Ripped In 30 - July Challenge



  • persian_star
    persian_star Posts: 197 Member
    W1D1 completed! Do we enter it as circuit training? It says I only burned 189 calories, according to MFP… I know it is only 20 minutes but I sure felt like I was working harder than that! lol

    If you haven't done the video yet, be sure you have your remote to pause for water breaks. Jillian stops for nothing!!!!

    I entered it as circuit training, but upped it to 30 mins. Apart from anything, the sessions is just over 30 mins long and it's probable that in MFP it's per length of session rather than actual workout time. Plus, for the Shred I was entering it at 20 mins but for this I really feel like I'm giving her everything, just like she wanted, which turns out to be more than I gave for the Shred (never though t that was possible!)... and I remember when I thought the Shred was hard! *l*

    I try and fit my water in with a slurp at a time just after the cardio, trying to get this over as quickly as possible first thing in the AM!
    I've done the Shred as well. I fully agree that Level 1 of Ripped didn't feel too bad compared to Shred Level 1, but I'm also in better shape now than when I started Shred too, so I don't know. Regardless, Level 2 of Ripped has been kicking my butt!

    I remember starting the shred, I had done barely any exercise except walking in a looooong time, so I think it hit my muscles like a tonne of bricks (not being able to walk, get up, etc *l*) - this time, having the Shred as a basis probably means we have better starting endurance and muscle tone. I know I'm using my heavy weights for most things for this, at the start of the Shred I couldn't use them at all!

    I find it amusing that she's colour co-ordinated their outfits, they all look so innocent and sweet... and then Jillian opens her mouth! I'm finding Ripped really hard work, especially that 3rd circuit - just have to keep reminding myself that I couldn't finish a whole circuit in Shred without stopping when I started each one either, just got too used to getting through level 3 without stopping *l*

    And I always wondered where she kept her mic. Bet that gets sweaty :laugh:

    Anyway, I was really worried I wouldn't be able to start with everyone as my dvd hadn't arrived but when I got home from work, there it was, yeay! Just ine time. So with not a small amount of trepidation I measured myself and stuck it in (I'm normally a morning person, so diong it in the evening felt very weird). Never actually had sweat running in rivulets down my face before - ew. Got up early and did it this morning, so W1D2 done, and feeling generally less scared and more positive, though when you feel like you just can't finish that second reps of push ups it's rather downheartening - can't wait til I can get all the way through without stopping! Think I'll take my rest day on wednesday, that way I've worked solidly on a session for 5 days, get a day off, then one more day before launching into the new week.

    Anyone else find for the football speedy running thing all your fat jiggles grossly? Can't wait til there's less of it to jiggle (also very glad hubby doesn't watch :wink:)

    And my measurements (though it's TOM so hopefully that includes some water retention too):

    Right thigh (Widest Point): 21 3/4
    Left thigh (WP): 22 1/4
    Hips (WP): 37 1/2
    Belly (WP): 35
    Waist (Smallest Point): 31
    Chest (Bra Line): 29 1/2
    Right bicep (WP): 11
    Left bicep (WP): 11
  • jae6704
    jae6704 Posts: 458 Member
    Day 1 level 1 done. Wow It was way more fun than the shred, and the music was better. over 200 calories burned
  • CindyLynn28
    CindyLynn28 Posts: 32 Member
    L1D2 finished. I didn't think yesterday was all that bad, but I had to modify a lot of the exercises today because I was too sore!:laugh: I burned 220 calories today. :)
  • BifDiehl
    BifDiehl Posts: 474
    Ripped W1D2 is complete. Made myself late for work to stay home and do it, but I did it! I'm doing all the full moves except the running man (?). Last time I tried that I aggravated my sciatic nerve, so I do jumprope instead. OH - the other thing I can't do well is the thing where you lay on your back, have your legs straight and off the ground AND have your head lifted up off the ground, too. That is HARD!

    how's it going everybody?
  • nh2576
    nh2576 Posts: 69
    Options all of you that just came off of the shred definitely have a better starting point. I own the shred but its been at least a year since i did it. I thought it was grueling, but no more or less than RI30 just was!! I finished the workout, came up stairs and started logging my food/exercise for the day so far and realized i'd forgotten my sheet with measurements downstairs. Went to get them...could hardly bend my legs to get down the steps!!!! That is CRAZY awesome fun!!! Now, I have 3 thoughts: 1) Starting this over a holiday weekend is hard. 2) Do NOT eat a thick juicy Mushroom Swiss burger w/ onion rings before doing this workout. During cool down/stretch I really just wanted to puke! 3) I'm planning to walk/jog a 5K on Monday am i going to do that when I can hardly go down steps right now and intend to repeat the brutal assault on my core and limbs again tomorrow?!

