Ripped In 30 - July Challenge



  • nh2576
    nh2576 Posts: 69 Member
    W1D4. So good. I can almost do a manly push up too!...haha....
    I'm really liking this week...and am terrified of what's to come!
    Stay strong everyone!
    Good luck!

    I just completed W1D3 and share your sentiments exactly!!! I am struggling to do the butt-kicks in the 3rd round of cardio, though. Not sure why, but by about that point I always feel like I'm going to fall over, lol! I like that she says it doesn't have to be perfect - makes me realize i can go slower than they are as long as I keep moving, trying and giving it my all. But everyday so far, I have had to stop and just jog in place instead! As soon as we go to the vertical hop, land things, I can do every single one of strange!
  • persian_star
    persian_star Posts: 197 Member

    persian_star... I don't like small workout spaces. For a few days when I was doing the Shred, I used my brother's room, and the space I had was literally the size of a mat! The good news is, you really could take the DVD with you and do the workout in any space! :laugh: And I hear ya, about the lower back. That's right where my old injury is. I sometimes lift my legs a little higher, so they're more 90 degrees to the floor, and just hold the ab crunch. Get that upper body Ripped!! Way to stick it out!

    Unfortunately in between the sofa and the tv is the only place I got - tiny flat! Still doable though :o)

    Had my rest day yesterday and felt both guilty and full of energy that I felt like I should be using to do the Rip! And then getting back into it this morning I felt just as knackered as I normally do :os

    With the Shred I found by about day 5 I could do a level all the way through and was from then on working on maintaining that ability and maybe adding some extra weight - with this I'm still struggling with the second set of push ups (feel like a total weakling! And that's only the modified version!), Give it to God is still beyond me and I'm now using my lighter weights for chair flying and I still find it a real struggle. *grr* I just run completely out of strength, can't seem to make my body do any more! So I've decided to do an extra day on each week, instead of 6 days and a rest day I'm going to do a full 7, so each actual week will be 8 days. I just feel like until I've mastered W1 theres no point in diving into W2!

    I'll still be resting every wednesday and measuring every Friday though, so plan to do that first thing tomorrow before I rip. Be interesting to see if this week has made any difference, since I know the Shred did, but not huge amounts, so I may be levelling out. Looking forward to seeing how everyone else's weighing and measuring is going - all our hard work is not in vain :o)
  • ssstephanie1715
    ssstephanie1715 Posts: 44 Member
    With the Shred I found by about day 5 I could do a level all the way through and was from then on working on maintaining that ability and maybe adding some extra weight - with this I'm still struggling with the second set of push ups (feel like a total weakling! And that's only the modified version!), Give it to God is still beyond me and I'm now using my lighter weights for chair flying and I still find it a real struggle. *grr* I just run completely out of strength, can't seem to make my body do any more! So I've decided to do an extra day on each week, instead of 6 days and a rest day I'm going to do a full 7, so each actual week will be 8 days. I just feel like until I've mastered W1 theres no point in diving into W2!

    I felt a little like a weakling too yesterday when I was doing push ups. I struggled to complete the second round. I blame it on the lack of sleep I've been getting. This week is the last week of summer school for me so I've been staying up a little later then normal. I probably average 6 hours of sleep a night. Then I also decided to pay attention to my protein because that helps repair muscle. Hopefully things won't be so bad today. Tomorrow I move on to week 2. If it's too much for me to handle, I'll step back for a day.
  • alidov78
    alidov78 Posts: 77 Member

    Just wanted to share this email I got with yall.....I just finished Ripped in 30....toned up, but didnt lose any weight. I loved it though. This makes a little more sense as to why no weight was lost.

    Good luck all!!!
  • meadows654
    meadows654 Posts: 164
    Hey all! I did do W1D3 on Tues. I just didn't post here. And I firmly intend to do D4 when I get home tonight! You all can yell at me if I don't! :laugh:

    I agree with what a lot of you have posted. The "give it up to God" move I find sooo difficult! I have to lift my legs higher and put my head down every once in a while. Holding a true plank for 30 seconds is hard for me, too. :tongue: But I'm getting a little better each time and my tummy is staking less.

    The butt kicks seem fine for me, but I kinda lose steam on the second set of running man's.

