T25 - Love it? Hate it? Input please

I am thinking about purchasing the T25 series dvd's. A friend of mine has it and loves it. I have a Planet Fitness membership, I run when it is nice out, I am planning to dust my bicycle off this year, and I do Bikram Yoga. I am thinking T25 would be good on workdays in the morning, but I don't have a good track record with at-home workouts.

Any input appreciated!! :-)


  • AliciaV30
    AliciaV30 Posts: 147 Member
    I'm on my 6th week of T25. I absolutely love it. I use to do Jillian Micheals DVDs which I also love but T25 is intense I sweat my butt off the entire time. I'm loosing inches and weight not really as much as I want but I'm blaming it on my eating though :) I think u should totally get it. To me it's worth the money and it's a very simple plan to follow. Ur welcome to add me if u decide to join the T25 fam. Or even if u don't lol. I could always use more motivation from friends. Hope u get it!!!!! :-D
  • BeyondApril
    BeyondApril Posts: 133 Member
    Thanks for your reply! LOL, mostly I am getting private messages from people wanting to sell it to me! I'll send you a friend request.

    Have a great day!
  • lauraashley09
    lauraashley09 Posts: 182 Member
    T25 is awesome for the length. It's so easy to fit in your schedule. That being said, it's not a replacement for Insanity. I moved on to Insanity to see bigger results after I did alpha of T25
  • annadarelli
    I love T25! For beginners, it's a good start. And if you already work out regularly, it's just a quick way to burn a few more additional calories. I do it in the morning, then PT with my squadron in the afternoons, and do Insanity in the evenings. It is very intense for a short amount of time and great for everyone! Feel free to add me for support or anything :)
  • MSouthernbelle87
    MSouthernbelle87 Posts: 63 Member
    Just when I think I hate it I love it. I felt like I needed to do more during Alpha and Beta was pretty good. I am on my first week of Gamma and absolutely LOVE it!!!!!!!!!! All in all it is a good 25 min workout.
  • eganita
    eganita Posts: 501 Member
    Love it.

    To put this in perspective... I am a very active person who likes to run play sports, etc. I've done the Insantiy program in the past.

    Anyway, back to T25. I love how it's a short workout and there's really no excuse to not get it done for the day.

    Alpha round IMO is more cardio/core focused. Beta switches to more of a strength focus, using dumb bells or resistance bands for some of the workouts. I really liked Beta round in particular. I am now doing Gamma, which is pretty INSANE - some of the hardest workouts I've ever tried. I feel like I'm getting a lot out of it, though.

    I think T25 is good for both beginners (due to workout length, as well as always having modified moves) as well as someone who's already in good shape.

    If you have any questions, I'd be happy to help answer them for you, if I can. I am not a BB coach, but I've found that I really like Shaun T. I find him to be a good motivator and think he creates some really effective workouts.
  • Jaffsa
    Jaffsa Posts: 93 Member
    I recommend T25 to everyone I talk to! Love it love it love it. I went through Alpha, Beta and Gamma- then started over again. I'm on Beta for the 2nd time- great burn in a short amount of time!
  • Becoming_A_Butterfly
    Becoming_A_Butterfly Posts: 2,534 Member
    I got the T25 set from a friend who is letting me use it. I like it but don't love it. I wouldn't run out and buy the set for myself now that I have tried it. I like workouts that are fun, like Hip Hop Abs, when I'm not running, and this felt flat and robotic to me.

    It definitely works up a sweat, and I feel it later, sore legs, abs, etc. So I'm not saying it is not effective, just that personally, I prefer more fun and personality so I look forward to my workout.
  • ojosh089
    ojosh089 Posts: 32 Member
    T25 is amazing and it's fun which makes it even better. I do a hybrid with T25 Alpha and Insanity Month 1( will start month 2 next week).They are both great programs. T25 is awesome for the ones who don't have a lot of time and you still get your sweat on. Like others have said, I would recommend T25 to anyone who thinking about doing it.
  • blackizbutiful
    blackizbutiful Posts: 103 Member
    I'm on week 4 of T25 alpha i can truly say my clothes are feeling much looser. still a bit too early to rave about it but if i were to go by how i feel that alone is amazing. last week from the 9th of April i also added tony horton's 10 minute trainer i just choose one workout and complete them after T25 just yesterday 12th I decided to add two 10 minute trainer after T25 and today my legs feel sooooo sore but i love the feeling
  • Orion782
    Orion782 Posts: 391
    Finishing m 2nd go-round of T25 this week.

    It's awesome, IMO. Keeps me motivated and the results come.
  • Orion782
    Orion782 Posts: 391
    T25 is awesome for the length. It's so easy to fit in your schedule. That being said, it's not a replacement for Insanity. I moved on to Insanity to see bigger results after I did alpha of T25

    This is an interesting take. I did Insanity before T25, and did NOT see the results I've seen from T25. It's probably because with T25, I can stay on my Intermittment Fasting regimen. With Insanity, I could not eat enough! To do Insanity while fasted would be lunacy!

    I went from 198 to 169 on my first full cycle of T25. I lost maybe 12 lbs when I did Insanity.
  • alasin1derland
    alasin1derland Posts: 575 Member
    I liked beta way more than alpha. The best part was the days I didn't feel like doing it, I knew it was just 25 minutes and it was easy to talk myself into that.