kdiamond Member


  • Yes it was one of the best things for my confidence! I did it in 2004, recovery wasn't super duper easy but it was quick, 4-6 weeks total. You cannot see any scarring anymore and they are still perfect! I had the implants changed out to silicone last year and that was really easy recovery and didn't require any further…
  • Yes, as others said don't waste your time on isolation exercises. If you are new to lifting New Rules of Lifting is a great book - you'll have (as the bros call it) "newbie gains" - it changed my perspective on lifting and really got me started, and I had a lot of success with this program. GOOD LUCK
  • I only drink once a week when working on a specific goal - for me I sometimes lose willpower when I drink. I do try to drink Tito's and soda (or Le Croix) which doesn't typically hinder any progress. Only certified gluten free vodka out there. ;)
    in Alcohol Comment by kdiamond July 2017
  • I use the grass-fed whey as well. It is a little more expensive than regular whey powders but it doesn't have junk in it. Amazon has a few that are good, I like Julian Bakery.
  • Grip and I don't like my hands to be jacked up.
  • Why are you trying to hit a certain weight goal?
  • Try taking BCAA's during or after workout (during is best) and an Epsom salt bath at night to ease soreness. I often workout when sore since I train 5-6 times a week but both of these things have helped reduce the soreness.
  • From my experience and from working with a trainer who was a seasoned bodybuilder, he has told me often times you don't (ever) go back to your starting weight. I would focus less on that and more on measurements/body fat %.
  • Yes, share your diet and exercise plan so we can help. Definite improvements in glutes!
  • I think you're on the right track calorie wise but as the other poster said I'd add in more carbs - at least on lifting days. Carb cycling works well for me when I'm trying to gain muscle. Right now I am just finishing up a cut but I've done a recomp before (low level over a year) and it is vvveeerrryyyy slow going, but it…
  • Good for you!! You look even better than you did in 2008 and most importantly you look HAPPIER!!! Way to go girl!
  • They are good during a cut to help preserve muscle. They also help with sugar cravings, it tastes sweet like lemonade. I like to sip throughout the day in addition to the huge amount of water I drink.
  • I follow meal prep people on Instagram and get lots of ideas. There are a lot of non boring options.
  • Knowledge. Water. A few supplements (for energy, to get through a particularly grueling (or 10) workouts). Motivation/something to look forward to.
  • Yup. I love drinking too. When I am really trying to do something special I cut it down to once a week tops.
  • In a way, yes, because you have to figure out how to live your life normally, with balance, fun, exercising for health, etc.. But as long as you have a great attitude it can be done. I've been maintaining for 14 years! I change my goals consistently though, like right now I am trying to gain more muscle. Last year I was…
  • I had 2 kids in 2 years and gained 50+ pounds twice and then lost 80 at the end. My "baby" is 13 so I know what I have is what I will have. It is similar to yours. I will say (and I know you said you don't lift weights) it looks tightest when I am following a good lifting program, and doing less cardio. When I was 100…
  • It's a mind f****, we are programmed to think we should eat a small amount, but once you get over it and eat more you'll find your body responds to it! It's pretty amazing actually.
  • I've been very strict on my diet and doing 2-3x heavy lifting plus 2-3x Orange Theory for a 6 week challenge (I'm 5 weeks in now) and have lost 3 pounds but most importantly 1.8% body fat. I started at 114 and now I'm a much leaner 110-111. It's mostly about diet! I eliminated added sugars (still eat fruit), wheat, gluten,…
  • Firstly - how cool! Have fun! It will be fine. I lost 6 weeks due to surgery (did absolutely nothing for 3 weeks and then 3 weeks of light cardio) and although it took maybe 3 good weeks to get back to where I was strength wise, I didn't gain an ounce during my break b/c I was good with my diet. You will be fine! Enjoy!
  • Terra makes an all natural sweet potato chip that has no other ingredients except a little oil. I will eat these when I must have something crunchy/chip like, but only once in a while. If you buy a dehydrater you can make your own! I just bought one and I'm experimenting with it. I do like kale "chips" too, they aren't the…
  • Look at the ingredients and make sure there aren't any added chemicals, I prefer to make my own, but in a pinch, the Trader Joe's ones work.
  • Are you eating fruit? You can choose low gi fruits. That should help. I would stay away from artificial sweeteners also.
  • A couple notes here...I got my body fat done (15-point calipers by an experienced trainer) both post weight lifting and then again the next day with much better/lower results. It was VERY off after working out. He explained the muscles have glycogen pump for hours after training. So that's one thing I want to point out.…
  • I have one true cheat meal a week and have maintained for 12+ years. When I am getting ready for a bikini vacation (like now, yay) I limit those meals, maybe only one in the 6 weeks or so I take to really get ready. Anyhow it's worked for me.
  • I like it too but I use a 1/2 cup of Friendship whipped cottage cheese and it adds a good creamy consistency mixed with the gelatin.
  • I second the Oh Yeah One bars, they are delicious and come in every flavor you can imagine! The birthday cake one really tastes like birthday cake and the macros are decent. I used to like Think Thin as well but I think since I've found Oh Yeah I like those better.
  • My ideal diet is the moderation diet, same as you, I eat what I like and I like what I eat. 6 days a week I stay away from fatty foods, fried foods, alcohol, etc., and stick to whole foods, lean meats, vegetables and fruits, but one day a week I eat what I want (in moderation). I have a few drinks, I have a couple pieces…
  • ^^^^ I totally agree and embrace heavy lifting and strength and all that, don't get me wrong, but when I look back at those workouts at least 50% if not more of each workout are extremely upper body focused. I personally do not need that much upper body and at one point my upper body was extremely disproportionate and…
    in Crossfit??? Comment by kdiamond May 2016
  • I like refeeds and I believe they can help mentally, if not physically. You're exercising a lot on low calories, it's time!