    I meant to start this yesterday...on July 1st. But got invited to an impromptu grill-out by some friends. Of course I said I'd come, then realized what I'd just done to my workout...kissed it goodbye for the day! Oh, well! That is life...gotta roll with it sometimes.

    I just came off of a Leslie Sansone walk challenge that didn't include much strength training. My goal was 100 miles in the month of June, which I did!! I started at 2miles/day then worked up to doing 5 miles @ 5mph almost every day for the last 2 weeks of June. But, after finishing W1D1 of RI30 today, all I could think was "Wow." What a different way to challenge my body!

    So, here are my starting measurements:

    L Thigh: 25
    R Thigh: 24.5
    Butt: 43
    M. Top: 41
    B. Button: 38
    Bra: 36
    L. Bicep: 13
    R. Bicep: 13
    Neck: 15

    I'm 5'6", I sure wish that number would go up, but doubt it will change from now til day 30, lol. I weigh any where from 173-177 depending on the day. Scale said 173 this am so i guess I won't argue, but doubt it will say that again come Tuesday when I have to weigh in! Darn holiday cook outs! I love family, friends and food way too much to not participate fully in all the joys of this particular holiday!!! I've learned the hard way that family and friends won't always be with us, best enjoy them while we can.
  • kpipes
    kpipes Posts: 28
    I did W1D5 earlier today. I'm still trying to catch my breath from the cardio! I completed the week though! :)
  • persian_star
    persian_star Posts: 197 Member
    OH - the other thing I can't do well is the thing where you lay on your back, have your legs straight and off the ground AND have your head lifted up off the ground, too. That is HARD!

    Yes - I find that one virtually impossible too! I've modified it by supporting myself with my hands, palm down, but still I can't last. It's my back that can't hold it :o(

    Finished the push ups today though, so that's an improvement :o)

    SO sore - my back in between my shoulder blades and inner thights of all places, feel like I did on day 3 of the shred but different muscles attacking me *l* So I can only assume it's working :o)

    And I LOVE the cool down - I'm not very flexible so doing the stretches from standing feel much better than siting :o)

    So, W1D3 done, only 2 more days til rest day *l* And if my Shred experience is anything to go by, the soreness should ease off after today :smile:
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    D2 W1 done yesterday at 8:30pm. If I hadn't've logged onto MFP, I would NOT have done it. I was so convinced all day that I wasn't going to do it, so it tormented me for HOURS trying to convince myself that it was something I should do.

    As expected, my hamstrings are KILLER!!! :devil: It makes me really happy, because I've read that women gain/have more strength in their quads, and have under-worked hamstrings, which can lead to injury. I like working muscles that never get anything.

    persian_star... "I'm finding Ripped really hard work, especially that 3rd circuit" Me too, but I love that 3rd circuit. Especially the weights. My arms/shoulders/back are killer. Since my arms feel stronger, I'm using the "fly" move to target my back more now. Keep pushing it! You got the DVD in time for a reason. :bigsmile: When I did the Shred (round 1), I did about 5 in a row, and then a break day as well. I found that worked really good. On another note: "Anyone else find for the football speedy running thing all your fat jiggles grossly?" No I don't. I do too much belly dance too really worry about that. :laugh: :wink: Belly dance is all about shaking whatcha got! I really like the football move, but it makes my HRM cut out, cause of the movement, haha!

    BifDiehl... I don't do the running man either, and do jump rope as well. When I did running man the first time it just hurt my ankle waaay too much. You talking about the "give it to God" move? I like that one, but it hurts my lower back a little. I can take it, cause she ends it right after I can't hold it a second longer. :laugh:

    nh2576... "Went to get them...could hardly bend my legs to get down the steps!!!!" :laugh: :drinker: It's like the Shred all over again! I couldn't walk for DAYS! After a few days, though, you will feel it less and less (and then you'll get to W2!). :laugh: Congrats on all your walking last month! Hey, our measurements are kind of close, and we're the same height, and just about weight. :happy: (My scale said 173 out of the blue yesterday, which was a total outlier!! :mad: )

    Great work everyone!! :drinker:
  • BifDiehl
    BifDiehl Posts: 474
    L1D3 done. Kicked it out of the way this morning. I'm liking it better now. I was kind of bored at the beginning but I'm working deeper into the moves now and am feeling it! :devil: Love it!