    I'm a little limited for space as well, but if I can Zumba in that 3.5'x5' area, then I can definitely do Ripped there! :bigsmile:

    Keep it up! You're all doing great! :flowerforyou:
  • lbtewksbury
    lbtewksbury Posts: 147 Member
    I just found this thread I am on Week 1 day 5 and boy am I sore!!!! I've done P90X in the past and don't remember being this sore, I am excited to see the changes in my body. I agree with some of the other posters I am not going to follow the diet because I too eat pretty clean already. Good luck everyone!!
  • kpipes
    kpipes Posts: 28
    W2D2 Done! I didn't get this in yesterday, helped a friend paint. Very sore today, but thought I did much better on the moves. Still a chore to get through it! Push through everyone - I'm glad I did!
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    I've not been Ripping. :cry: Motivation = gone. I had so much before... Still have yet to do D5. I really don't know what to do to make me workout out again like before. I thought this would do it. I'm kind of in a mood where I'm not gonna workout anymore until I can get my eating up to par again, cause I feel like all of my sweat is for nothing when it comes down to it, cause I blow all my hard work with the bad foods I eat! I've been working out and eating bad for several months now, and obviously, not losing weight (although the inches were, and are, kind of fun in and of themselves). Thanks for listening to my rant...
  • jae6704
    jae6704 Posts: 458 Member
    Week one Day 5 DONE. woohoo. it was tough as I did it after the C25K training, but it upped my calorie burn from 200 to 300 in the what ever amount of ripping and burning fat minutes the video is. I plan on doing day 6 on Saturday and going to week 2 on SUnday.
  • meadows654
    meadows654 Posts: 164
    Steph: you know that I was so at that place for a couple weeks myself. Sometimes we just need to blow off some steam then jump back in. Find the spark that made you start this journey to begin with. And remember we're here for you!!
  • cheshirechic
    cheshirechic Posts: 489 Member
    I've not been Ripping. :cry: Motivation = gone. I had so much before... Still have yet to do D5. I really don't know what to do to make me workout out again like before. I thought this would do it. I'm kind of in a mood where I'm not gonna workout anymore until I can get my eating up to par again, cause I feel like all of my sweat is for nothing when it comes down to it, cause I blow all my hard work with the bad foods I eat! I've been working out and eating bad for several months now, and obviously, not losing weight (although the inches were, and are, kind of fun in and of themselves). Thanks for listening to my rant...

    It's not for nothing, because even if you aren't burning fat, you're getting stronger! That means (or it seems to me) that when you're on track with eating again, it will be easier to burn it off since you'll have more muscle, and be able to do more work. One piece at a time, and remember that tomorrow is always another day. (I apologize for all of the cliches! The latter one especially is something that I always try to keep in mind, so when I have an off day--or week--I can get back on it and lose the guilt.)

    Best of luck, but I hope you keep posting and staying in tune with the group! Let us know how it's going. :heart:
  • nh2576
    nh2576 Posts: 69 Member
    W1D4 done! I decided that the reason the butt kicks are hard is because I give it ALL on the strength training set immediately before them. I squat deep and let 'er rip...thighs when I get to the butt kicks my legs are on fire! I did high knees for part of the butt kicks today and jogged in place a little. Each day i'm able to do at least one move a little better than I did the day before.

    Everyday I'm afraid to start the workout because I know how much it's going to ask of me, yet I'm really enjoying the way it's making me feel all the rest of the day. I'm glad I'm doing this with all of you!!:flowerforyou:
  • persian_star
    persian_star Posts: 197 Member
    Hey Steph_135, ditto what the others have said. I don't eat overly well, but I'm still Ripping it, however much I don't want to. I find that starting on auto doesn't let my brain have a chance to protest. And I may not be losing loads (pounds or inches), but every little helps. We all have bad days, and it's oh so easy to let one run into another and then another, but all it takes is one decision to end that run and we know you can do it! Every day is a new day to start again xx

    And since I promised I would post my measurements (which I took this morning before Ripping)...

    Right thigh (Widest Point): 21 3/4 - NC
    Left thigh (WP): 22 1/4 - NC
    Hips (WP): 37 1/2 - NC
    Belly (WP): 35 - 34
    Waist (Smallest Point): 31 - 30 1/2
    Chest (Bra Line): 29 1/2 - 28 1/2
    Right bicep (WP): 11 - 10 1/2
    Left bicep (WP): 11 - NC

    Not a huge amount of change (and the belly is probably due to not being bloated from TOM) but pleased with my chest measurement (though not sure it's entirely accurate as I'm bound to have mis-measured a bit) - it's one of those things you don't really notice changing as the fat isn't all flopping around on the surface, so be interesting to see if I find some of my tighter (older) tops more comfortable when this is done :o)

    I managed to get all through the workout today though, even though some of it was modifed, so W1D7 done, gonna start W2 tomorrow. And then I have 5 (!!) bbq's to resist food at for the rest of july *gulp*
  • persian_star
    persian_star Posts: 197 Member
    W1D4 done! I decided that the reason the butt kicks are hard is because I give it ALL on the strength training set immediately before them. I squat deep and let 'er rip...thighs when I get to the butt kicks my legs are on fire! I did high knees for part of the butt kicks today and jogged in place a little. Each day i'm able to do at least one move a little better than I did the day before.

