Ripped In 30 - July Challenge



  • CindyLynn28
    CindyLynn28 Posts: 32 Member
    I would love to do this as well! CindyLynn28 let me know about it and I already ordered my DVD! I should be good to go July 1st! I hope it's okay if I join in the "fun!" haha!

    Yay! I'm so glad you're doing it too! :)
  • meadows654
    meadows654 Posts: 164
    Hi! I would like to join. I already finished 30 DS, then started RI30 in May, but hurt my left shoulder. :grumble: I think enough time has passed that I can try lifting weights again. :happy:

    I'm probably going to do it every other day like I did Shred, so it'll take me longer than other folks, but it's what works for me!

    @Steph... so cool that you're going to be doing the same challenge!!!
  • I would like to join for July if thats ok? My video should be here tomorrow and I cant wait to get started! My high school reunion is on the 30th day so I would love to see results by then!!!!!!
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    @Steph... so cool that you're going to be doing the same challenge!!!
    meadows654... YAY!! So happy to see you (and me) giving this another go!! Easy on the shoulder now! :wink:
  • BifDiehl
    BifDiehl Posts: 474

    I'm here!!! Steph let me know about your group and I need the support to get through Ripped. I'm a big believer in what the Shred did for me, I"m just finding that I need some motivation to get going on Ripped. Friday's only two days away........
  • jend114
    jend114 Posts: 1,058 Member
    I'm in!
  • meadows654
    meadows654 Posts: 164
    Yay Bif!! :flowerforyou: Excited you're gonna do this too!!

    This will keep me accountable and motivated! Don't let me slack off now... :laugh:
  • persian_star
    persian_star Posts: 197 Member
    Rightio peoples! Goodness, didn't July roll around fast. Hope those who are just finishing the Shred (including me) are still alive and, er, raring to go tomorrow *gulp* I'll probably measure when I get home, so even though it's still only Thursday, that'll be my 'before', then every Friday in July to see progress. Though I'm still miffed that I didn't measure before the Shred, as that probably did more primary inch loss and this will be a slower, more gentle loss (but then, any loss is good in my books ;o)

    For those who measured before the Shred, it would be really good to see your before and after measurements fo that here to motivate us to get going with Ripped! Then we can see how the second month compares. Here's the current list of us crazies, though everyone and anyone is welcome to join:


    So, good luck everyone for day one tomorrow, and in bluespring's wise words, we'll “either be ripped...or dead.....”
  • cheshirechic
    cheshirechic Posts: 489 Member
    What body parts should we measure?

    (Kind of scared...)
  • Niveous
    Niveous Posts: 294 Member
    Level 2 is currently annihilating me. :P
  • jae6704
    jae6704 Posts: 458 Member
    As of today this is my info. I just finished my last day of the shred. Cant wait to measure next week. after the bloat is gone I hope to have lost at least an inch on my tummy. I am sooo close to size 12 I can feel it..
    Waist 35
    Hips 38
    belly 37.75
    Left arm 11 right arm 10.75
    Left leg 21. .0right leg 21
    Weight 171
    Lost 1.5 inches and lost 1 pound…

    Total lost 7.25 inches and 2 pounds
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member

    I'm still really really sore from yesterday's workout (1.5 hours of Jillian), like so sore my ribs/abs hurt when I laugh. I wanted to workout today, but I knew I should rest up before tomorrow.
    I'm here!!! Steph let me know about your group and I need the support to get through Ripped. I'm a big believer in what the Shred did for me, I"m just finding that I need some motivation to get going on Ripped. Friday's only two days away........
    Bif... Yay! :happy: I'm so pumped!

    meadows... No slacking! :angry: You're still gonna to every other day?
    Here's the current list of us crazies
    we'll “either be ripped...or dead.....”
    I think this should have been the name of our group. :laugh:

    jae6704... Awesome inch loss!! Fantastic. I'm very jealous that our waist measurements are about the same, but I fit an 18 pant. :grumble: C'mon hips! Catch up with the rest of me.
  • kpipes
    kpipes Posts: 28
    Thank you - I didn't know this either. Thank you so much for this thread! I did L1D3 today of rip30 and struggle to "just do it". This will be a great help to not put it off and keep going. I love how I feel afterwards and want to be able to complete the 30 days. With this support - I actually believe I will finally finish what I started! Thanks again!

    You already posting on this thread it will be saved in your "my topics"So when you are ready to post just go to 'my topics and it will pop up!:smile: Anytime you post on a thread it will show on there.If you don't want to post something but want to remember the thread just put "BUMP" and it will be in your "my topics"also:smile: Hope this helps you!

    Thank you! I didn't know that. :smile:
  • kpipes
    kpipes Posts: 28
    Obviously that didn't post like I had planned. Hope you understood it anyway! :)
  • alidov78
    alidov78 Posts: 77 Member
    Good luck ladies! Tomorrow is my last day of Ripped.....did Day 4 of Week 4 today! I joined a group on here for the month of June and we hung in there together! She's Jillian so you know what you're in for! I loved it though....even more than the 30DS! Keep it going.....your 4 weeks will be up before you know it.....1 day at a time!
  • apoyser
    apoyser Posts: 35
    My wife and I are in we are on day 3 of Ripped n 30 so we will be a little ahead of everybody I completed ripped in 30 once already, loved it lost 15lbs and 2 inches on my waist!
  • joystica
    joystica Posts: 9
    were can i get the cd pls
  • persian_star
    persian_star Posts: 197 Member
    What body parts should we measure?

    (Kind of scared...)

    Really, wherever you're interested to see a difference, there's no right or wrong place to measure :o) I'm going for left and right thigh (widest part), hips (widest part, right round the butt - oh dear ;o) belly at widest part (that troublesome muffin top pouch!) belly at the belly button, chest at bra line and left and right bicep.

    Since Jillian's workouts are so comprehensive for all the different body parts, you're likely to see a change in as many as all of those places, but as we all lose at different rates, you may see more loss in some places and none at all in others.
  • PrizePopple
    PrizePopple Posts: 3,133 Member
    I know it's the 1st already, and I likely won't be able to start until tomorrow (the 2nd) but I'm willing to do this. I got the DVD over a month ago and haven't even taken the DVD out of the case. :blushing: I have almost all Jillian's DVDs, but I only really like one (Burn Fat, Boost Metabolism). Hopefully I'll like Ripped in 30 as well. :happy:
  • ssstephanie1715
    ssstephanie1715 Posts: 44 Member
    Here are my results from 30DS

    SW: 188
    CW: 183
    Arms 12.3 - 12.0
    Waist (smallest part) 34 - 31
    Belly (belly button) 43 - 36
    Hips 49 - 48
    Legs 26.5 - 25.5

    Lost 5 lbs and a total of 12.3 inches