    Let's go everybody. It's only July 3rd. Don't quit on me now! :drinker:
  • bluespring
    bluespring Posts: 201 Member
    Back from vacay today is W1D1 for me.
    I just finished it...and it wasn't too bad. I still suck at push ups and crunches with leg lifts...but I'm waayy better than I was a few months ago....
    I did my 5 mile walk/jog I was all warmed up...which helps a lot.
    Good luck everyone!
  • cheshirechic
    cheshirechic Posts: 489 Member
    Finished W1D3. I woke up this morning and was in some real throbby pain-- it seems that this goes away eventually, but is that ok for my body? Is a 5-day straight stretch too much?

    Anyone recommend a good compatible exercise, too? I've been doing some Zumba or yoga, but I worry that the yoga is too much on the muscles. Other recommendations, ladies?
  • meadows654
    meadows654 Posts: 164
    Did W1D2! Happy that I'm sticking to my every other day routine. Man have I been feeling it in my tushy already! Love it when I feel those butt muscles! I do have to say though, I hope she doesn't say "I've got 400 pound people who can do this-so can you" in the other 3 routines. It bothered me in Shred and here she goes again! :tongue:

    But I got a good sweat on and I can't fault the results! :laugh:
  • jae6704
    jae6704 Posts: 458 Member
    Day 2 level 1 done. Feels good. Boy does it make me sweat. I am soaked afterwards. But still dont like those side lunges....
  • itslillers
    itslillers Posts: 27 Member
    Anyone else find for the football speedy running thing all your fat jiggles grossly? Can't wait til there's less of it to jiggle (also very glad hubby doesn't watch :wink:)

    HAHA I totally feel the same way! I suddenly feel very aware of my stomach flopping around every time! I finished 5 days of Level 1. I can't decide if I should start Level 2 tomorrow or continue to do a Day 6 at level 1. I'm thinking to start at Level 2 though, because I'm no longer sore from level 1 (like I was after the first 2 days).
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    Let's go everybody. It's only July 3rd. Don't quit on me now! :drinker:
    Oops. (see Grinch face) I'll do it today.
    Finished W1D3. I woke up this morning and was in some real throbby pain-- it seems that this goes away eventually, but is that ok for my body? Is a 5-day straight stretch too much?
    cheshirechic... All logic tells me to do it every other day, but I think we can push it as far as we can, and just listen to our bodies. I've done 6 days in a row, max, but other people have done 30! The pain does lessen as you go on on back-to-back days, but when you really need a rest, listen to your body, and do some walking for the day or something else, instead.

    meadows654... MUTE! :bigsmile:

    jae6704... Instead of the side lunges, I keep my legs apart and just do the basic left to right movement with the weights. I'm so worried to injure a knee or ankle if I lunge like that.

    itslillers... Good luck if you move on early. I wanted to do that with the Shred in L1, but I stuck it out for 10 days, and it was the best for me in the end, cause on day 7 and 8, after I took a day of rest, it was suddenly tough again. :smile:
  • cheshirechic
    cheshirechic Posts: 489 Member
    Steph - Thanks! Now onto W1D4...with maybe some Yoga Meltdown to clear my head and stretch it out, haha.
  • jae6704
    jae6704 Posts: 458 Member

    jae6704... Instead of the side lunges, I keep my legs apart and just do the basic left to right movement with the weights. I'm so worried to injure a knee or ankle if I lunge like that.

    That is what I did today. It was much easier. With the shred I could only use 3 pounds weights but If I do just a basic lunge I can use 5 pounds.
    I have been trying to use my elliptical for 20-30 minutes afterwards. I have found it helps with the stiffness that I get after one of the work outs. I think I just need more "stretching". I start doing RI30 in the AM tomorrow I hope that goes well.
  • bluespring
    bluespring Posts: 201 Member
    WID2.....done....jeez.....and aren't my legs are killing me!'s all good....
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    Finished D3 W1! :happy: Going to Zumba very very soon!

    I just noticed... Am I the only one who puts the day before the week? :laugh: