beraggled Member


  • Hi yoga is really good helps me with a pain i get down my left leg.If i don't do it for a few weeks it starts to play up again.Wii fit has it on there which is a good way to start.I now do them without it and incorporate pilates into it as well.You can also get other games for the wii that give you a good workout.Another…
  • Interesting to see the photos.I have had 4 c-sections.Have always struggle with my weight so doubt it will ever be flat.But really good to see photos of other people.Thanks guys has given me abit of inspiration.
  • Not all herbal teas are caffeine free.But have noticed that if you look on the box it will tell you.Some of them do different things i drink peppermint tea thats meant to help aid the digestion.Not sure about migraines but if you read the box it should tell you.Hope this helps.Oh and if you dont like normal tea herbal teas…
  • I know how you feel.I can be like that.But since i have changed the way i eat not so much.Dont even get the cravings.I read a book about six weeks ago called "the Gabriel method".It really helped me understand why i was eating the way i was.It goes into why we eat not as much of what we should eat and how much.For me it…
  • Just dance is quite good.If you want a good work out Your shape is quite good.You have a camera that scans you.You put your weight in then it does a workout for you.You can choose what area you want to work on or what the wii suggests.Then when you working out you see yourself on tv.It gives you a % for how correct you are…
  • Don't know about the website but there is no reason you can't change your goal.I haven't actually set one.I weighed 106 kgs when i started.So first go i set was to get out of triple digits.As for what weight i want to get to i have no idea.Have always been on the heavy side so not sure what is ideal.Also have had 4…
  • New Zealand
  • good on you.I started about 5 or 6 weeks ago.lost 2.8kg in the first week.slowed down after that so thought right have to change what i'm doing and started using MFP.I'm determined this time to lose it and keep it off.I think i have finally realised i have to do it for me and not other people.Keep up the postive attiude it…
  • If you don't want cake don't have one.For mothers day this year told the kids i didnt want chocolates.They bought me nut and rasin mixes instead.At that stage thats what i was eating not eating them now though.Been following more what i should eat for my blood type and most nuts are out.
  • Hi i'm 5'1 my goal is to get under 100kgs.Sorry dont work in pounds.Have already lost 5kg so got to lose 1.4kg to be under.Thats short term goal as for long term goal i haven't set one.Have always struggled with my weight the lightest i can remember being as a adult is 82kgs. This is my first week doing mfp and i'm finding…
  • Hi i've got 1700 calories a day.Struggled at the start to eat it all.To start with i managed to get to 1200.Am eating that much now and have lost 700gms in 5 days.Was abit iffy at first about eating so much.But looks like it pays off and i wasnt eating enough before.I had lost 4kg by going carbs in morning then proten and…
  • I have had 4 c-sections the doctor said on last one he was having trouble sewing everything back together.Got abit close to the bladder.I have been peeing alot lately but for me its a good sign means i'm losing weight.Said to my daughter today aww i got to go to the loo.Lol she said you always going to the toilet.
  • When my kids were little i use to put them in a pram and go walking.Makes it easier and they sleep while you walking.Once i got fitter i use to start running alittle.Walk a power pole and then run.Not so daunting as running all the time.
  • Hi i've just start using MFP you can add me too if you like.I have found support from people going through the same thing really helps.