

  • You're not alone. We all lose our motivation. When I lose mine, I strip down in from of a mirror and look at myself sideways. I think to myself "I didn't think I was that big. I need to lose that fat." This always has the same effect for me. Hope it helps.
  • "The report, Mean Body Weight, Height, and Body Mass Index (BMI) 1960-2002: United States, shows that the average height of a man aged 20-74 years increased from just over 5'8" in 1960 to 5'9½" in 2002, while the average height of a woman the same age increased from slightly over 5'3" 1960 to 5'4" in 2002." As taken from…
  • I'd say being short is worse. At 5'5", I never hear the end of the jokes about my wife being taller than I am. I literally have to ask her to get things off the top shelves for me. It's embarrassing when we have tall guests over for dinner. And yeah, I do feel for y'all tall ladies because I know for a fact that breasts…
  • I agree on all points. I'd need to add that I despise mushrooms and cooked fish. But gimme some sushi and I'll rip right through it!
  • @ JTexasFlood Watch out for foods with Maltodextrin. It's common in roasted peanuts and is a relative of MSG. It is addictive when combined with Salt.
  • Nine Inch Nails 1994/95, not sure which.
  • I'm a guy and I buzz my hair every 2 weeks. Maybe more depending on the weather. So here's the math: I buy a $50 set of clippers about once every 5 years. So let's see, 50/5 = $10 per year. $10/26 haircuts per year = just about $0.38. Yes, I pay about 38 cents to cut my own hair.
  • Tons Of Sushi! Philadelphia Roll, Veggie Roll, Ken's Roll... Just about any sushi roll or sashimi that doesn't have crustaceans in it.
  • At 1300 calories, your body is probably in starvation mode. It's doing its best to hang on to what it has, kind of like when we see our bank account get to $100. We know we need more but since it's all we've got, we don't spend ANY more than necessary. Listen to your nutritionist. They should know what they've talking…
  • Doing what I can to help and encourage. I am now down to 152.5 from a high of 175. This is the lowest I've been since starting college. If I can lose it, you can too. =)
  • If you have a Trader Joes nearby, I highly recommend their organic Stevia as a sweetener. Tastes great in my green tea with Zero Carbs and Zero Calories. =) You can probably buy it online as well. http://www.amazon.com/Trader-Joes-Stevia-Extract/dp/B007NLZA7M ;-)
    in Ice Tea Comment by timbiden August 2012
  • The fact that my wife and I both want me to look like Thor is what keeps me motivated. And trust me, I'm not even close! http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-_lRUfIxUmEY/T67_75IYDSI/AAAAAAAAJJI/FpxRlwgxYKk/s320/Thor_Shirtless.jpg
  • When I went to visit my grandmother in the hospital, I stayed at a friend's place in Boston. I gained 10 lbs in 4 days. There was a lot of good food and tons of great wine. I weighed 165 when I arrived in Boston and weighed 175 when I left 4 days later. As you can probably believe, that trip was the beginning of my…
  • Quitting smoking isn't easy. I have had friends that quit smoking crack and shooting heroin that can't quit smoking. Sure, they quit smoking for a week or 2 but then they're right back at it. And don't you think that the way the big tobacco companies want it Cigarettes really are that tough to kick. I give major props to…
  • MFP told me I should be eating 1200 per day too but I was just exhausted! I upped it to 1500 and felt a bit better but I was still feeling sluggish. Then on Friday I was talking to a personal trainer who told me that as a 5'5" man, I can still lose weight at around 2000 net calories and that I just need to eat better. So,…
  • I SO have to try the shiritaki noodles, Beanitos and PB2. There are other things on my list to try but these 3 things are absolutely at the top. Peanut butter is a guilty pleasure. I LOVE it and would be thrilled to have a low-cal replacement. =) Thanks to everyone who has posted here!
  • Exactly! a good workout is a much better stress reliever than drinking and there's no guilt. It's a win-win!
  • Many times when you're out with friends they'll pressure you and do their best to be sure that you have a drink in your hand. One way to combat this is to order ginger ale or an "Arnold Palmer" (iced tea and lemonade... it looks like a mixed drink). Yeah, they have sugar but they are devoid of alcohol and will therefore…
  • I love the muffin tin idea. Never thought of that before. Thank you!
    in Meatloaf! Comment by timbiden May 2012