Ripped In 30 - July Challenge



  • BifDiehl
    BifDiehl Posts: 474
    No Ripping today - I had to get out and run instead. I'll be back ripping tomorrow. Good job today everybody!
  • persian_star
    persian_star Posts: 197 Member
    jae6704... Instead of the side lunges, I keep my legs apart and just do the basic left to right movement with the weights. I'm so worried to injure a knee or ankle if I lunge like that.

    I do that too. I don't have a huge amount of room so I keep crashing into my sofa if I don't *l* And I have a dodgy right knee so trying to not crash into anything and keep form is just too much. Just planting your feet wide and concentrating on pushing your butt back is much easier (logistically, anyway) I find!

    Still can't 'Give it to God', my lower back feels like it's going to break in half! Even with my palms on the floor. Oh well, just keep practising I guess. And though I've been using my 1.5K (about 3.3 pounds... I think? these are my heaviest ones) for everything so far and not having too much trouble, this morning for the chair fly I had to go down to my 1Ks, my arms just couldn't seem to lift the others. Always had terrible upper body strength. I have been using the weights for the boxing though, like we moved on to in L3 of the Shred, and I find that a really good workout. W1 seems to be a mixture of the cruelly impossible that I'm still struggling with after 5 days, and some that I feel are almost too easy, the bending forward ones especially.

    Tomorrow is meant to be my rest day, but I'm almost tempted to keep going as I really feel like I still haven't mastered W1 (though the soreness is almost totally gone after 5 conscutive days - yeay!) and that would only leave one more day before hitting W2... maybe I'll push that back a day or two - considering there are 31 days in July it means we have 3 extra days to play with on top of the four 7 day weeks :o)

    Anyway, despite feeling horrible yesterday (tummy ache and headache - the heat is getting to me) I managed W1D4 in the evening, and W1D5 this morning before work, so feeling generally positive, despite feeling rather like I'm wading through quicksand in regards to my ability to actually get through it! Glad to see we've all had a positive start and got our collective teeth into it, keep up the good work!
  • preciousnd98
    preciousnd98 Posts: 17 Member

    I entered it as circuit training, but upped it to 30 mins. Apart from anything, the sessions is just over 30 mins long and it's probable that in MFP it's per length of session rather than actual workout time. Plus, for the Shred I was entering it at 20 mins but for this I really feel like I'm giving her everything, just like she wanted, which turns out to be more than I gave for the Shred (never though t that was possible!)... and I remember when I thought the Shred was hard! *l*

    Finished the first 4 days! I am hoping to have the stamina to go right through all 30 days, but we'll see after a couple more days if i need a day off. I have been putting it in as 25 minutes after I noticed on D2 that the video was longer, but very happy to know I can add another 5 minutes and a few more calories burned each day!! I definitely give as much as I can during the video - the amount of sweat that drips from me and my tomato red face both give that away! lol
  • persian_star
    persian_star Posts: 197 Member

    Finished the first 4 days! I am hoping to have the stamina to go right through all 30 days, but we'll see after a couple more days if i need a day off. I have been putting it in as 25 minutes after I noticed on D2 that the video was longer, but very happy to know I can add another 5 minutes and a few more calories burned each day!! I definitely give as much as I can during the video - the amount of sweat that drips from me and my tomato red face both give that away! lol

    I know, I look like I've just spent an hour burning under really hot sun when I'm done! I went with 30 minutes based on what others have said they know they're burning due to using a HRM (I don't have one) and the fact that I feel like I'm pushing myself as hard as I know how, which is far more than I ever did when I went to the gym (which I hated - this is so much better - and cheaper!) for example.

    The only reason I'm having a rest day is she tells us to in the intro - for the Shred I didn't schedule a rest day (I had to take a few here and there due to life getting in the way tho ;o) - just tried to burn all the way through which I found really effective, but I figure she knows what she's talking about so maybe it will help? And I have to admit it's nice knowing I can skip a day once a week without feeling guilty!

    Getting quite annoyed with my weight, I tend to fluctuate between 123 and 126 (I am 5ft 3) which I know isn't overweight, but it's heavier than I ever was before I settled into my desk job. Since I started the Shred a month and a half ago I've maybe lost a couple of pounds (I now seem to fluctuate between 122 and 124) - and I know that muscle weighs more than fat and all that, but it still feels rather demoralising. Weight, although maybe it shouldn't be, is the first thing we think of when we think of becoming slender, and it would be nice to hit 120, considering I used to weigh a solid 114 for years with very little fluctation or effort *sigh* Sorry - rant over!

    Badminton tonight - now THERE I've noticed a difference! My speed and agility has gone way up, I won my first match EVER about 3 weeks into the shred. I do it every week, for the social aspect as much as the fitness, but it's so good to see the improvement that a bit more body strength has had on my game :o)
  • ssstephanie1715
    ssstephanie1715 Posts: 44 Member
    I've been so absent lately but I'm still doing Ripped. Today will be W1 D4. I took a rest day on Sunday because of the crazy weekend. So far so good. I can tell that I'm in better shape then before I did the Shred. I can now do girl push ups. I can do the side lunge with weights with my 5lb weights without much rest. In the Shred, I couldn't even do the workout with my 5lb weights. I had to modify it.

    I'm proud of myself and I enjoy the soreness of my muscles the next day. I really didn't experience too much soreness from Shred. However, I'm scared of the next levels. Especially the plank excerises. Though I'm getting better at that too. Still don't like them though.

