alasin1derland Member


  • Wow, I appreciate this post. I see I have some tweaking to do. Thanks
  • Wow! An amazing journey. What you have done is proof there is hope. I hope the MS society is able to use stories like this to inspire others to find their path to health.
  • Are you sure thats not the number it gives you after exercise. for example you ate 1200 and you exercised 400 calories so you net 800 (and can still eat more because you are now under goal). Something seems very off. I hope you work it out. And you are right. Healthy is the most important goal.
  • Try a reset. Remove battery. Hold thumbs on both snaps for a slow count to 10. Leave the battery out for 7 to 8 minutes. Do not rush this. We don't have the same model but they are both polar and I found the reset on the polar website.
  • After all the pickles are gone, I will boil a dozen eggs, peel them, poke them through with a toothpick and toss them in the pickle juice. Refrigerate. Generally wait a week. Great when you're busy and need a quick bite.
  • I was also chicken to ruin it. I was advised where it was purchased if I wear it swimming do not push any buttons on the watch as it will leak only if the buttons are pushed while in the water. I was still chicken so when I wore it in the pool I sealed the watch in a baggy and put it in the side of my suit. I wore the…
  • Someone had posted this and I found it helpful.
  • Yes daily. I run 6km a day 6 days a week with it on and sometimes wear it for stronglifts. I do that 3 times per week. I have had to do the reset on more than one occasion but seems to bring it back no problem. I also wear it for snow shoveling so it definitely gets used a lot. :) Hope the reset works for you too.
  • When mine won't register my heart rate, I remove the battery, hold your thumbs on both the snaps of the device for a slow count to 10. Leave the battery out for 6 or 7 minutes. Do not rush this. Then it works. I found this info on the polar site after I started having trouble with mine. I had changed all the batteries so I…
  • 2 straight hours of shovelling knee deep snow burned 800 cal on my hrm
  • Somebody posted this the other day and it gave me new hope. :)
  • second to last paragraph discusses this
  • crude rice bran is a good source of potassium but you should always speak to a doctor before making big changes. someone very close to me had a massive heart attack and the cause was too much potassium. (He was on heart meds that blocked his bodies ability to get rid of potassium.)
  • I read all your posts I come across. I know I am going to find good common sense and inspiration every time.
  • Hi ladies. I have been gone for a long time for a couple reasons. My internet stopped working. It is now intermittent at best. Also I babysat a very active adorable 5 year old for a couple weeks while mom and dad took vacation and its been 19 yrs since I had my own 5 yr old running around. I thought I would still find time…
  • @ sunshinelively You are getting some high numbers on those weights. I am curious if the weight lifting shoes are making a big difference on form for things like squats. I still feel like I don't have it quite right. Maybe I should try the board trick.
  • After many days off due to life I have completed the first AMRAP workout. Thanks to all of you for the encouragement on completing stage 1. I just got caught up on reading how people are doing with the next stages. Yikes. If you guys can do it in I shall also press on. :smile: AMRAP squats - 52 @ 40lbs AMRAP push ups - 30…
  • So nice you could do this together. A great beginning for growing old together. You guys look amazing.
  • Just finished stage 1. deadlifts - 3 sets of 8 - 115, 120, 120 barbell shoulder press - 3 sets of 8 - 65, 65, 65 widelat grip pull downs 3 sets of 8 - 110, 110, 110 lunge - 3 set of 8 @ body weight due to recurring injury swiss ball crunch 3 sets of 15 holding 30lb plate Squat 3 sets of 8 @ 60lb (thought I would be higher…
  • quote] @alasin: glad you're here!! noticed the same thing about form, and needing to perfect it. for me squats are challenging more than DL's, hard to keep a straight back and not lean forward. saw some guys squatting and noticed they look up at something on the wall when lowering down. tried this - helps a lot with…
  • I appreciate these words of wisdom. :smile: I wasn't feeling 100% today and started my squats at 70 where I left off last time. I wasn't feeling any work in the glutes so I know my form was off, I dropped to 66 then decided to do my 3 sets of 10 at 50. I was successful in going all the way down at 50. Normally going…
  • Good afternoon ladies, twinmom your workouts look very intense. I can't believe some of you are over 100lbs on your squats. I am at 70 and find the last one difficult. I went hiking on the weekend up and down hills on a beautiful nature trail but I awakened an old hay bailing upper quad injury. I found out today, I am…
  • I went hiking on the weekend and wore my hrm to track my heart rate. (Hilly) Turns out I burned 404 calories in 65 minutes. Not the burn of a normal hour. Enjoy your hike.
  • Thank you for the replies. Its reassuring to know others are pushing through noisy knees. I am not new to exercising but I am definitely new to lifting so I am tentative about increasing too quickly. Sounds like keeping form is going to be an important part of preserving my knees. Twinmom, I hope you post what you did for…
  • I am editing because I was thinking it was a device malfunction. A tighter chest strap is not helpful in this case.
  • Hi ladies, I have been watching your progress to kind of gage progression, not as a comparison of person vs person but as a whole, regardless of where we start and are progressively improving. I love the dedication and support on this site. I have been following the book and just completed workout 4B. I love the workouts…
  • Its definitely ok. Its all part of the process. Ride it out and enjoy the losses when they come. You will get past this and it will happen again. As you stick with it, you will see the trends and come to expect them. Keep up the good fight. You're doing great and its so worth it!!!
  • I liked beta way more than alpha. The best part was the days I didn't feel like doing it, I knew it was just 25 minutes and it was easy to talk myself into that.