Contraception - weight loss or weight gain?

Sid1988 Posts: 170 Member
There are always so many myths behind contraception and weight loss or gain; you can't loose weight if you're taking a certain pill, you gain weight if you're taking another, you lose weight if you're taking something else... you get the jist.

I'm just wondering if anyone can shed some light on their expiriences and what certain contraception did to their weight?


  • kristineevans
    kristineevans Posts: 56 Member
    I had the implant after I had my son, I lost 3 stone of baby weight whilst I had this in and it didn't seem overly difficult, I also had the injection and was thin on this due to an ed but the injection did make one of my friends gain a bit of weight she is naturally very slim and was def the injection that caused it! Hope this helps
  • clareeast
    clareeast Posts: 64
    Apparently, according to my gynaecologist, the contraceptive pill (irrespective of brand) "makes the system healthier" therefore making weight gain easier and weight loss harder. Certainly seems to be my experience!

    I am on back-to-back Microgynon 30 as a treatment for endometriosis/adenomyosis (don't actually "need" it as contraception) and I'm finding it really hard to shift the weight. The fact that I also have other health issues (asthma, back and joint pain) which don't make exercise "easy" just means the weight is even harder to shift! (And the fact I just like food - :-D)
  • mrseelmerfudd
    mrseelmerfudd Posts: 506 Member
    the implant made it v hard for me to lose weight. i couldnt lose at all.
  • ReinventingLisa
    ReinventingLisa Posts: 104 Member
    I took the shot last April and I wish I hadn't. I gained 20lbs in a MONTH!
  • Lyra89
    Lyra89 Posts: 674 Member
    Dianette - I gained 50lbs in a year!

    It took me two years to lose it.

    I started Yaz a little over a month ago and I've gained 7lbs.

    I HATE the pill.

    But I cant come off it again, I need it for skin problems plus I'm in a committed relationship. Sigh.
  • vwbug86
    vwbug86 Posts: 283 Member
    I have never had problems losing weight while taking oral contraceptives. But everyone is different.
  • MashaSK
    MashaSK Posts: 142 Member
    7 kg in 3 months gained after wrong prescribed contraception(first half a year nothing changed), oh yeahh+my periods could be up to 20 days per month and it took a while to fix back+ feeling sick, no possibility to train, headache and huge appetite Before prescribing them doctor took blood analysis. But I know that best hormone analysis are done during 31 days via slavia at least heard this testing exist in the USA Then I heard there are natural hormones-extracts from plants or whatever which are used for contraception...but all this did not come to my country yet So i am off any contraception for a while
  • leapylees
    leapylees Posts: 12 Member
    I had two Implanon implants consecutively. I found I tended to gain weight in the first year of each implant, was able to maintain (with a big struggle) in the second year and only able to lose weight in the third year of each implant - and then it was very difficult. My doctor denied that the implant had anything to do with my weight, but I was refered to an NHS dietician who said she didn't know what to suggest because there was nothing wrong with my diet according to my food diary, and that the implant was "well known" to be associated with weight issues. Thankfully, in the three years since I had my second implant removed, losing weight has been a bit easier.
  • alliegeorge
    alliegeorge Posts: 114
    Apparently, according to my gynaecologist, the contraceptive pill (irrespective of brand) "makes the system healthier" therefore making weight gain easier and weight loss harder. Certainly seems to be my experience!

    I am on back-to-back Microgynon 30 as a treatment for endometriosis/adenomyosis (don't actually "need" it as contraception) and I'm finding it really hard to shift the weight. The fact that I also have other health issues (asthma, back and joint pain) which don't make exercise "easy" just means the weight is even harder to shift! (And the fact I just like food - :-D)

    I'm on microgynon 30 too - never had a problem shifting the weight.
  • BaliRun
    BaliRun Posts: 114 Member
    I have never taken birth control pills for the same reason... I just have never like messing with my hormones and I have also been scared to gain weight.

    I am starting grad school this August and "Family Planning" was questioned in my interview! I was floored when I heard them ask me about this. It is a very competitive program to get into and extremely demanding and hard to accomplish. I guess they don't want to accept someone who will get pregnant and drop out half way through the program.