    How long is everyone doing each week? I was going to do each week for 6 days and then move on. When you add it up though, it's only 24 days of Ripped. I feel like I'm cheating a little if I only do it for 24 days.
  • kpipes
    kpipes Posts: 28
    Just finished W2D1. I have no idea what she was doing! Lol! I only put in 20 minutes since I spent most time watching and trying to figure out the moves. I'm still sweating like a beast though! I truly hope I'm not stuck here for three weeks - trying to get it right! Keep working through it everyone! So glad this thread is here!
  • BifDiehl
    BifDiehl Posts: 474
    Did W1D4 this morning before work. I'm leaving on vacation tomorrow and probably won't Rip while I'm there. I'll probably just run instead. So I'll be gone until Sunday, but will Rip on Monday morning before work! You guys will be ahead of me into Week 2! Have fun with it! :devil:
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    D4 W1 for me. I was a little less energized than yesterday, and the calorie burn proved. Went from 270 to 215! Feelin' good though!
    No Ripping today - I had to get out and run instead. I'll be back ripping tomorrow. Good job today everybody!
    I thought I spotted that. :wink: I'll miss you while you're gone. Please think of me, and lend me your "get-your-butt-in-Ripped-mode-Steph!" vibes. Have an excellent vacation! :happy: See you Monday! :devil:

    persian_star... I don't like small workout spaces. For a few days when I was doing the Shred, I used my brother's room, and the space I had was literally the size of a mat! The good news is, you really could take the DVD with you and do the workout in any space! :laugh: And I hear ya, about the lower back. That's right where my old injury is. I sometimes lift my legs a little higher, so they're more 90 degrees to the floor, and just hold the ab crunch. Get that upper body Ripped!! Way to stick it out!

    ssstephanie1715... Good for you! I love that you're seeing progress in what you can do! I'm doing 7 days at each level.

    kpipes... I find D1 to be the hardest in any level of any DVD. You don't know what's coming, so you have to take it slow, but by the end, you'll be moving on to the next move before the girls on TV can take their breather.
  • itslillers
    itslillers Posts: 27 Member
    I started Level 2 today and oh man.. all those plank moves are so difficult! I feel it so much in my back. Definitely need to practice more and try to move the pressure towards my abs.
  • jae6704
    jae6704 Posts: 458 Member
    I didnt get up this morning to do RI30. My son was sick most of the night so i slept in this morning. I did get an hour in though of Cardio tonight including the C25K. Back to the shred tom
  • nh2576
    nh2576 Posts: 69 Member
    Ok. So. I have had a flaky start at best. I did W1D1 on July 2, took a rest day on the 3rd because I felt like i'd been hit by a truck, then walked a 5K on the 4th. (I took 1st in my division - much to my own surprise actually, lol). Then today I did W1D2. Today felt a little easier than day 1, but my right arm is twitching as I type!! I will do better from here out! I will survive! LOL!
  • kpipes
    kpipes Posts: 28
    Thanks Steph - I needed the encouragement! :)
  • apoyser
    apoyser Posts: 35
    On w2d2 boy this on is rough I'm always so sore with this week
  • rkinard1
    rkinard1 Posts: 5 Member
    I did W1D1 yesterday. I have been walking and taking kickboxing classes but found this workout to be rather challenging. I am going to put forth my best effort to complete it.
  • cheshirechic
    cheshirechic Posts: 489 Member
    W1D6 DONE. With a Yoga Meltdown after, just to make me cry in child's pose after, haha.

    Tomorrow is a rest day, then maybe one more day of level one... then onto level 2. Scary.
  • jae6704
    jae6704 Posts: 458 Member
    Week one day 4 done. Feeling pretty good. Thanks a bunch:)
  • jae6704
    jae6704 Posts: 458 Member
    Ok. So. I have had a flaky start at best. I did W1D1 on July 2, took a rest day on the 3rd because I felt like i'd been hit by a truck, then walked a 5K on the 4th. (I took 1st in my division - much to my own surprise actually, lol). Then today I did W1D2. Today felt a little easier than day 1, but my right arm is twitching as I type!! I will do better from here out! I will survive! LOL!

    Great job on the 5K. :drinker:
  • ridgellmomof3
    ridgellmomof3 Posts: 83 Member
    this is my first JM CD other than the biggest loser. I am on W1D2, posted this on another topic about Ri30. Not terrible but I have major exercise guilt afterwards. I am tired and sweaty after the workout but I am used to working our like 1hr so I feel guilty. my hammies are sore tonight and the running man kills me...but other than that I like it just trying to stay motivated
  • itslillers
    itslillers Posts: 27 Member
    W2D2 done! My upper body is so sore (yes still store even though I do modified versions of push ups)!!! I was definitely confused yesterday but today I found the moves to be fairly doable, except for those plank jacks and mountain climbers in the first cardio round. I always start to do them and even in the modified version, my back starts tensing up. Hopefully after this month, my upper body and core strength will increase. I wonder what level 3 and 4 are like... yikes! Not looking forward to that, haha.
  • bluespring
    bluespring Posts: 201 Member
    W1D4. So good. I can almost do a manly push up too!...haha....
    I'm really liking this week...and am terrified of what's to come!
    Stay strong everyone!
    Good luck!