50+ pounds to lose? Can it be done?

Okay lets be really honest. We all have moments when we say "i'm gonna lose weight" but about a month into it you get burned out... but there comes that time in your life when there is no choice and you decide you are going to succeed this time around. Recently I had that moment. I have avoided doctors for the most part since I graduated high school 5 years ago and recently faced my fears to only be faced with the possibility of infertility if something isn't done.
Now that was on monday may 21st 2012... a date that will forever be etched into my head. The day after I started a strict diet and have since lost 7.5 lbs, 1 inch on my hips, an inch on my waist, and a half of an inch on my neck. I have 50+ lbs to lose and really believe that cheerleaders are essential on this journey. 1 year and 4 months until my hubby comes home from overseas and I want it to be the shock of his life... Can I do it and beat the clock?

So I want to know... have you had that moment or not? If you are serious about it this time around, I would love to be there to cheer you on so feel free to add me!


  • angelle20182001
    angelle20182001 Posts: 2 Member
    I have a VERY similar story!! My boyfriend has been gone 14months so far overseas ... I am working on losing as much weight as I can before he gets home ... I have 100lbs to lose altogether ... so far I have lost exactly 50 lbs! So do I think it can be done?? Yes I do!! It has taken a lot of effort but I will reach my goal!! And I believe you will too! You just have to keep your head up, there are days you are going to be working out and get so frustrated that you believe whole heartedly that it is completely impossible and want to throw your hands up with the whole thing ... but don't do it! You will regret it six months from now when you look back, you are still the same weight and you think about what you COULD have lost had you just not given up ... I have been there done that ... anyway, add me if you like, I have another 50 to lose! Good luck either way, keep confidence in yourself! You will make it! ... Erica
  • lilorphann
    lilorphann Posts: 138 Member
    Today was my 460th day logging into mfp and I've lost 77 pounds! It can be done. My hubby has lost 180 pounds and my 16 yr old son has lost 125 pounds! We've done this without surgery, pills, or fad diets. Getting a good support system in place is so crucial. Please feel free to add me, I'd you'd like :)
  • beraggled
    beraggled Posts: 17 Member
    good on you.I started about 5 or 6 weeks ago.lost 2.8kg in the first week.slowed down after that so thought right have to change what i'm doing and started using MFP.I'm determined this time to lose it and keep it off.I think i have finally realised i have to do it for me and not other people.Keep up the postive attiude it will take you a long way.
  • kmarie0614
    kmarie0614 Posts: 102 Member
    I am glad to have someone in such a similar position... plus when this is all said and done ant the future hubby gets home we have a wedding to plan! Thank you for your push through this!
  • carinnaj
    carinnaj Posts: 149
    it definitely can be done..
    I lost 87 pounds several years back (it took at least a year, if not 2 years to lose it all; it wasn't overnight, or all gone in a month!)
    but, after 2 kids and separating from my husband, I let myself go and gained all of it back plus a few more pounds..
  • Hasu
    Hasu Posts: 67
    I've got way more than 50 pounds to lose. I'm already down 55 but I still have a loooong way to go.

    I've got a big trip coming up in August so the next 80 days I'm going to be pushing myself and pushing hard. Feel free to add me ^_^
  • bradphil87
    bradphil87 Posts: 617 Member
    I lost 60+ now do it can be done!!!! I still have 45 to go too! But there isn't a doubt in my mind I will make it there :)