    So now I have to get on birth control and I am dreading it.... Soooo scared.

    Any good suggestions on brands? help!!!
  • LindseySprake
    LindseySprake Posts: 333 Member
    I've been on Cilest for years and years and although my weight has fluctuated between 140lbs - 120lbs during this time, i don't really think it had much to do with being on it, more my lifestyle choices at the time :-/
    When i first started on it (age17 or 18) i did notice it 'easier' to shift the lbs if i needed to.
    But I'm happy taking it and more importantly it does the job i need it to!

    I have heard some stories of other types of contraception having quite dramatic weight gain effect on people but i suppose everyone is different and you've got to find which one works for you :-)
  • roachhaley
    roachhaley Posts: 978 Member
    I think you can definitely control if you gain weight (by watching what you eat) but most, if not all contraceptives work by tricking your body into thinking it's pregnant, so I guess the body wanting to gain weight is expected.
  • ishax24
    ishax24 Posts: 51 Member
    I gained weight on the injection and I have always been one of those people that watches what I eat and tries not to overeat. I had to go straight on to the microgynon 30 which didn't help with losing weight, but didn't make me gain either. Due to migraines I'm now on the cerazette which seems to be helping me lose weight
  • penelofur
    penelofur Posts: 81 Member
    I have an IUD- after being on the pill for 12 years I needed a change!!

    I did not experience any weight gain with either.
    Hope this helps.

    PS- IUD is awesome! :)
  • Amy271189
    Amy271189 Posts: 66
    I have the Contraceptive implant and have never experienced any difficulty in losing weight while having it. Other problems yes!! but not weight related.

  • Ahluvly
    Ahluvly Posts: 389 Member
    I used the pill for a few years then went onto Implanon for 7 years. I must admit, I didn't realise how good it was until I came off it. I got it into my head that it prevented me from losing weight, I wanted it out and just to give my body a break. Then the side effects of using nothing hit me! The two months prior to having the first one put in, I lost quite a bit of weight then, looking back it was a trickle effect. I got the implant taken out in April 2010. To date I'm 27lbs I do think that has something to do with it. I'm now on Cerazette which I take everyday and for all my periods are a little erratic (I come on every few months) the cramps, pains, heavy bleeding, looking & feeling drained aren't as bad!

    I honestly think it's trial and error with contraception. Anything hormone wise you put into body is going to disrupt your natural state....they can increase your appetite and so, if you give into it, you'll eat more and put weight on.

    I hope that rambling on helps!!!
  • tripletmom2004
    tripletmom2004 Posts: 168 Member
    I too am concerned with starting the pill. I have no reason for taking it other than heavy, painful periods and slight endometriosis and I am 40 and just don't want to have a period anymore!!! LOL My gynie said there are so many pills out there. BUT I cannot afford to gain weight (it is already hard enough to lose for me). I am now wondering if it is worth going on the pill or not. I am already on prescriptions for depression and anxiety... ugh what to do???
  • bunnygirl1978
    bunnygirl1978 Posts: 32 Member
    I think that this will vary from person to person.

    I found out 2 years ago that I have rather bad endometrios due to entering very early menopaus.
    I have been on the depo to prevent me falling pregnant until I get sterilised

    I have found it near impossible to lose any weight. How ever I have changed my body a lot by trying.
    I am never going to get into a skinny size 8 UK again. I am a 12 all over but toned with it.
    I would love to lose a 1 stone to drop a dress a size, but I know I cant try any harder and I am fit and healthy.
  • kaydensmom12
    kaydensmom12 Posts: 338
    have been on bc pills and now have the implanon. With both I noticed an increased appetite, but resisted and stayed tracking calories and continued to lose weight.
  • newtz10
    newtz10 Posts: 11 Member
    I was on Yaz for about 2 years and I did gain about 10-15 pounds within that time. Then I got pregnant and had my daughter and went back on the pill and I was able to lose the baby weight pretty quick and was even below pre-pregnancy weight for awhile. Then I decided to get the IUD which I REALLY love. I did end up gaining quite a bit of weight since then but I think it was due to unhealthy diet!!! Everyone's body reacts to birth control differently!