leapylees Member


  • I'm also 4' 11" and have been netting 1350 calories (eating back almost all my exercise calories and try never to go under 1200 calories, though I've been more active recently and have slipped a bit with that). I have recently reached my goal weight (7st 12lbs) and am debating whether to try to lose a few more pounds or go…
  • 4' 10" Heaviest: 159 ish lbs (not sure of exact weight as I went into denial about it) current: 114lbs goal: 110-112lbs but now I've started lifting and am concentrating more on body fat reduction than on weight loss - so upping calories and protein intake. More concerned about appearance and muscle now than numbers on the…
  • Fell off track: Boredom Distractions or disruptions to my routine, ranging from illness to having visitors to going on holiday. Periods of poor mental health (chronic depression sufferer - though have been stable/good for a while now) Getting back/keeping on track: realisation that I'm rapidly advancing through my thirties…
  • I'm in a similar position - 4'10" and 118lbs, which was my original goal back when I started out. However I recently adjusted my goal to 110-112ish lbs and am increasing strength training as I don't like the way I look. Hopefully it'll help get my body fat down and get me where I want to be - hopefully finally shift the…
  • 4' 10", 118lbs (goal is around 110-111ish) and currently a UK 10-12 (US 6-8). I doubt I'll lose more than another half a clothing size (i.e. I'll probably be nearer a UK 10 when I reach goal). I have wide shoulders and hips and doubt I'll lose much more from there now. At my lightest adult weight I was 96lbs and still a UK…
  • I'm 4' 10" and have found that the best method of weight loss for me is 'slow and steady.' I aim for a weight loss of between 0.5lbs a week to a pound every ten days - any faster and I end up with a frustrating combination of feeling awful, stagnation, loss of motivation and a tendency to binge. I started at 159 lbs,…
  • Apple shaped here - lost my back roll first, then some weight off my hips. Hope the belly starts to catch up soon.
  • The combination of fluoxetine and the Implanon contraceptive implant made me gain about 35 pounds in three months. My doctor was very unsympathetic and denied that the medications had anything to do with my weight gain, but he referred tne to an NHS dietician who said that both drugs were 'well-known' for causing weight…
  • I'm not a morning person either, but I also know that if I don't exercise first thing, I won't do it at all and then I'll feel guilty/annoyed at myself. It's usually enough of a motivator for me that once the exercise is done, I can get on with my day and I feel good because I've done it.
  • I found the 8 minute mark a bit of a hurdle too, but once I got past it I found it got easier. Persevere - keep trying and modifying when you need to. You'll get there!
  • I had two Implanon implants consecutively. I found I tended to gain weight in the first year of each implant, was able to maintain (with a big struggle) in the second year and only able to lose weight in the third year of each implant - and then it was very difficult. My doctor denied that the implant had anything to do…
  • 4' 10.5" and currently weigh 134lbs. Goal is 115 lbs. I've lost 4 lbs on my own over the last 6 weeks, but due to frustration with the slow loss for most of that time, decided to join MFP for some motivation. At my heaviest I was 159 lbs thanks to rapid weight gain due to medications (33 lbs gained over 3 months in 2003).…