

  • Hey, Great first step... I have found this site to be life changing... I am no longer trying to loose weight but I use the site as the reminder of the choices I am making It does not take long to fill out and it has been a very good buddy in alerting me to what is not in my best interest. good luck
  • Hello Yes, Young Living sells it, online or you can get it from a distributor. Check the website, or u have i guess. It is of the wolfberry Family of products (Goji Berries) Be careful in your comparison, lots of companies out there for the profit and do not have underlying "in the best interests of all" approach to there…
  • I confess I am pretty good at this eating thing - always have been - although my body is shifting lately. And I shouldn't feel guilty about it.
  • In addition - I really think this is important to stay on a healthy eating trend. A so so so so specific diet is "work" and who among us has that kind of motivaiton to work /work/ work at something that we have to do for the rest of our lives. I want to find a way of eating that is healthy but one I am confident I can…
  • I maintain a general philosophy of limiting "white" the whiter the more processed it is generally less nutrition. I look for 3 things and balance them out really - Fat Sugar and Salt- Truth is most things I like have too much of one of those 3. Sooooo does not mean I can't have them - but if I consume one high sugar food I…
  • Hi there back I am on here quick and away but wanted to say Hi and I oh so much have a very quick sense of you - reminding me of my daughter. I will try and catch up with u soon and relate what I mean and see if what I sensed is indeed a connecton. You will enjoy this site and the information it begins to reveal as you…
    in Hi Comment by stirling July 2009
  • Hi there I realize it really isn't about weight loss, it is the awareness that I am the one in control of how I choose to live my life. The more control I exercise over my eating choices translates into the recognition that I am in control of more; my attitude, judgements, mood etc., etc. I am the only one who chooses how…
  • hey there don't forget that as you loose weight your body is releasing some toxins which could create headaches, so the water is good to wash away the toxins that are now leaching out of your body, So in a way yeaaa for for the headaches
    in crappy day Comment by stirling June 2009