Need advice re protein shakes

I am not sure if this is correct place to post. I am looking for help. I have been doing my fitness pal since Jan and logging most days sticking to 1200 calories a day. I have almost lost a stone. I run 3 times a week at the moment sometimes up to about 18-20 miles a week as I am training for half marathon. I never usually eat my exercise points unless at weekend and having a treat day.

I have just bought diet whey protein from my protein. I have took one this morning as breakfast and counted this in my daily allowance. I am going to take one tonight after running and only take another if running - take after my run. Should I be counting this also into my calorie allowance which mean only have 800 calories to eat a day which is not enough as 200 calories per day or not bother counting the post work out shake?

As i am still trying to lose weight but tone also. Any advice would be grately appreciated.
thanks :)


  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    well to start with there is no need to limit yourself to 1200 gross calories a day. You are doing yourself damage.

    If you are training for a half marathon you need to fuel your body...or you will become lethargic, have no energy, your nails and hair will become brittle and you are more likely to fail at this weight loss thing.

    Your goal should be to eat the maximum number of calories and still lose weight at a reasonable rate esp with 7lbs to should be aiming for 1/2lb a week.

    As for counting the protien...if it has calories yes...but if you eat back exercise calories and get at a reasonable goal you wont have an issue with too little food.
  • sharon210579
    sharon210579 Posts: 9 Member
    Thanks for your reply. Reason I was eating 1200 calories as that what advise on here and just been following this pattern every day.

    How many calories should be eating roughly would you say?
    I am 4 foot 11 inches, currently weigh 8st 7lbs

  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Thanks for your reply. Reason I was eating 1200 calories as that what advise on here and just been following this pattern every day.

    How many calories should be eating roughly would you say?
    I am 4 foot 11 inches, currently weigh 8st 7lbs


    If you change your weekly weight loss goal to 1/2lb a week I suspect you will be given between 1300-1400 calories a day net and that means eating back 50-75% of your exercise calories so you will be grossing about 1600 and still lose weight...about 1/2lb a week.
  • leapylees
    leapylees Posts: 12 Member
    I'm also 4' 11" and have been netting 1350 calories (eating back almost all my exercise calories and try never to go under 1200 calories, though I've been more active recently and have slipped a bit with that). I have recently reached my goal weight (7st 12lbs) and am debating whether to try to lose a few more pounds or go to maintenance/slightly above maintenance and concentrate on improving my fitness and increasing muscle mass. Agree that you need to eat back exercise calories, especially if you're training. I enter everything - all exercise, all food and drink into my diary to try and get as accurate picture as I can of my weight loss pattern and the possible causes of any plateaus, so make sure you log everything including those protein shakes.
  • sharon210579
    sharon210579 Posts: 9 Member
    Thanks so much for both your advice - I will change just now and start eating abit more. I feel like I have kind of hit a wall and not really losing any weight. I also log everything I eat and drink plus all my exercise as if not running been trying to do Jillian Michael dvd too.

    Thanks again :)
  • sharon210579
    sharon210579 Posts: 9 Member
    Thanks for your reply. Reason I was eating 1200 calories as that what advise on here and just been following this pattern every day.

    How many calories should be eating roughly would you say?
    I am 4 foot 11 inches, currently weigh 8st 7lbs


    If you change your weekly weight loss goal to 1/2lb a week I suspect you will be given between 1300-1400 calories a day net and that means eating back 50-75% of your exercise calories so you will be grossing about 1600 and still lose weight...about 1/2lb a week.

    I tried to change goal from 1lb a week to 0.5lb but still keeping amount as 1200 - im confused