    Everyday I'm afraid to start the workout because I know how much it's going to ask of me, yet I'm really enjoying the way it's making me feel all the rest of the day. I'm glad I'm doing this with all of you!!:flowerforyou:

    Me too, knowing we're all in this together for both encouragement and accountability has really helped at 6.30am when I force myself to do it!

    That strength circuit kills me too, but I know what you mean about finding yourself more able to do one move or other just a bit better each day. I find it's my arms that are the weakest and what I struggle with most :ohwell:
  • lbtewksbury
    lbtewksbury Posts: 147 Member
    W1 D6 definitely feel like it's getting easier to get through but I was still sore this morning. I had a rest day earlier in the week so I think I will move on to W2 this afternoon. I have been trying to walk right after to bring my burn to 500 (hrm) Right now I burn about 275-300 calories with the workout and then do another 2 miles to get to 500. Gotta get this weight loss kickstarted I am stuck in the 160's and have been for over a month. Hopefully I will see the 150's next week!!!!!!!
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    meadows654... :heart: Thank you!

    cheshirechic... Thank you! :flowerforyou: You're right about the muscle!

    nh2576... "Everyday I'm afraid to start the workout because I know how much it's going to ask of me, yet I'm really enjoying the way it's making me feel all the rest of the day. "
    -- That really speaks to me. :smile:

    persian_star... I know that "auto" trick. Nice waist loss! :drinker: That one always makes me the happiest. Nice work with the other too!

    lbtewksbury... Work it into those 150's!! :drinker:

    OK! I'm gonna go D5 as soon as my sister wakes up... Hopefully before noon. I really don't want to lose the strength I re-gained in my hamstrings doing the first 4 days, cause I don't want to go through that pain again (as fun as it was, and it kind of was...). :laugh: Happy Ripping! :happy:
  • kpipes
    kpipes Posts: 28
    W2D3 done! I really don't like week two! I struggle very much with most of the exercises. I feel burning with lots of sweating, but don't feel like I'm getting the best workout. That sit down lift for abs is completely impossible for me! I lift but can't swing up much at all. This week is definitely frustrating!

    Steph - so glad you are ripping today! Just read your post from yesterday. I feel your pain! In a year, I've only lost 16lbs. 8 of those since joining mfp this year. I lose four, then nothing for months, lose four again, now nothing for months. Clothes feel better, but haven't dropped a size. People say I've lost a lot and can see a big difference. I know I feel better, but would certainly love to see results like most people on mfp are getting. Just trying to keep plugging away and praying one day I'll wake up and find the fat gone!

    Very thankful for all the encouragement everyone throws out - we ALL benefit from it!
  • bluespring
    bluespring Posts: 201 Member
    W1D5....not bad. Fast feet just kills me....hahaha.
    Yesterday was rest day...and I was just too tired to do it anyway.
    Good luck everyone!
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    W2D3 done! I really don't like week two! I struggle very much with most of the exercises. I feel burning with lots of sweating, but don't feel like I'm getting the best workout. That sit down lift for abs is completely impossible for me! I lift but can't swing up much at all. This week is definitely frustrating!

    Steph - so glad you are ripping today! Just read your post from yesterday. I feel your pain! In a year, I've only lost 16lbs. 8 of those since joining mfp this year. I lose four, then nothing for months, lose four again, now nothing for months. Clothes feel better, but haven't dropped a size. People say I've lost a lot and can see a big difference. I know I feel better, but would certainly love to see results like most people on mfp are getting. Just trying to keep plugging away and praying one day I'll wake up and find the fat gone!
    kpipes... That definitely sounds like my last experience at W2! :noway: It took a while to get used to the moves, and I had to modify most of them to suit me. My calorie burn was less too, which made me even less excited about it. But you're nearly half way done it! Just a few more days, really! :drinker: PS - That progress of yours is also exactly like me. I've lost 20 lbs in a year (a little less now, since I gained like mad these past couple days. I lose some and then NOTHING happens for a very long time, and then I get another small loss... BEEN THERE!! But we're still here, and we're still going on! :drinker:
  • kpipes
    kpipes Posts: 28
    Thanks Steph! :)