just found this thread. I have been doing Ripped and started Week 3 today. Is it just me or is it ridiculously hard? I couldn't even do the move where your laying on your side and you lift from your shoulder. It felt so unnatural! I normally burn at least 220 calories and only got 173 out of this work out(
  • kpipes
    kpipes Posts: 28
    I hadn't planned to take 2 days off, but I definitely did! I'm surprised to learn how much pain I was in. My lower back constantly and my hips off and on. After the rest, my back is better and no hip problem. Completed W3D3 earlier and now my back and hips are bothering me. I went slower in order to make sure I did moves correctly. Will continue to adjust and maybe put in more rest days, but I refuse to stop! Still not seeing a difference, but hoping there will be once I finish and measure again. Hasn't been a weight change - yet. I'm trying to remain hopeful and positive - trying! :) Halfway there!!!!
  • I just started RI30 2 nites ago and am doing nite 3 tonite. I just saw this post now, or I would have bought it before! It's a crazy work out and am looking forward to seeing what week 2 has in store! I need something to boost me out of this "plateau" I seem to be stuck in! Hope this works! I love Jillian Micheals!
  • AlexJourneyHall
    AlexJourneyHall Posts: 137 Member
    I'll have to wait till the August challenge. Iwant this to be my school workout
  • cheshirechic
    cheshirechic Posts: 489 Member
    Did W3D1 today. I must say I like it much better than week 2. The moves are very challenging, but I don't mind them as much. There are a lot of exercises in week 2 that I just don't enjoy doing.

    I noticed in the first circuit, she forgets to do the second set of squat rows (the third exercise in the first strength circuit)… I paused the dvd and did a few myself - I had to switch my hands so the opposite one was facing forward to even it out :)

    I also noticed that Shelley (?? the blonde) always seems to be working harder (higher legs, lower squats) than her "advanced" model. I don't know why but this totally bugs me! lol It happened in W1 too...

    With 2 rest days, I am 14 days done - I can't believe I will be 1/2 way there once I complete it tomorrow!

    I noticed that, too! I'm also adding the last set in right before the cardio. W3D2 done today.

    Shelley works HARD! She's ridiculously ripped. I hope to have a fraction of her abs when I'm done, haha.
  • bluespring
    bluespring Posts: 201 Member
    W3D1 today...omg...terrifying!
    I think I'm gonna like this one the best!
    I can't do the sit up torture ones like she back can't take I just modify.
    But...I was drenched when I was done.
    Love it!
    Good luck everyone!
  • Nouran1
    Nouran1 Posts: 3
    what's RI30 and how can i join?
  • RI30 is a Jillian Micheals DVD called Ripped in 30. Pick it up at any's a GREAT workout!
  • persian_star
    persian_star Posts: 197 Member
    Ok, so this weekend wasn't so good. Managed W2D7 on saturday morning, then spent the rest of the day eating (and drinking) far more than I should, which (not unexpectedly) meant yesterday was an unplanned rest day *l* Anyhoos, I'm due to start W3, but didn't want to after a (very hungover) rest day, so I thought I'd go back to W1 for Monday morning to see how it went, and although I was still sweating loads, I was pleased to see I could get through the whole thing! All reps completed with no collapsing, managed to Give it to God for the whole 30 seconds (!!!) and heavy weights even for the chair flying :happy: Not that it was 'easy', just great to realise that even though I struggle every day, it's actually working and my strength is improving, even if it doesn't feel like it a lot of the time.

    Tomorrow I'll do another W2 just to get myself back on the level, and then instead of taking a rest day on Wednesday I'll plunge headlong into W3 :smile: Glad to see everyone saying they're enjoying it, still nervous but looking forward to it anyway! And i'll postpone my next rest day for a few days, maybe friday or saturday, depending on how much I'm struggling by then *l* Mind you, it's good that ther dvds are so flexible and easy to adjust when life gets too much to fit it all in. I feel guilty when I miss it, but then I remember that I need to feel proud that I'm doing it in the first place and guilt really has no place! I love the little hugs in W2 warm up... just before she kicks our butts *l* I'll miss them!

    I always assumed that 'phoning it in' was like phoning in sick at work, calling to make an excuse not to do it.

    I think Shelley looks amazing, but TBH I wouldn't want to be that ripped. Just toned enough to look slender is what I'm after, I think if my muscles were too defined I'd feel weird *l* Mind you, as we go along I may start to like having defined muscles - I know I love the feeling of being able to complete that full set of push ups, which is something I never though I'd say! :noway: But yeah, I have a little build so too much muscle and I'm sure I'd look even shorter and more squat *l*

    Can't believe we're already half way (even though I've fallen a bit behind now) - time is flying :o)
  • persian_star
    persian_star Posts: 197 Member
    THEN, I'm going to do W2D1 - FINALLY! In the meantime, DH and I did 3 miles again tonight...lame, but better than nothing. I'm so glad he's getting active!

    Really cool than you're exercising together, even if it's only gently! It'll also help him to support you when you need it most because he'll be understanding of how you're feeling, and hopefully kickstart him into getting into more activity - way to go! :drinker: I wish I could get my hubby to go walking with me - any tips on how I can get him away from running round a CG wasteland killing mutants and into walking round a south london suburb?